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    Thursday, November 19, 2020

    Ace Attorney With the leak of the DGS localisation, I immediately started on my cosplay of the Great Detective Herlock Sholmes, not to be confused with Sherlock Holmes. (IG: @mistvein)

    Ace Attorney With the leak of the DGS localisation, I immediately started on my cosplay of the Great Detective Herlock Sholmes, not to be confused with Sherlock Holmes. (IG: @mistvein)

    With the leak of the DGS localisation, I immediately started on my cosplay of the Great Detective Herlock Sholmes, not to be confused with Sherlock Holmes. (IG: @mistvein)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:00 PM PST

    I Doodle Ace Attorney Characters Week 29: Viola Cadaverini

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:18 AM PST

    DGS 2 has been delisted from the appstore and the 3DS eshop!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 04:28 AM PST

    I did a bad drawing of Phoenix Wright upvote plz

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Character Appreciation: Adrian Andrews [2-4 Spoilers]

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:26 PM PST

    Haven't seen as much talk about Adrian as of late, so time to show her some love.

    Adrian Andrews is easily one of the most well written characters in the series. If I had to rank all the characters in the series, I can pretty much guarantee you I'd have Adrian in top ten. To date, her role in 2-4 is still one of the most difficult feats to pull off and she's a large part of how the case can even work. It's easy to forget how a good half of the case is built largely on return appearances from characters who don't really seem like they'd be able to carry a final case. A case like the Kidnapped turnabout shows how too many returning characters can horribly mangle a case if they don't serve some meaningful purpose in the narrative.

    Adrian though has to serve several huge roles in the story. She needs to be suspicious enough for you to think she's the culprit in the first half of the case, but still sympathetic enough for you to care about her as much as you do saving Maya in the second half. That's especially hard because Maya is a series regular while Adrian only has half a case to make you care about her...while also making her look like the usual evil Ace attorney villain. If any of this didn't work or you made her too suspicious and have her be too shitty early on, then the entire case would fall apart or undermine itself badly. It wouldn't have worked as well at all to make Adrian Andrews really nice and agreeable and this way works far more effectively.

    To that end, Adrian is already pretty fascinating when you first meet her. She's very blunt and terse with you, repeatedly telling you not to waste her time with trifling matters. She immediately deduces that you're Engarde's lawyer without any real leads suggesting that, so she already doesn't have reason to care for you. She even directly calls you out on bringing a little girl to a murder investigation, though she doesn't know that Pearl wanted to come along and help save Maya.

    She's also quite prone to saying some pretty cruel things. If you bring up Will Powers, she says he's got a good heart but won't ever amount to anything meaningful. It's pretty harsh of her to say, but she follows this up by saying that society doesn't value people with a kind heart like that, to which Phoenix sees a degree of sadness coming from her as he says this. The player isn't aware at the moment, but this of course is alluding to how she feels Celeste Impax was so cruelly treated. It's less Andrews legitimately believing Powers to be a worthless man but she just knows the reality of the industry is such that someone so genuinely kindhearted as him won't be valued or treated well. She sees how the world rewards Matt and Juan more and more despite what monstrous people she knows them both to be and that can be really hard to cope with.

    But without the information about Celeste Impax, it's reasonable to just read this as a really harsh and cutthroat comment since she's a manager for an entertainer. Anyone who played the first game would already draw the connections since 2-4 is very clever in reusing so many elements of Turnabout Samurai to its advantage. They very deliberately copy several traits from Dee Vasquez who also was very frank and blunt with you refusing to give detailed answers to your questions.

    Farewell my turnabout is one of my favorite cases for this because reusing and recycling large elements and general storybeats to previous cases is a standard practice now. It's to the point where you're able to piece together entire cases if you can figure out what case(s) they're building off of. It's not an inherently bad thing, but there is a difference between having an effective purpose behind reusing previous cases (which 2-4 does amazingly--it subverts itself based on the two cases it's borrowing from) but it also doesn't just ride on the coattails of old successes, something I feel holds back a lot of later cases that try to reuse older ones.

    Next, Adrian really carries a lot of this case as she's on the stand for both days of the trial. I'm pretty convinced that the game deliberately borrows its structure quite a bit from turnabout goodbyes, which had a setup where there are two incidents. There was only one reasonable suspect in the old man for the murder of Hammond, and they're fully aware of it while the real meat comes when you have the DL-6 incident to solve.

    Farewell my turnabout handles this really well by introducing Celeste Impax's death as the background case, so if you were to just assume the game is going to play out with its final case the same way, you would think that Adrian actually did frame Matt regardless. Even if you suspected and already guessed that Matt was evil and maybe murdered Celeste and made it look like a suicide, you're already conditioned into thinking Adrian has to be responsible for Juan's death because the game uses a previous case's structure to its advantage. The long first investigation adds to this as you're likely expected to think that due to Maya's kidnapping you can't justify a two day case, which would again lead into the same thought process.Lots of later cases reuse elements from previous cases and the result can be very hit or miss. Farewell my turnabout is a great example of how to handle recycling old elements properly.

