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    Saturday, October 10, 2020

    Ace Attorney Von Karma was my favorite but least favorite prosecutor in the whole series

    Ace Attorney Von Karma was my favorite but least favorite prosecutor in the whole series

    Von Karma was my favorite but least favorite prosecutor in the whole series

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    I'm sorry, Mr. Wright, but...

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    [My Art] i still have to color it but im sharing it anyways hehe

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    [My Art] hi capcom? yeah just-- uh, just one thing: LET YOUR CHARACTERS MOURN. THANKS.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    My fourth prosecutor drawing! This time it's the emo samurai: Simon Blackquill! ('Happy' UR-1!)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I'm sorry, I just want to talk about how adorkable Nick is! I just love his inner monologues.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    The Fall of Winston Payne

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    Found out yesterday the GBA versions came with a unique spinning animation for the evidence used in "Take That!"s. You may recognize it from 2-4.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Simon Blackquill Found Guilty. UR-1 Incident has come to a close.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    The trial for Simon Blackquill (21), in the murder of Metis Cykes (33), has come to an end with a guilty verdict for the "Twisted Samurai".

    On Wednesday, Oct. 7th, Metis Cykes, a psychologist employed by GYAXA was found dead in the robotics lab of the Cosmos Space Center from a stab wound in the heart. Just hours later, police arrested Blackquill for murder after a journalist, who was writing a piece on the HAT-1 rocket that was set to launch the next day, released this picutre of Blackquill holding the murder weapon.

    On top of the murder, there were also rumors being spread about Blackquill causing the malfunctions that plagued the HAT-1 launch yesterday and put the entire crew in jeopardy. Despite these rumors, the prosecutor felt that there wasn't enough evidence to pin the malfunctions on Blackquill, and so they were not brought up during his trial.

    However, for the murder charges, Blackquill shocked the whole courtroom when he pleaded guilty for killing Metis Cykes. Blackquill refused to go into further details on his motivations for such a horrific act, but the judge felt that given the evidence, a confession was more than enough for a guilty verdict to be given.

    There was a single person that came to Blackquill's defense during the trial. Metis Cykes' young daughter, Athena Cykes (11), took the stand and pleaded Blackquill's innocence to the court. Athena insisted that Blackquill could not have committed this crime, stating, in her exact words, that "his heart is screaming that he didn't do it." The exact meaning of these words were not understood by the court, and in the end, the judge decided to disregard Athena's words as merely the traumatized ramblings of a young child.

    In the end, Blackquill was found guilty of murdering Metis Cykes. Sentencing will be passed on a later date, and based on the prosecutor's case, it's likely that Blackquill will be put on death row.

    With yet another member of the justice system being found guilty of serious crimes, faith in the justice system has hit an all-time low. The legal system is truly entering a dark age.

    submitted by /u/ThreeTwenty320
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    I’m like 30 minutes into 3-2 and I’m in love with Godot

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    I thought I was straight but now I'm gay for coffee prosecutor

    submitted by /u/UntouchableTurtle
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    Should there be another game like JFA?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    I feel like TnT set this started for all the AA games to have this overarching, deep storyline or mystery across the games. PW: AA kind of had this but it only had a plot thread that was important for 2 cases that being the DL-6 incident. Even then, DL-6 was very loosely connected to
    Turnabout Sisters. The ace attorney investigation series is a separate entity so I can forgive it for having EVERY case somehow involved with the storyline. In JFA (and PW: AA), the story is mostly character-driven with cases that aren't really connected to one another (within its OWN game so 2-2 doesn't count). The plot really amounts to :

    The defense attorney protagonist help mostly innocent people get declared not guilty in court. The character development happens along the way. Each case may have its own deep storyline or mystery but it's self-contained to its own case and not really important afterwords.

