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    Sunday, November 1, 2020

    Ace Attorney My son as Godot for Halloween

    Ace Attorney My son as Godot for Halloween

    My son as Godot for Halloween

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:39 PM PST

    I cosplayed Mia Fey for Halloween

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:45 PM PST

    *cue quote containing the word “fool” 274 times* Franziska art by me (@artbyeshia on insta)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:17 AM PST

    First time carving a pumpkin - pain in the ass but happy with how it came out. I hope I can improve next year!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:23 AM PST

    Back at it again with some more sprites. Again no credit needed use these if you want to

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:02 PM PST

    questions at school be like

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:57 AM PST

    "... Just like the sun."

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:08 PM PST

    My cousin dressed up as Dahlia Hawthorne for Halloween!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:21 AM PST

    Some Ace Attorney doodles I did to practise eyes/shading/poses.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:31 PM PST

    It tared a little but I still love it :,)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:33 AM PST

    Me and my friends got in a fight in Discord. So I remade it in Objection.lol (aka God's gift to this world) Enjoy

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:52 PM PST

    Franmaya Hero/Villain AU art again by me (@Sverious_Art on twt @Sverious.Art on IG) Designs are by @Kewstiny on IG and twt

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:31 PM PST

    I've drawn Shelly de Killer and his radio transmitter for this year's Inktober-challenge

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:26 AM PST

    People loved the Franzy I drew, so here's my take on a DD/SoJ era Sebastian Debeste. Decided he'd likely go as far from his father's biker image as possible, so I went for a regency vibe befitting the conductor thing

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:23 AM PST

    About Notes feature during Investigations

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:25 PM PST

    I don't know why,but this feature...somehow made Investigation segments tolerable for me. My take is that during original Trilogy's Investigations I forgot/didn't pay attention to some of the tasks accidentally,but with Notes feature I can quickly check what I did or need to do.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    I think that devs remembered the stupidest things Phoenix made,and decided to revive 'em through Apollo

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:25 AM PST

    I love Turnabout Big Top

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:01 AM PST

    I am considering the changes made in the anime, that just made it all the more enjoyable, mainly they removed the love triangle and made tweaks to the Ringmaster's Papers where they prove that Max also requested a raise for his coworker's, so that they would improve more. Also a re-enactment of the crime done by the Ben and Moe is a neat addition.

    The first case that we have a dumbass (or at least someone that appears as one) as the defendant, Max unlikeability in the beginning just makes it so much more intriguing how he isn't the killer, a bit of a contrast to Matt Engarde that looks like a good person just as Will Powers.

    Here we also see the appearence of penalties when pressing the witness, it may sound rough in the beggining, but just by paying close attention to the statements you can clearly see the ones that will give you evidence.

    Now about Acro, a killer blind by rage, some people may say that he lacks reasoning, but I would say that he does have a motive, since not only Regina's lion made Bat enter a long-ass coma, you need to remember that she is also really carefree when talking about murders, by tricking herself into believing that people just become stars, which someone, in this case Acro, may believe that she is actually mocking the death of said person.

    The only complaint that I have is that it would be more reasonable if it was shown to us that Acro always carried a blanket in his lap, so that the last bit of proof wasn't so out there.

    (Sorry for any mistakes, this is not my main language)

    submitted by /u/Khouri1
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    A Very Long, Extremely Complicated Rewrite of the Apollo Trilogy (Part 3)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:35 PM PST

    Part 1,Part 2


    Second Trial

    The trial begins with the summation of the supposed events. At 10:00 AM, Phoenix met with Thalassa in the storeroom, then stabbed her with the blade right as Valant watched. This is contested by a number of details, until Valant is called onto the stand to testify.

    Soon, various facts come out. The storeroom had been filled with knockout gas, which the culprit used while wearing a clown mask (actually a gas mask). Phoenix had actually gotten Thalassa to climb onto the upper level before being knocked out himself, before then having his body hidden by a tarp. Valant then chased the culprit up the ladder, putting them in a three-way succession across the one-way path.

    Valant, by the time this is proven, continues to insist the culprit must have been Phoenix, but Apollo reveals the secret passage, proving another individual could easily come and go as they pleased from the storeroom. The question, however, comes into perspective what happened on the upper level.

    Valant admits that both he and the culprit were wielding the guns from Magnifi's test, and the two shot at each other. Valant, once pressed hard enough, admits that somehow the bullet hit Thalassa, and he was the one who killed her by accident, but Apollo proves that that can't be the case both by the positions of the people involved, but also the bullet markings on the far wall. Rather, the culprit purposely shot Thalassa, and baited Valant into rushing him. Then the culprit, wielding a weapon, stabbed Valant, leading to him fleeing, before then tossing Thalassa down to the lower level as an insult to her, moved the table to the center of the room, stabbed her gunshot wound with the sword before putting it in Phoenix hands to frame him, cleaned up evidence, and left.

    Suddenly, Valant begins coughing up blood. Trucy asks what's wrong, only for Apollo to see just what; Valant's knife wound has reopened, proving exactly what happened.

    Valant tells his story. After he and Zak were taken in by Magnifi and became his apprentices, they competed in terms of everything, talent, position and even love. They both loved Thalassa, but it was Zak who, as always, won out.

    This defeat took grip of Valant, and he began trying to show up Zak in everything. His recklessness grew ever more, until the accident during rehearsal when Thalassa was shot, a result of his own recklessness. This lead to the destructive relationship between Magnifi and Valant, who "punished" Valant by essentially making the legacy of the accident hang over his head, while Zak for all the pressure on him was always given the belief that he could inherent Magnifi's will.

    This resentment towards his mentor and surrogate brother continued until the night of Magnifi's death. Like in the actual game, Zak correctly passed the test and was given the right to his mentors work, while Valant was screwed over and decided to frame Zak for Magnifi's murder after the latter committed suicide.

