• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    Ace Attorney hm... looks normal to me.

    Ace Attorney hm... looks normal to me.

    hm... looks normal to me.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    I Doodle Ace Attorney Characters Week 25: Dahlia Hawthorne

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    She is large and she is pointing!! [this is all my brain is thinking of right now as I work on this fanart]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I edited Edgeworths hand to point up

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    NEWS: Updates on the Cosmos Space Center murder

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    Good evening, and welcome to Court Nightly on KJFN. As always, I'm your host, Leigh Dankor.

    We begin tonight with the crime that has overshadowed the pending launch of the HAT-1 rocket: a brutal murder. Following up from the initial report, Rhoda Story has more.

    Thanks, Leigh.

    Less than 24 hours before the HAT-!'s launch into the stratosphere, the Cosmos Space Center hosted a gruesome scene.

    Two police officers and a staff member entered the robotics lab to retrieve the probe which will travel on the HAT-1. Instead, they found the body of Metis Cykes, the Center's resident psychologist.

    "It was the most horrifying scene I've come across in my career. The blood showed the inherent viciousness of the attack. I won't forget the image of that room." -S. Sandra Reste, officer on scene

    Early this afternoon, someone walked into the robotics lab, removed a katana from the wall, and slashed Dr. Cykes through the heart.

    "The murderer didn't even bother to clean up. He just slaughtered and walked away." -Officer Reste

    This heinous crime has left those in the Space Center in shock, turning what was meant to be a celebratory occasion into a time of tenseness and grief.

    Though Director Yuri Cosmos and the rest of the staff declined comment, and the staff member who discovered the body could not be located, the anxiety is palpable in the air. How this will impact tomorrow remains to be seen. Back to you.

    Perhaps the heinousness of the act made the police's job much simpler, as a suspect is already in custody. For that, we send you to Pete Ryder.

    Leigh, I'm at the police station, where officers have taken Simon Blackquill into custody.

    Blackquill, a prosecutor and psychology student, worked with Dr. Cykes at the Space Center.

    "We can't give details until his trial, but we wouldn't have arrested him if we weren't sure he killed her." -Reid Immisrites, officer

    Even without the privilege of being inside the police's investigation, the evidence against Blackquill appears damning. Earlier today, KJFN photographer Paul LeRoyde captured an image of Blackquill holding the murder weapon.

    Many citizens have quickly turned on the promising prosecutorial prodigy.

    "What's that, like the fourth prosecutor that's committed murder in recent years? And here I was thinking that Blackquill would actually be different from the rest. I'd seen a few of his trials and thought he was pretty good, but I guess being a unhinged criminal is just a prerequisite for prosecutors now a days. There's just no justice in this damn system anymore." -T.H. Reetwenty, citizen

    Blackquill does appear to have one supporter, however. The victim's 11-year-old daughter Athena has attempted to remain in custody with the suspect, even trying to fight off two police officers who were transporting her to a safe location for the night.

    Athena Cykes has been placed on the witness list for Blackquill's trial, so I suspect we shall soon learn the reason for her insistence. Leigh?

    Thank you, Pete.

    Viewers, I should inform you that while we ordinarily will not name minors involved in cases in our broadcasts, we have made an exception here as the girl is on the witness list, so her name would be revealed in the public trial even if we chose not to say it here.

    Of course, the crime has left a question mark over tomorrow's HAT-1 launch, which Daley Bugle has been covering all week. We turn it over to Daley at the Cosmos Space Center.

    Appreciate it, Leigh.

    Despite today's horrors, I'm told that the HAT-1 launch will proceed as planned tomorrow morning, that to postpone the launch would result in an interminable wait for further space exploration.

    "It's horrible, truly horrible. But we haven't really got a choice but to go ahead. The weather is perfect, the calculations have already been made. All of us on the ground and in the rocket have to keep the task at hand in our minds." -Skye Sarcleir, GYAXA meteorologist

    The crew has been informed to continue and complete preparations for the launch, while the police present have cordoned the surrounding streets so that no one may approach and get inadvertently deafened by the blast of the rocket.

    The public too is less enthusiastic:

    "This certainly puts a damper on my excitement for HAT-1 tomorrow. Anyone still going to watch the livestream? The SpaceX launch earlier this year was a major success so I doubt anything will go wrong, but there's always danger with even the most routine launches." -Theca T. Team, citizen

    It should be noted that there has been some speculation as to why police have been present at the Cosmos Space Center in the first place, as two officers were among those to discover Dr. Cykes' body at a time before the cordon was scheduled to take effect. But there has been nothing but speculation up to this point.

    So here, there is little to do but wait 'til the morning, when the universe will be opened to us. Back to you.

    Although the sun will be shining brightly tomorrow, the events at the Cosmos Space Center this afternoon have cast an ominous shadow.