    After SOJ, maybe we need a break. Let's have Phoenix Wright / Athena Cykes / Any other Defense Attorney go on adventures to defend their clients. Character development and Wackiness ensue.

    submitted by /u/Comicostar
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    I expected to hate Pearl

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    I finished Justice for All and I was pleasantly surprised that I was ok with Pearl. I always assumed that she was just a more annoying retread of Maya, which is one of the reasons I hadn't bothered to play Justice for All. But I found her surprisingly endearing. Props to the writers

    submitted by /u/UntouchableTurtle
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    Investigations 2 save file

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Quick question anyone have a save file for case 4 end (any part 1 2 or 3 that's how far I made it) I could really use it bc my rom file got corrupted and deleted ( I had like 300-500 games on there) so if it's middle I think I would get past it before you post the link ( I was able to find 1 at case 4 beginning ) Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Distinct_Detail_985
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    Lawyers of Sparda by 데나씌(Denaseey) on Twitter

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    [SPOILERS] Unpopular opinion: Zak Gramarye was a tragic victim, not a jerk

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT


    Special thanks to Anonymous Waddle Dee on Discord for helping me put this mess together.

    Yeah, yeah, hang me for having the gall to defend the guy.

    Zak Gramarye has a reputation in the AA community of being a jerk or a manipulator or just an all-around bad guy.

    To quote Bill O' Reilly, well, that's not exactly true. Yeah, sure, he isn't a good person on principle - he tried to destroy the life of his daughter's adopted father, abandoned his daughter, was implicit in the coverup of Thalassa's death, he isn't above putting other people below himself, etc., etc.. But is he being a bad guy? Not entirely.

    I'll be going over point-by-point as to why I think Zak isn't totally a bad person.

    "Zak withheld vital evidence and allowed Phoenix to take the fall."

    To this point, I'll ask; what good would presenting the page do? Zak withheld it for two reasons before Phoenix presented the forged page, and then had another reason to hold it after the fact. Before Phoenix presented that page, the actual page would've done one of two things; either convict Valant (which Zak wouldn't want, because Valant was innocent) or cast even more suspicion on himself. I imagine if it was the latter, the prosecution would argue something like "Zak got what he wanted, and then killed his blackmailer". Then, once Phoenix presented the forged page, what use would Zak have for his current page? "A defendant would do anything to save his skin, mind you. Who's to say his page wasn't forged, either?"

    Zak had no good reason to present the real page, because it would only hurt his case more or completely destroy the remaining Troupe Gramarye. There's also another reason why he didn't present the page; to use (1-5)Gant's terms, "insurance". He wanted to make sure that, if he did disappear, he would be able to give Trucy the rights to Magnifi's magic, not Valant.

    TL;DR: Zak couldn't present the page without incriminating himself or Valant and also couldn't present it without jeopardizing Trucy's inheritance.

    "Zak planned to abandon Trucy from the beginning."

    ...True, but there's a pretty simple reason for this.

    He only planned to do that if he had to, and practiced with Trucy for the occasion. That's why he asks her "Are you ready for your first show today?". It was a worst-case scenario, and he didn't want it to happen - after all, the last time a plan wasn't followed to a T, his wife was shot, he and Valant were blackmailed, and his daughter was left motherless.

    Plus, Zak only planned leave Trucy if the worst happened - which is why he switched from Kristoph to Phoenix. Zak didn't trust Kristoph with his case, let alone his daughter if he was convicted, while he did trust Phoenix. This is what Phoenix meant when they say he was "watching the man behind the cards"; he wanted to make sure they would make a good person for his daughter to be raised by.

    A common co-point I see with this is that Zak planned to flee regardless of the verdict; but this simply isn't true, and you can see that in his dialogue.

    Enigmar: They will not be able to pronounce me guilty today. So, do your best, but do not worry.

    Phoenix: (First time a defendant's ever given me a pep speech...) I'll do what I can.

    Enigmar: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I see you do not understand. You see, it will be impossible for them to declare a verdict.

    He's not saying it'll be impossible for a verdict to be declared at all; it will be impossible for a "Guilty" verdict to be declared.

    TL;DR: Zak had it planned as a worse-case scenario.

    "Zak saw Trucy give Phoenix a piece of paper and didn't check if it was fake."

    This is pretty simple. Zak didn't know about the falsification of any evidence - that was all Kristoph. Could he have checked if it was fake? Yes, but he'd have no reason to. Plus, court was just about to start, so he likely didn't even have time if he thought it was a fake page. Plus, Zak did ask what the paper was.