    What happened, however, is something which shocked Valant. Zak, with zero reassurance, despite owning evidence that could prove his acquittal, choose to instead protect Valant. Even though he knew the truth (Valant believes that, anyway), he refused to give up on his closest friend, and even wanted him to continue with Trucy. Zak, essentially, sacrificed everything in an act of forgiveness.

    This realization broke Valant, and he fell into a deep despair. His life ruined by the rumours that he killed Magnifi, he was left adrift. He wasted away, not caring what happened to his life.

    "Then it happened. Three months ago, I was diagnosed with liver cancer."

    It was around this time that Valant was given the offer to help the Gavinners help with their new show. Valant was hesitant at first...until he realized from just a single look that Thalassa was alive.

    This renewed hope lead him to making the arrangement with Phoenix. He would track down Thalassa while he would put on one last show which was secretly his means of debuting Trucy to the world. Even if it meant working with the man who forever resented, if he could reunite Trucy with her mother, it was worth it.

    "Trucy, no matter what...remember. You are the future we lived for. Your father, mother, and I."

    "...Uncle Valant..."

    Valant suddenly begins coughing up blood, the opened wound worsening by the second. Valant admits hid gratitude towards Apollo for allowing him this one last opportunity to atone for the terrible thing he did.

    "My body withers and rots, yet all I feel on the final curtain fall is joy. I wonder, was that what he saw at the time...?"

    "Uncle Valant!{

    "Zak...Thalassa...your girl's here smiling for us all..."

    Valant, a smile on his face, collapses to the ground, his body destroyed. Before a single person can try to save him, it is too late, for his life has already left him.


    For a while, a silence fall over the courtroom. Apollo, Trucy and Klavier stand there silently, contemplating everything that's happened.

    Then, Apollo speaks up with a request.

    "Prosecutor Gavin, you may call whoever you want to stand."

    "...If that is the case...then I call up the killer of Zak Gramarye, and my brother...former Attorney Kristoph Gavin."

    Kristoph arrives at the stand, utterly unchanging. Faced with the accusations of the murders he committed, he's baffled as to why he's even being questioned, arguing there's no point to the accusations regarding cases he has literally no role in. Apollo and Klavier however are unphased and both flat out accuse Kristoph of being the mastermind.

    Kristoph snaps briefly at the accusation, arguing that this is an insult to the entire court, only for Klavier to tell him that he's only saying that because he (Kristoph) thinks his will is the courthouse. Apollo proceeds to present the escape plan that Daryan had, which proves he working under someone already in prison. That person would need to be powerful enough to manipulate the prison staff, have some kind of vested interest in Phoenix, and most importantly have had a correspondence chain with Misham which started seven years ago, criteria which Kristoph meets.

    Kristoph laughs and says Apollo is clearly going mad assuming the killer is an already jailed man. After all, what physical evidence does he have? Klavier (BTW, an idea I have would be the player presenting evidence from both Apollo and Klavier's POVs, to show that they're working together) presents the nail polish and letters, both supporting the case. Klavier reveals the fact that it was Kristoph who originally gave him the tipoff about Phoenix presenting forged evidence. This supports the argument that Kristoph orchestrated the whole incident.

    Kristoph dismisses all of it, saying that both the defence and prosecution are a pair of idiots, then makes an incredibly threatening comment towards Klavier telling him to back off unless he wants to be "punished". Kristoph says that the two have tried cooking up a clever ploy, but the truth is clear, Wright is the one who plotted all of this. He blackmailed Misham and Daryan to do his bidding, killed Misham when he was unneeded, and then murdered Thalassa on the basis of her being Trucy's mother. There's nothing more to the truth than that.

    All seems lost, as it becomes clear they have seemingly no evidence to prove the case. Apollo is about to admit defeat...

    ...and then he gets a flashback of himself as an infant, with his mother cradling him.

    "You grandfather and I...we were born with special eyes."

    "With a glance, we could see the minute details of people. Every tiny movement they made in full view, it became part of the thing that made up who they are to us."

    "I wonder...why were born with these eyes? These eyes, which could see what people really believed?"

    "I think...it was because we were fated to try understanding them. People lie for love, and people lie for hate. If we could see through those lies...what would we see? Would...would see the truth to all people, then?"

    "Apollo, I'm sorry. These eyes...they're the only thing I could give you. I...I know it's not enough. It's something me, and your father...would never be able to give you."

    "Just remember...mommy always loved you!"

    Apollo's eyes open.


    Instantly, he hears Trucy's voice.

    "Eh? Polly...you're crying..."

    "...Yeah, I know."

    Apollo turns and looks at Kristoph.

    "Former District Attorney Kristoph Gavin! I accuse you of the murder of Thalassa Gramarye!"

    "What are you even talking about? There's no proof I did anything of the sort!"

    Apollo perceives Kristoph's hand as she claims there's no proof. As it is mentioned in a minor aside, the bullets Magnifi specifically used are made of a specific alloy (the same one as the bracelets) which when they collide with a surface make a specific scar due to how they work in regards to heat. When Valant shot at Kristoph, the bullet actually grazed his hand, leaving the scar and the distinct "devil" pattern which appears when he clenches it.

    Kristoph is astonished Apollo would even come to such an absurd, baseless conclusion, but Klavier says he's seen Apollo in action enough to tell it's the real deal. Even though Kristoph made sure to remove all traces from the crime scene, including the bullets, he can't remove the evidence from his own body. Together, Apollo and Klavier declare Kristoph is the mastermind, and Kristoph explodes in a rage, his appearance devolving into his dishevelled look post breakdown as he screams that Wright ruined everything.


    He put his entire life into it, and it gave him nothing.

    Thanks to his father, Kristoph was denied everything. Every waking minute, he was studying, desperately trying to improve to where he could be the greatest lawyer in the world. He put his entire life into his work, and he got nothing. Despite intensely training, Kristoph failed to win a single Not Guilty verdict.