    Then more and more you start to show Adrian's involvement and unlike other villains where you get a funny or cool breakdown, she instead just starts to freeze up and get scared. It's honestly a lot more "real" for how someone would react if accused of murder and all the usual Ace Attorney silliness is missing. Something is horribly wrong here. She's gotta be the killer but she's still not folding.

    Then it gets worse when you're given a dilemma as to whether or not you want to out her history with Celeste, which Edgeworth does on his own. I will say that while this is a really shocking moment and in character, I'm not exactly fond of how Adrian is treated for it by the end of the game. This isn't a problem with her character specifically but just more one I have with Edgeworth and the end of the case. It doesn't really make sense that she's smiling and happy that both Phoenix and Edgeworth took this case when you consider Edgeworth outed triggering information that nearly drove her to the point of suicide and outright tells her he doesn't care in the slightest if she kills herself.

    I headcanon that Gumshoe filled her in on the details and told her that Phoenix was acting under duress due to there being a hostage situation since it'd better explain why Adrian is so happy here. Plus the credits show she's talking to Phoenix while in prison on better terms. I don't feel the case takes sufficient respect for her abuse in this trial and it could very easily be solved with just a few lines of dialogue. They do comment on how cruel Edgeworth's behavior was in this case, and it's by no means out of character, but it's still a big thing to not fully resolve and it has the effect of sort of trivializing Adrian's feelings. The original script also had to correct its terminology with regards to her mental health.

    That said, the case builds itself almost entirely on what's effectively two characters. Apart from Lotta, Powers, and Oldbag you've got Matt and Adrian, two victims who largely contextualize the actions of Matt and Adrian, and De Killer, who doesn't get to do much besides being threatening until he gets to testify.

    The returning witnesses all serve an effective purpose with Oldbag repeating her usual habit of letting her actor bias get the better of her. Only this time it's inverted since Oldbag is right for the wrong reasons since she's ultimately accusing Matt of the murder but for a completely wrong basis.

    The second day in court is one of the harshest but most fun experiences I've ever had in an AA game. Powers testimony is great because he's nothing but cooperative and honest. In any other scenario this would be jokingly easy since you already know he's telling the truth and you go into the trial already knowing most of the details of the case. Instead, the game puts you in the mental frame where you're running out of options and despite knowing that Powers is honest you still need to buy more time. The game pauses for a second and fades to black before telling you there's only one way out and your only option is to throw Adrian under the bus despite knowing you misjudged her earlier.

    The game makes you see just how shitty you're being with the effective use of the audience to chime in every now and then to show that people aren't really buying what Phoenix is saying even if it's legally valid.

    Adrian here is strongarmed in a really horrible situation with neither side showing her due respect. They did a good job here of making her understandably sympathetic if she wanted to see Matt and Juan get what's coming to them for treating Celeste as a plaything and driving her to suicide. Even if she may have gotten herself in this situation by tampering with the evidence, it's not something you can really blame her for because that anger and frustration is a very human reaction. It's the perfect way to keep her sympathetic by making the target of her frameup a complete monster.

    It also ties into Phoenix's sense of justice because the entire dilemma of 2-4 falls apart if you can't care about Adrian. Her appearance in 3-2 isn't really necessary, but I'm really glad they brought her back so we can see she's doing well and instead of having these horrid assholes to deal with she's got way more manageable day to day issues to worry about instead.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    it's like Phoenix Wright but sanic

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:29 PM PST

    Say something nice about Wendy Oldbag

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:40 PM PST

    This guy's beard looks like a fucking upside down acorn!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:06 PM PST

    Say something nice about Nahyuta

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Alternative name for DGS?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:01 PM PST

    So most people have heard the rumour about the dgs translation. I have question - in english the title is Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken which translates to Great Turnabout Trial: The Adventures of Ryūnosuke Naruhodō.

    The title of Ace Attorney games is usual different elsewhere. I have seen people call this "The Great Ace Attorney" although i don't know if this is an official english title or if this is just what fans have referred to it leading up to its release and after.

    My question is do we think this "great ace attorney" title will stick if translated or will they pick something else? And if so what title would you pick for a western release of DGS?

    submitted by /u/TomJones02042002
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    Is this some kind of easter egg?(bottom right corner)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Bobby Fulbright drawn in my middle school art style.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Capcom has pulled DGS2 (not DGS1) from 3DS eShop, AppStore and PlayStore

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:34 AM PST

    Just released a continuation of the original music compilation that I posted last month!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:23 PM PST

    My Case Tier List. I have yet to finish T&T

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:12 PM PST

    It saddens me how little Pearl and Maya's designs changed between the original trilogy and the sequels, so I did a lil redesign. Used rejected concept art as inspo for Maya and Pearl's interest in shopping as inspo for her new look

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:23 AM PST

    Which American Comic Book publisher should meet Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:15 PM PST

    Dragon Ball Legends but it's Ace Attorney

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 05:32 AM PST

    Is the great ace attorney coming to 3ds?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:47 PM PST

    I have heard the good news but why is it not coming on the system it was released on I mean like g capcom really sucks these days

    submitted by /u/hay1234567
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    Assuming the leak thing is real, when do you think it would be announced?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Inspired by another post, I drew Godot in coffee, Poorly.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Safe way to emulate AAI1 and AAI2?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated 💝

    submitted by /u/A_Common_Relic
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