    Enigmar: ...What's this? A memo for you or some such?

    Phoenix: Hmm... Not from the looks of it.

    He then immediately puts it in the Court Record, giving Zak no time to look it over.

    TL;DR: Zak couldn't check if it was fake.

    "Zak was complicit in the cover-up of Thalassa's 'death'."

    This is an uncommon talking point, but I've seen it more than once so I'd like to address it. No, Zak wasn't complicit in the cover-up. He was an unwilling pawn. If you don't remember, Magnifi blackmailed Zak and Valant. They had no choice but to help Magnifi - or their careers would be destroyed, which would be especially fatal to Zak, because he had a very young daughter to take care of.

    TL;DR: Zak was blackmailed.

    "Zak attempted to destroy Phoenix's career, and when that failed, he got irrationally angry."

    This is one I honestly don't really have a defense for. Yeah, this was a very shitty move by Zak, but I think I can go into his motives for why he was doing this. Not assaulting Olga, though. That was just him being a dick.

    Zak didn't know that Phoenix was taking in the money by playing poker except for right before that fateful game. He thought that Phoenix was only playing poker for fame - fame that Zak thought belonged to his daughter. You see, as much of a bad person Zak was or wasn't, one thing is pretty undeniable; he genuinely loved Trucy. In fact, the first thing he asks Phoenix when they meet again in the cold, dank Hydeout is if Trucy is alright.

    Zak: Is... she well? Trucy, I mean.

    Phoenix: She's fine. I've got her working already. Hope you don't mind.

    Zak: I hardly need express my gratitude. But, you have it.

    He made sure she stayed with a good person if he lost the case, kept a locket with her picture around his neck, waited for 7 years specifically so she would get the rights to Magnifi's magic instead of Valant, and, perhaps most importantly in my opinion, didn't see her again. Imagine if she did see him again - what would've happened to her mentally? That would've destroyed her, and Zak didn't want to see his daughter like that. No father would.

    Zak: As you said, I have come out of hiding today to make this document legally binding. Once that is done, I shall slip once more underground.

    Phoenix: ...Without seeing your daughter?

    Zak: ...... It would be best if I did not.

    Plus, Zak ruining Phoenix's career wouldn't ruin the Wright family. They were not impoverished - the amount of magic props, the upright piano (which can go anywhere from $2,000 to $142,000), and Trucy getting the rights to Magnifi's magic all but void this argument.

    Is Zak still kind of an asshole for thinking that Trucy can support Phoenix and herself? Oh, obviously. Can they? Maybe, maybe not. Neither of them have a really stable source of income, especially if Zak actually "caught" Phoenix for cheating.

    TL;DR: Destroying Phoenix's poker legend status wouldn't put the Wrights in financial jeopardy, and he did get irrationally angry at Olga.

    "Zak showed no regret for what he did."

    I'm going to stop you right there.

    Zak definitely did show regret. Maybe not in the best or most obvious way, but he definitely regretted what he did.

    Zak: She's... fifteen this year?

    Phoenix: She's still trying her best to follow in your footsteps, you know.

    Zak: I... see. When I planned my diappearing act, it was the thought of her alone that gave me pause.

    The dialogue he has for showing regret for disappearing from Trucy's life are subtle, but it's there. Zak regrets a lot.

    TL;DR: Zak regrets so much, man.

    "Zak got rid of Kristoph for no reason."

    No, he didn't.

    Zak didn't want a Not Guilty verdict, necessarily. Well, I mean, he did, but that wasn't the only thing he wanted. He had a backup plan, and I've talked about this earlier - his disappearance. If he got a guilty verdict, he wanted to make sure that whoever Trucy stayed with was a good person, which he didn't see in Kristoph, but saw in Phoenix. That's why he got rid of Kristoph - Zak knew he was an evil man. It didn't matter if he won or lost.

    TL;DR: Zak knew Kristoph wasn't a good guy.

    "Zak tried to set up Phoenix for no reason."

    There's a pretty simple reason, actually.