    And then he heard about some surprising. A newbie attorney, who had pulled off a win against a famous prosecutor. Someone of Kristoph's stature, who was doing the impossible.

    The young man known as Phoenix Wright.

    For years, Kristoph obsessively followed Phoenix's exploits. Every shocking case he was part of, every spectacular acquittal, furthered his admiration. Finally, he had found a true genius who could show him the error of his ways.

    Eventually, Kristoph successfully managed to stand in the audience of Phoenix's greatest trial, the conclusion of Trials and Tribulations. After the case was finished, he personally went him met him outside the courthouse, desperate to learn how such a brilliant man was created.

    "Well, you see, I was an art student for a while..."


    Apollo is left baffled as to what Kristoph is talking about, to which Kristoph tells him that Phoenix betrayed him, because Phoenix proved to be the thing which proved his worldview wrong. Unlike he, who dedicated his entire life to the truth and got nothing in return, Phoenix was just an normal person who managed to have everything he didn't. This unlocked something horrific in Kristoph, and because of that, he decided to destroy Phoenix's career, reputation, and happiness.

    The opportunity was given to him with that fateful case. Zak had initially planned for Kristoph for his defence attorney, but after the game of cards he took Phoenix. Sizeing the chance, Kristoph did as he did in the actual game, Klavier into exposing Phoenix using the forged diary page he'd previously had Vera make, destroying Phoenix's career.

    Kristoph proceeded to have everyone with relation to the MM-4 incident watched, making sure that he could control single part of his life. He blackmailed Misham and Daryan by threatening them with Vera's life, leading to Daryan becoming a detective to "watch" Klavier (in reality so Kristoph could keep his little brother on a leash) and Misham sending forgeries to him. All of Kristoph's wins were with forged evidence, his entire career was a sham.

    Eventually, when Zak returned to the country with the intent to pass over the rights of Magnifi's work to Trucy, Kristoph used his monitoring of Brushel to track down Zak himself. Meeting him, he used footage of the poker games Phoenix was playing and convinced him Phoenix was exploiting Trucy for his own gain. Zak, horrified at the prospect (remember, he is terrified in this version of what would happen to her should she end up in the wrong hands) decided to try ruining Phoenix's career to save his daughter, and paid for it with his life.

    While Kristoph in no way planned to be sent to jail, his connection with Daryan ensured he had his means to continue his true plan, eliminate everyone connected to the MM-4 incident. He had Daryan get Lamiroir into the country by manipulating Klavier, having already figured out she was Thalassa (the cocoon smuggling was all Daryan, for ref). Daryan established an escape route which Kristoph could use to be out of prison for exactly eight hours, then posted the letters to Valant and Misham, the latter killing him and eventually triggering the "bomb" of Vera's finger-polish, knocking out two birds with one stone.

    From there, Kristoph simply used the escape route took the hidden passage to the colosseum from the Borscht Bowl Club, incapacitated Phoenix, fought off Valant and shot Thalassa, all before escaping back to his cell.

    Apollo is left questioning the point of any of this. He understands Kristoph's reasons for ruining Phoenix's career, terrible as they are, but is left baffled as to why he did everything else. Kristoph says bluntly that he was tired of the charade. The weight of maintaining his lies was becoming too much, so he decided to just do away with everyone related to MM-4. The Gramarye, the Misham's and the Wright's.

    Klavier is horrified at what on earth this means, and tells him that there was no point point to any of this. If Kristoph did nothing, Phoenix would still be disbarred, and he could do everything he wants. Instead, he's wasted it all on being a murderer and psychopath. Apollo is able to tell Klavier is trying to appeal to his brother, even after everything he's he's done.

    Kristoph just laughs and says that it doesn't matter.

    "Why would I be complaining? After all...I'm now the worlds most evil man..."


    Phoenix suddenly shows up. He's watched the whole thing play out, and asks Apollo what he's made of the events that have played out. If Apollo does that, he'll be able to understand what it means to stand in the courtroom.

    "Get down on your feet, worm! You've been wasting away for seven years now! I won't take a single word from you!"

    Apollo presents the note proving Phoenix is Akashic. Phoenix was never "wasting away", he was actively supporting the law in his own way as an informant even if he couldn't defend people. Unlike Kristoph, who created the illusion of of being a legend, Phoenix was fighting the true battle.

    Apollo realizes from Kristoph's face the route of all this. He didn't want fame or glory. He was just envious of the strong. Envious of the people who seemed like they could do anything. And Apollo understands that, because he too envies the strong.

    "Mr Gavin...we're exactly the same."

    Kristoph freaks out, suddenly questioning what on earth gives Apollo and Phoenix that strength, to which Apollo says that he doesn't have strength, he's still searching for that, but he knows Phoenix's, presenting the locket.

    The moment he does so, Trucy's eyes well up.

    "Trucy...the day I met you, I fell from grace. Everything I worked for, gone in the blink of an eye. I thought is was going to be the end of me...but I met you. A girl who didn't even understand what had happened. And, in protecting you...I found my own reason to live, beyond anything else. Trucy...daddy loves you very much. Always."


    "...You think sentimentality is going to work on me? Wright, I still took everything from you!"

    "If I have to be honest, Kristoph...you took nothing from me. That's...just what it means to be human."

    "Is...is that right...? Heheh...of course...hahahahahahaha...of course! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA!!!!"

    Kristoph, realizing he truly accomplished nothing with his life, devolves into insane, maddened laughter, his mind finally broken.


    With Kristoph's evil defeated, it should be time for celebration.

    Such a thing isn't happening. Apollo and the others have rushed to the hospital, where Vera and Thalassa's lives hang in the balance. Klavier heads to make sure Vera is even alive, while Apollo, Trucy and Phoenix arrive at Thalassa's death bed, waiting for some kind of miracle.