    Trucy: Oh, I'm sorry, Daddy! Wait! Is that "foolish pride"? My other daddy always used to talk about that.

    For those who don't know, Foolish Pride is not only the name of a 1997 country song but means pride that is unwarranted. As in, say, pride over a badge you don't feel like you deserve.

    ...Or pride over a lost game of poker.

    Zak was a sore loser and a stubborn man. He even says himself that he doesn't like to lose. This wasn't a game of destroying Phoenix Wright for the sake of destroying Phoenix Wright, or trying to get vengeance for "taking" his daughter. No, this was an attempt at restoring his bruised ego by beating Phoenix in the one thing he never could - a game of poker.

    Zak: I already lost to Magnifi. I do not care to lose to another. And I have heard that you never lose.

    TL;DR: Zak was stubborn and proud, which is why he couldn't forget that poker game.

    And now, to move on to a few points I either agree with or can't argue with.

    "Zak was a violent person."

    Yeah, he was. He regularly physically abuses Brushel and he assaulted Olga - but keep in mind that was 7 years after the initial trial. We have nothing to go off of before his "exit" as Valant puts it. This one is entirely up to interpretation. It's my interpretation that he was a violent guy, and that's something that's not very defensible, is it?

    "Zak was irresponsible."

    Yes, he was. I mean, let's be serious - not taking the proper precautions to protect your wife during a potentially fatal trick's rehersal, abandoning an 8 year old with a guy you barely know, faking your death for 7 years, and then trying to frame someone for cheating is hilariously irresponsible.

    There you have it. If you have any other points/arguments you want to bring up with me, feel free to comment down below. I'll be sure to respond and might even put them on the original post for anyone who was going to ask it before realizing it's already been talked about.

    submitted by /u/doinkrr
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    Questions about the difficulty in DD and AA games in general

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    So I was a fan of the ace attorney games when I was younger but I was very much a stupid kid back then and had to use walkthroughs for the majority of the games. I ended up falling off the fandom since I didn't own a 3DS for the longest time but recently I've downloaded and finished the mobile version of Dual Destinies(except for DLC) and i have to ask, were the previous Ace Attorney games harder than DD or was I just a stupid kid back in the day?

    Also side question what is generally considered to be the most difficult game in the entire series?

    submitted by /u/Creampuffism
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    Does anyone know why Apollo Justice mobile crashes

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Case two when you're doing the footprint casts it always crashes. Anybody know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/BamboozledRequiem
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    I have a theory of why Phoenix Wrights hair is so spiky, and it’s kinda depressing.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:37 PM PDT


    Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte sugu yoko de waratteita nakushitemo Torimodosu kimi wo I will never leave you

    If you wanna battle, then I'll take it to the street Where there's no rules Take off the gloves ref, please step down Gotta prove my skills so get down

    My lyrical dempsey roll about to smack down now Gotta shoot to kill and shoot the skill Don't you be afraid, man's gotta do how it feels Six to seven to eight to nine ten I flip the script to make it to the top ten, go

    Dreamless dorm, ticking clock I walk away from the soundless room Windless night, moonlight melts My ghostly shadow into the lukewarm gloom

    Nightly dance of bleeding swords Reminds me that I still live

    Every man's gotta fight the fear I'm the first to admit it Sheer thoughts provoke the new era

    Become a big terror, but my only rival is my shadow Rewind then play it back and fix my own error Get low to the ground, it's getting better Like I told you before, double up and take more cheddar

    L to the J, say stay laced, here's my card, B Royal flush and I'm the ace

    submitted by /u/Richard-Patterson
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    Should I skip Dual Destinies (No Spoilers)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    I've recently got into Phoenix Wright again, and have started doing a replay of the series. I'm at the last case of PW3, and I'm debating what to play next.

    I've never played through Spirit of Justice, but I remember hearing it was harder than Dual Destinies. For sake of keeping the difficulty consistent, should I skip DD or is it worth replaying before starting the new game?

    submitted by /u/NuclearDragon
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    How does the Blaise Debeste's Logic Chess section work?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Like,I got through it,but half of the time I had to make wild guesses. Does player need to wait and see,when he burns the paper,or practically uses his lighter?

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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