    Apollo, flashing back through everything, begs for a miracle to take place. It seems like all hope is lost as the sound of Thalassa flatlining can be heard...

    ...only for Klavier to enter the room, flanked by Ema and a recovered Vera.

    In a situation which defies common understanding, Vera somehow awoke, fully recovered, at the exact second Thalassa died. No one understands how on earth that works, but Thalassa is smiling even at the end, to which Phoenix just says fate cursed and blessed her, just as it did him.

    "Say, Polly...is there something you think we should discuss?"

    "I...I think there...but I'm not sure if I could even put it into words."

    "Well, I'll wait until you find the words, then? Don't worry, we'll friends forever until then."

    After a convo with Vera (mostly identical to the one in the actual game), Apollo asks Klavier what he's feeling after everything which happened, to which Klavier just shrugs and tells Apollo that he's not sure. He spent his life admiring his brother, but now he's left with nothing but disgust for the man he left behind.

    Klavier tells Apollo that, now, he's left to live with the weight of others on his back. Of Daryan's crimes, of Kristoph's evil, and of Vera's fate. He knows full well that he doesn't need to do the last one, but feels he needs to. It's the only way he can move on, in that sense.

    "Well...you know. Actually, there's a pretty famous prosecutor who it might be good for me to work under. You know him, don't you, Herr Wright?"

    Klavier, as a sign of his friendship with Apollo, shares a fistbump with him before leaving into the future.

    "Klavier Gavin...I think I liked you. You were everything I couldn't be, cool, confident, popular, in control of the situation. You were everything I wanted to be, because I didn't know how to. You knew full well how cruel the world was, but you still wanted to fight. Maybe, someday, we can change the world together. Maybe, that's your reason for living."


    The following day, Apollo makes a visit to the Wright Anything Agency. Phoenix treats it as a pleasant surprise he's here, since he said Apollo didn't need to come in today, to which Apollo says he needs to ask this.

    "M-Mr Wright! If it's possible, can I, please...be your apprentice!"

    "...You realize you already work for me, right?"

    "I know that! I know that it's pointless to ask such a thing! But-but I need to find out what it means to find the truth! I need to understand what justice really is! All this, it's made me understand I didn't know anything! So, Mr Wright, teach me! Teach me what it really means to defend someone!"

    Phoenix, after watching Apollo pour his heart out, laughs and says he didn't need to go so dramatic. With the Akashic cat out of the bag, Phoenix's had to disband his information network, and is thinking of taking up law again, since he's been cleared of his charges. He doesn't, however, want to lead the way to the future. He wants Apollo to do that.

    With all the Gramarye dead, Trucy is now the single successor to Magnifi's legacy. Phoenix considers this an important thing to accept, what it means to succeed the next generation, and is placing his faith in Apollo in the same way.

    Apollo bursts into tears, finally having found his reason to live.

    Roll credits.

    After the credits, we finally see what Phoenix was planning to set off to do.

    "Sorry Mia, I was a little late."

    Yup, turns out it was his yearly tradition to visit Mia's grave. The one-sided conversation he has is roughly the same as the one he has in the actual game's final scene with Thalassa, with the same sentiments. Phoenix eventually leaves, saying that he's sure the cogs are turning still.

    "The next turnabout has already begun."



    I'll post my rational for all the major story-changing decisions in a comment (maybe a mod can have it stickied?), since this got super long and all, but I think I've gotten it all out. I'll get to Dual Destinies sooner than later, since that one would require a much more elaborate reconstruction, while Spirit of Justice will be...complicated, but whatever.

    Still, thanks to everyone who read this! I was honestly just disappointed at the potential that Apollo Justice squandered for itself, so you can consider this kinda cathartic. I probably made a few mistakes as well, so its worth noting them. This is meant to just be an outline, more or less. So constructive takes are welcomed.

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    A Very Long, Extremely Complicated Rewrite of the Apollo Trilogy (Part 2)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Part 1, Part 3

    So, up till now, we've not done much interesting. Some writing fixes here or there, some choice revisions, and a completely changed ending for one case, but nothing that interesting.

    Now we go off the rails.

    For this, my purposed rewrite of Turnabout Succession is so utterly immense, altering about 90% of the story in some way, along with massively recontexualizing the rest of the game, that I will have to divide it into sections. Consider this the real part of the Apollo Justice rewrite, all before it was just the small fry.

    First Investigation

    For starters, not even the date is the same. Rather than October 7, the case opens up on September 3, for reasons which will become very clear soon at the end.

    The case opens up with Phoenix acting surprisingly busy, which confuses Apollo until Trucy explains that Phoenix has a strange tradition to head out by himself every year out into the countryside. She doesn't know why, but reassures Apollo it's no big deal (Apollo just assumes that Phoenix has a mistress).

    Like in the actual game, Valant has announced that he's making a big performance, but a notable change is that he's having Trucy come along as an assistant, wanting her to start getting some professional stage experience.

    With Apollo left on his lonesome, Phoenix gives him a random job, giving a package to Eldoon as a "gift". Meeting up with Eldoon, it turns out that he's planning to get back in surgery now that his old rival is dead, and maintain the family noodle business at the same time (Apollo points out that's insane). Eldoon proceeds to ask how Phoenix is doing, and relays some outsider perspective on the Wright's. After Phoenix's disbarment, he took to doing countless odd jobs around the community before settling into his job as a "pianist", and still does even now, all for zero pay. He just laughed at every struggle he had to make, never once losing the smile on his face. He was, in every way, a hero.

    Returning to the office, Apollo finds it empty, only to find a mystery envelope on the desk. Reading it, Apollo finds a baffling message.

    "Within the frame of the portrait, there is something to reveal. The truth of MM-4 will not be forever sealed."

    The letter is signed from Akashic.

    Apollo is baffled by the note, but chooses to follow the address to studio anyway. There, he encounters Klavier, who was called to the studio with the exact same note, with them both aware of who Drew Misham was. Evidently, someone wants both of them to investigate this case. Klavier himself is the same as usual, but Apollo can tell he's still shaken about what happened two months ago.

    The investigation of Misham's studio is basically the same, minus Ema not being so obstinate since the Jurist system isn't a thing in this version, though she does comedically sock Klavier in the gut when he gets on her nerves one too many times. After learning about Brushel, Apollo then leaves to go find him, though, Klavier asks for Apollo to see him at his office, for...some reason.

    The meeting with Valant is basically the same minus Phoenix being there, then there's essentially a merged take on the two encounters in the detention center with the introductions of Vera and Brushel. Brushel, noticeably, seems unsurprised in this version about Apollo taking up Vera's case. Here, though, he informs Apollo and Trucy of a secret compartment in Misham's studio, which he learnt about during the interview.

    Returning to the studio, Apollo puts in the lock Brushel told him, and finds a series of evidence, all critical to the plot:

    • The stolen art revealing Misham was an art forger. Ema confirms the police had long suspected of his criminal activities since he made the original confession seven years ago, but no long-term evidence could be found.
    • A strange old photo marked from seven years ago of Drew, Vera and an older boy with a "bad face".
    • A stack of letters indicating a back and forth correspondence...with Phoenix Wright.

    The last one shocks Apollo and Trucy immensely, only for any attempt to contact Phoenix to end up with no answer. Returning to the office, Apollo finds another letter, this time from Phoenix, informing the two of them he's had to vanish. He assures Apollo that he believes in him, and that, no matter what, he can pull through.

    That evening, Apollo visits Klavier's office, which he sees has become much neater since the Gavinners have disbanded. Klavier exchanges some pretty friendly words with Apollo, only to clam up when Apollo notes that he's acting different. Klavier, suddenly, deflates.

    Klavier reveals his backstory. His and Kristoph's father was an official of law who pushed his sons to be the greatest no matter what. While he was a great man who believed in the law, Klavier admits his methods were beyond harsh, and Kristoph bore the brunt of it, which Klavier suspects it the reason he turned out the way he did. He, on the other hand, got the easy deal in life, and lived the fulfilling life both as a prosecutor and musician.

    This has changed now, though. With Daryan still at large, Kavier is stuck with the reminder that, no matter what, he's not what Apollo thinks he is. He, like every other person, is weak. Weak in spirit, weak in will, and weak in motivation. Everything, he says, which he thinks Apollo is.

    "You know, Herr Forehead...I think we really are opposites."

    Apollo ponders Klavier's words, then decides to show Klavier what he found. Klavier is left utterly shocked when he sees the photo, as he reveals a shocking fact, that "older boy" is actually Daryan. How on earth this is possible he has no idea, Daryan never talked about his past, but the truth is unmistakable. And, if that's the truth...who knows what else exists.

    Klavier, despite being the prosecutor in the case, fully believes Vera is innocent. Together, he and Apollo are going to unravel the truth, and end what began seven years prior.

    First Trial

    The first half of the trial is basically identical to the actual game. Apollo and Klavier cross-examine Brushel. The only difference is Klavier is far less insistent, since here he wants Apollo to prove Vera's innocence.

    Where it diverges however is once we get to the "proving what Misham was poisoned with" part, where, instead of a postage stamp kept in a picture frame, what Apollo pushes for is a recently sealed letter included in the correspondence letters in the secret compartment. As explained, the chain of letters were, in order to protect their security, were always matched with specific stamps for the responder to send with. Thus, when Misham was using the stamp sent to him, he ended up poisoning himself.

    Obviously, the question then becomes why the letter was in the safe, only a bit of cross-examining answers that, Brushel did it on request of a dying Misham himself, who wanted both the "secret" to be hidden while still protecting Vera. Brushel's only mistake was not realizing poison residue got on the coffee cup, meaning Vera was implicated by essentially freak chance.

    With this, Vera's innocence is proven, but, realizing that he's essentially implicated Phoenix, Apollo demands that Vera now testify so to get more information. This is where we go into the fact that, as a savant, she was the one comprising the forgeries, though purely on her fathers orders. Vera insists that, despite this, he was a good person, and was only doing this to help her.

    Eventually, it comes out that there was actually a secondary correspondence chain besides Phoenix, but Vera claims her father burnt all of them out of shame. Before she can confirm, however, she collapses, having fallen into a coma, and is rushed to the hospital.

    Apollo is left victorious and defeated, Vera innocent yet in intensive care, and the missing Phoenix now a murder suspect.

    Second Investigation

    The following day, Apollo is at the bar located at Sunshine Colosseum, drinking apple juice in frustration over the situation while talking to a not exactly inebriated Ema (Ema getting wasted is canon BTW, going off a piece of official art). Phoenix is still missing and a suspect, Vera is still in a coma with the strong likelihood of death, and there's zero way of proving the alternate chain of correspondence letters even existed. He's not really interested in the performance either, seeing Valant as just a criminal showboating about getting away with what he did.

    Apollo, however, does come out for the segment at the end focused exclusively on Trucy, saying it's the least he can do for what might be one of the most important days of her life. Once her part is over, however, Valant returns for the final act...and then the show is suddenly halted. Trucy suddenly appears, looking horribly pale and genuinely shaken, and Apollo soon sees why as he heads into the underground parts of the colosseum, and finds a trail of blood leading into a storeroom. Standing there, a bloody sword in his hands, is Phoenix, with Lamiroir's body having been run through.


    A few hours later, the situation has been clarified. Lamiroir is alive, but in critical condition, Phoenix has been arrested and is now believed to be the culprit of both murders, and Valant not only believes that whole-heartedly, but is planning to testify in court that Phoenix is the murderer.

    Apollo, obviously, doesn't believe for a second that Phoenix is the culprit, but can tell despite putting on a cheerful face Trucy is clearly even more grief-stricken and broken by the situation. Heading to the detention center, Apollo confronts Phoenix about what's happened.

    • The Murder: Phoenix tells Apollo that in no way did he attack Lamiroir, not that there was any doubt there. As he explains, he met with Lamiroir that day with the intent of just an "important chat", only to partway into the discussion notice something "strange" in the background. He suddenly felt himself blacking out, and then, when he awoke, was holding the sword.
    • Meeting With Lamiroir: Phoenix explains he vanished for the last few days because he was looking for Lamiroir. Apparently, there's a lot of people who have some kind of vested interest in her in some fashion, so going underground was the only option. Phoenix suddenly drops an oblique hint that Burshel might have the answers Apollo is looking for.
    • The Letters: Apollo asks what exactly is up with the letters Phoenix was exchanging with Misham. Phoenix acts strangely evasive, before saying that such decisions are to be up to the people. Phoenix wants justice, so in void of his badge, he finds "his own ways". He's called for questioning after this.


    Visiting the crime scene, Ema delivers the low down on the situation. Lamiroir was stabbed through the abdomen, the weapon being one of the real swords that are used in the Trope Gramarye's acts (as is implied in canon, and explicit here, Magnifi's tricks involve the use of actual dangerous objects for authenticity). The storeroom has only one entrance/exit, and is otherwise completely inaccessible. Lamiroir's body was found on the table located in the middle of the room, with mild fractures located across her body. There's also an upper level in the storeroom accessible by a single ladder, and two strange holes in the wall on the far end, and an ornate knife which Trucy notes she doesn't recognize in the Gramarye props.

    As Ema confirms, all evidence is pointing to Phoenix as the killer, but she refuses to believe that he's the culprit. Ema suddenly reveals a non-spoiler recap of the events of Rise from the Ashes explaining the actual relationship she has to Phoenix, and tells Apollo and Trucy that, no matter what, she has faith that they will be able to prove his innocence.


    Out on the stage, we have another meeting with Valant, giving more of the Gramarye backstory from the actual game:

    • Apprentices: Magnifi made apprentices out of wayward orphans who were looking for a purpose in life, giving them a purpose in continuing his legacy. He took in many over the years, but the harsh training and genius needed to master the craft was enough to drive away everyone but those two. They were in many ways like brothers, who competed in everything, even love.
    • Love: Valant gives all the basic facts about Thalassa, prompted on the basis that Trucy ultimately doesn't really remember her. He noticeably however seems to trail off when the circumstances of her death, only saying it was a "tragic accident".
    • Zak Gramarye: More basic facts about Zak, he was Valant's rival and closest friend, Trucy's biological father, Magnifi's favoured heir, and Valant has no idea what happened to him.
    • Phoenix: Valant bluntly says what he believes, this incident proves Phoenix is, and always has been. He is the one who scorned the Gramarye name with his deceit, stole Trucy away from her true family, and has now shown himself a vile murderer. Trucy unsurprisingly gets extremely uncomfortable about this, and Valant leaves in disgust after Apollo calls him out, saying Phoenix must have "brainwashed" her.


    Outside the colosseum, Apollo and Trucy run into Brushel, who says that he's heard all about the current incident. Information travels fast, and, in this case, there's a lot more truth to be seen than just the basics:

    • Misham's Death: Brushel is secretive about why he lied about the true cause of Misham's death, arguing that it was his "journalistic integrity" he was defending. Apollo, despite being able to tell he's lying, realizes there's no way to get him to admit the truth.
    • Lamiroir: Apollo tries to get Brushel to explain why Phoenix was trying to track down Lamiroir, and why she's so important. Brushel suddenly goes into a bizarre, unprompted tangent about the nature of the truth, asking if the Gramarye can truly be considered the lynchpin of the story unfolding right now. He does admit to knowing Phoenix, so that's something.


    Heading back to the office, Apollo is mulling over what they know, with Trucy admitting she always "knew" Valant's hatred of Phoenix, but didn't want to acknowledge it. Suddenly, Apollo finds a crudely written message from Akashic (despite the handwriting being completely different) hidden with a shocking piece of information, head to the Borscht Bowl Club.

    Arriving at the club, Apollo is shocked to find Klavier, who is acting friendly as always, but quickly gets serious again as he admits that Vera's health not only isn't improving, it's getting worse, and chances of her survival are seeming slimmer and slimmer. More pressingly, though, he reveals why he's here, because the letter explicitly gave him a heads up that the club is where Daryan and Machi have been hiding.

    The question is where, but Apollo quickly deduces it, it's the secret room from Case 1 (remember that? That's now an actual plot point). He and Klavier head inside, where Daryan is sitting there, glaring at the two of them with eyes ready to kill.

    Daryan asks why the two of them are planning to do, to which Klavier says he's simply here to talk. His failure to persecute Daryan was his own failure, so here in the moment he's going to try and atone for that failure. Daryan calls Klavier a naïve moron, and just readies the gun, fully intending to shoot.

    Apollo, suddenly, notices a single cocoon Daryan successfully preserved from the destruction of the guitar through a plastic wrap. Apollo realizes that, even if he was willing to throw all of it away, Daryan at least wanted to preserve a single one, which makes him reveal his motives. 12 years ago, he and his parents were in a fatal car accident, and Daryan only survived because of the Misham's being there at the time. He spent his life trying to repay his debt to them, only for "someone" to appear seven years ago and essentially take Vera's life hostage. To that purpose, Drew had to make forgeries for that person, while Daryan had the more pressing job, become "friends" with Klavier, and make sure he never found out the truth.

    This continued until Vera, who always suffered from fragile health, developed Incuritus, which would likely kill her before she turned 20. Daryan, determined to save her, organized the plan to smuggle out the cocoons with Machi, acquiring the cure he needed to save her life while also appeasing the masterminds want for Lamiroir to be in the country.

    Klavier is understandably shocked about all of this, saying that, if he knew, he would've tried to help. Daryan just calls him a moron, and pulls the trigger...

    ...Only for the bullets to harmlessly bounce off Klavier's chest. As Apollo reveals, while the two of them were negotiating, Trucy had secretly entered the room and swapped the bullets with dummies. Daryan, refusing to give in, attacks Klavier in a fit a rage, only for him to be overpowered, unable to fight with a dislocated shoulder, and is forced to the ground. Daryan has been defeated.

    Machi, who's still in the room, clarifies his own motives for the smuggling, explaining that Lamiroir had remembered "something" about her old home, and her family. Due to her fame and some kind of past "agreement", however, Lamiroir was prevented from ever leaving the country except as a tour, never able to see her family again. The plan, as Daryan had convinced him of, was that selling the cure would get Machi the money needed to free her.

    Klavier asks if Daryan regrets what he's done, to which he just laughs at it. He regrets nothing of what he did, and rubs it in that he never considered Klavier a friend. Klavier goes silent for a bit, and then says he will find a way to get Vera treated, and will actually help Machi find a new identity and life, acknowledging the two of them as victims of a world larger than either of them could handle. As for Daryan, he'll carry the weight of all his sins, for the rest of life.

    Daryan hesitates, clearly uncertain to trust him, before deciding to just give up. If Vera survives, then his life is worth sacrificing. Apollo is left almost baffled by this act of sacrifice considering how vile Daryan had revealed himself to be, but tells Klavier that maybe that's proof that everyone is trying their own method to survive in the world.


    After Daryan is taken away by Klavier, Apollo and Trucy investigate the hidden room, and find a strange note of what appears to be prison escape plans of some kind, which say that it'll be easy because of everyone being "sheep". After Trucy poking around some more (because Trucy), something shocking is unveiled, another secret passage, this time leading down a much longer, windier path, before finding themselves in, of all places...the crime scene.

    This leaves the two of them incredibly confused, and they go to meet Klavier at his office. Klavier is shocked at the possibility, but thinks whole-heartedly that this at the same time explains a lot, though he can prove none of it:

    • Daryan: After turning himself in, Daryan explained most of his actions, but refused to give the masterminds identity. Apparently, they're so powerful that he could kill Vera the moment he spilt the beans, not that there's any way he could prove it.
    • The Mastermind: Klavier admits he has no idea who could be pulling the strings behind the back of everyone. If what Daryan said is to be believed, then there's nothing they can't do. The world is their playground, their motives unknown, and their evil immense.
    • Akashic: Apollo asks Daryan why he believed a random note, and he says it's because Akashic saved countless cases over the past seven years. He is the most powerful weapon the law has in the name of justice, an entity capable of defying all ideas preventing justice from being served. Apollo notes the suspicious timing of that, and makes a note of it.
    • The Case: Klavier is certain that both Vera and Phoenix are innocent, and that the true mastermind is the culprit behind all these incidents. He asks Apollo to help him find the truth, saying that, without him, there's nothing that can, or could, be done. To that end, Apollo needs to confront Valant's honesty.


    Valant is found at his "office", which is horribly run down and filled with bottles indicating he probably has some issues he's not quite being honest about. After his extremely hostile interaction last time, Valant almost refuses to talk, but acquiesces at Trucy's request:

    • Seven Years Ago: Valant continues to insist that Zak was the culprit of MM-4, and adamantly denies that he was the one at fault. He however takes far more heated the idea that Trucy was somehow taken away from him, insisting that it was his right to take care of Thalassa's daughter.
    • Zak and Thalassa: Valant goes over the story of Zak and Thalassa, mentioning as well the story of Thalassa's first husband, the musician who died under odd circumstances. Thalassa never spoke much about her time with him, but he's sure they were happy.
    • The Accident: Valant is hesitant to discuss any details of the accident which claimed Thalassa's life, but after some pressing admits to Magnifi's blackmail of him and Zak in the aftermath as punishment. Like the game, he frames this as a story of the dark side of a great performer, but has no way of admitting if that was a good thing or not. He does however let it slip that they never even saw her body, she vanished into thin air.

    Apollo gets annoyed by Valant's obstinacy on discussing the current case, only for Trucy to find something, a letter asking him to meet the two of them "backstage", addressed by Phoenix! Why was Valant working with a man he actively hated?


    Apollo and Trucy meet with Phoenix yet again in the detention center. Phoenix asks Apollo if he understands the facts, to which Apollo admits he's just even more confused.

    • Valant: Phoenix fully admits he sent the letter with Valant, wanting a proper discussion with him. He was surprised that Valant was willing to go along with it himself, but, since it was "for Trucy", it makes sense that he would do so.
    • Trope Gramarye: Apollo asks Phoenix what exactly his feelings on the trope even are, given Valant regards him as a villain for adopting Trucy over him. Phoenix admits that he made the decision which seemed the most justified at the time, protecting the young girl from the dangerous criminal, and refuses the moralize it any more than that. He tells Trucy that, if she truly loves him, she'll be able to come to her own conclusion on the matter.
    • The Disbarrment: Apollo asks if everything Phoenix is doing is because of bitterness for losing the career he stacked his entire life in. Phoenix laughs and says he's lived a life as blessed as it is cursed, so indeed he's lived a life as a whole.

    Before he leaves, Phoenix drops a hint that, if he wants the truth, to give "him" the note Apollo has. Apollo questions how on earth Phoenix knows that, to which Phoenix just smiles, quotes Mia, and says he is placing his faith in the next generation.

    Suddenly, Apollo gets a call from Ema, she's found Brushel, and he's willing to talk.


    Apollo and Trucy find Brushel talking with Ema at People Park. Brushel acts incredibly nervous and attempts to hide the truth, but, the moment Apollo shows the tipoff about Daryan to him, he cracks and begins the mother of all exposition dumps:

    • Akashic: Brushel confirms that, indeed, Phoenix is Akashic, the legendary police informant said to know everything. After his disbarment, Brushel met with Phoenix, suspecting correctly that something was off about the forgery incident, and the two formed an alliance. Phoenix would gather scant bits of information through the extensive information network he had through his many connections, Brushel would investigate the goings on, and then Phoenix would inform his contacts inside the legal system of what he had learnt. Ema, as it happens, had become one of those contacts sometime after she returned from her studies, and knows plenty of other officers who trust Phoenix fully.
    • Misham: After the disbarment incident, Brushel helped Phoenix track down Drew Misham, who quickly became the third key member of Akashic. Misham had developed a fascination with Phoenix's work during the trial, and thus a plan was set in place; he would take up forgery requests from clients, and leak the plans to Phoenix and Brushel on the outside via the correspondence letters. The official interview, Brushel reveals, was not the first time they had personally met, it was just the cover story in order to explain why he was there at the time of death.
    • Zak Gramarye: Brushel had been a fan of the Trope since he was young, and began pursuing them after he became a journalist. While Magnifi and Valant dismissed him . After Zak disappeared, he and Phoenix worked tirelessly to track him down, but never did before he returned to the country a few months ago. The reunion, however, was short-lived, because Zak was murdered by Kristoph.
    • The Murder: That night, Zak seemingly came with the intentions of a pleasant interaction, only to instead try to ruin Phoenix's career in a rigged poker game. Brushel admits he has no idea why Zak betrayed them like that, but is convinced he had a good reason.
    • Thalassa Gramarye: Brushel confirms the truth, Thalassa is indeed Lamiroir. After her accident left her both blind and amnesiac, Magnifi, wanting to separate her from the life of the Gramarye, essentially sold her to the Borginian government under the basis that they would would grant her protection. She was watched constantly, and after she became famous, the control on her became explicit, as her fame became a valuable bargining chip for the fragile nation of Borginia.

    Brushel admits that he knows all this is a lot to take in, but says that Phoenix was perhaps the man who impressed him more than anyone else in the world. A man who would gladly sacrifice his own life if it was in the interest of granting justice for another. He tells Apollo and Trucy that, no matter what, it's their responsibility to carry what he started, and to, perhaps, change the world. Before he leaves, he hands Apollo something Phoenix asked him to give, a fresh locket made from the one Phoenix found on Zak's body, showing Trucy as she is now. It is the proof of everything Phoenix now fights for, and what Apollo should be fighting for as well.


    At sunfall, Apollo and Trucy see Thalassa on her hospital bed.

    Trucy admits she barely even remembers her mother. She was only five when she "died", and she had no idea what even happened to her. The only words she can even say are that she looks peaceful now, as if the cruel nature of the world is absent in a single instance.

    Apollo starts pondering the meaning of what he's even doing, if even doing this means anything.

    Apollo feels a grip on his hand.

    Like a miracle, even though she is near death, her hand touches his.

    For seconds, a happy memory appears in the back of his mind, of a loving woman's song.

    "What...what was that...?"

    Suddenly, Apollo's phone rings. Answering it, it's Klavier. Talking to him, he reveals he and Ema investigated Kristoph's jail cell while he was in questioning, and found not just an identical vial of nail polish to the one that poisoned Vera, as well as a envelope identical to the correspondence letters Misham and Phoenix were using! Klavier says he's certain there's a thread behind all of this, and that the two of them are going to prove everything in court.

    "Everything's in place. You ready?"

    "...If I don't do this, there's no reason why I'm even alive."

    "Heh, all right then. Herr Justice...let's rock."


    This got too long for one post, so read Part 3 for the final trial.

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    A dumb theory about Manfred Von Karma

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:09 PM PST

    I have an idea about von Karma. I have a feeling that maybe he was a really nice husband, father, and grandfather. Until his wife was killed shortly after Franziska was born. After that he became bitter, almost insane. von Karmas don't make mistakes, but this is so much more than a mistake. On top of that, the criminal who killed his wife wasn't arrested due to a lack of evidence. After this von Karma began to forge evidence. During the DL-6 incident, his insanity rose to a new hight, birthing the von Karma we meet in PW:AA.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Tenda
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    Making Ace Attorney characters in the Among Us character maker day 8: Miles Edgeworth

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:41 PM PST

    I ruined T&T for myself

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:09 PM PST

    I just started Trials and Tribulations a couple of nights ago and am still on the first case. I knew Godot was a character in this one and I stumbled upon his theme song while on YouTube. I LOVE the song so I went through the comments to see what others thought and I instinctively clicked "read more" (on mobile) on a post before seeing that it said "SPOILER" in bold at the top, as I frantically scrolled down i accidentally read bits and pieces and am now genuinely heartbroken. If what the spoiler said was true then I ruined what seems like the biggest plots in T&T are. I JUST got the police report for the accident involving Dollie and Diego (i belive is Godot) who got poisoned and im guessing that might be why he is blind and how Mia had feelings for him and why Dollie knows about Mia and I swear if Godot actually ends up being a murderer I'm going to need to take a massive break from the series. He has such an amazing design and his theme is super good and I just am not ready for these things to come out

    submitted by /u/YesImHomo
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    Best numbered incident in series

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:25 AM PST

    We used Ace Attorney Online, how about objection.lol's courtroom system?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:31 PM PST

    Turnabout Mystery

    Link to Courtroom:https://objection.lol/courtroom/2ynctk

    Password is 1010

    submitted by /u/HenryStickminMemer
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