    This has been Court Nightly; I've been Leigh Dankor. Thank you for spending part of your evening with us. Good night.

    submitted by /u/teamcrazymatt
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    Wanna know how i got this autopsy report?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    ☔️ a little comic sketch...

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    On this day in the unAAverse...

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    2 drawings my friend made

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    BREAKING NEWS: Murder at the Cosmo Space Station

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Prosecutor Blackquill

    This is an important announcement from Japanifornia News! Just this afternoon at the Cosmo Space Center, a gruesome murder occurred.

    Prosecutor Simon Blackquill (21) has been arrested on suspicion of murdering Metis Cykes (33) who was a psychologist that worked at the Center. Blackquill was an up and coming young prosecutor who was rumored to have studied psychology under Cykes and use this knowledge in court. Though his motive to murder her is currently unknown, his fingerprints were found on the murder weapon and as such he was arrested. A journalist who works for Japanifornia News captured this photo of Blackquill at the crime scene:

    Blackquill holding the murder weapon in his hands

    Blackquill is currently in police custody, and his trial is slated to be held on October 9th at 10:00 AM. We were unable to interview Cyke's daughter (11) at this time but she is slated to appear in court as a crucial witness.

    Japanifornia News will keep you informed as more information about the case unfolds. Until then, stay tuned!

    This has been Japanifornia News: Bringing you the most important news in a timely fashion since 1913!

    submitted by /u/Hotel-Japanifornia
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    Happy UR-1

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Okay for real, what is the majority opinion on Athena?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    The **FIRST** Time Maya mentioned a burguer. Beautiful (Spoiler for AA:PW Turnabout Sisters)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Saw this on r/aww and couldn't help but think of a certain monk-in-training/tour guide

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Yo so like what would happen if Maya or one of the feys channeled like a man into their body?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    Like what if they channeled some big muscular man, would they just grow some big muscles and a dick or would that not work out?

    submitted by /u/VonKaiser55
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    Is the heart a muscle or an organ

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Do they ever explain why Kristoff never joined the Gavinners? Even before his incarceration.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Does he not have any musical talent?

    submitted by /u/poolside123
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    Thought the people here might be interested.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Wocky Kitaki Played the Yakuza Games

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Actually, the entirety of case 4-2, Turnabout Corner, is an homage to the Yakuza series. Let me explain.

    I run the Gyakuten Saiban vs Ace Attorney tumblr blog where I've been digging through the original Japanese and localized English versions of the AA games to find differences and cultural references and explain them with some dumb jokes thrown in for good measure. I've finished the first AA Trilogy so far, but took a long hiatus, so only recently returned to continue work on GS4 vs AJ:AA.

    Anyway, I was going through the transcripts ripped from the games when I noticed quite a few things about the local "gangsters" including your client, Wocky Kitaki. I'm still going through the scripts, but so far, I've found quite a few things.

    • In the JP scripts, it's obvious how Wocky acts makes him the stereotypical chinpira, namely "street thugs", whom IRL Yakuza are known to despise. He dresses like one, he talks like one, and he insists on getting jailed to prove himself like one.
    • For reference (no spoilers) in the first Yakuza game, the main character, Kazuma Kiryu, was jailed for 10 years on false murder charges because he was covering for someone else. He got a bit rusty thanks to that, but he still easily sweeps the streets free of thugs for everyone's benefit.
    • Wocky's father is currently the 4th Patriarch to this Kitakitsune Family (that's the full name of their group; "kitsune" is fox). To avoid spoilers, I'll just say the Yakuza games center around the "4th Chairman of the Tojo Clan" quite a lot. Every game.
    • Wocky also references several times the most memetic character from that game, Goro Majima, who is renowned for his strong Kansai dialect, his flashy clothes and chaotic attitude, and his signature "Demonfire Dagger", which is actually a dosu, a (usually) decorative knife with a thin handle and no handguard. That is the kind of knife Wocky brought to the crime scene. No, Wocky doesn't have a Kansai dialect. They're all living in what I assume to be Tokyo. (Los Tokyos, Japanifornia.)
    • Minor spoilers for this case: Wocky running into a turf war by himself is an awfully common recurrence with Kiryu, but only the latter is a Yakuza legend who can shrug off just about anything and take on 100 men alone with his fists.
    • This is kinda cursory, but I swear the dragon design on the Kitaki mansion gate looks like the dragon that is tattooed on Kiryu's back, but green and a teeny bit foxier.
    • Lastly but most importantly, the original Yakuza game, named Ryu Ga Gotoku in Japan, was released back in 2005, with a sequel the next year. Then, Gyakuten Saiban 4 released in 2007. Eventually, Capcom and Sega collaborated with Bandai-Namco on Project X Zone 2 in 2015. It revealed that Phoenix and Maya knew Kiryu and Majima from some unspecified time they were in Tokyo.

    I may update this post later depending on what else I find. Thank you for coming to my Ted-talk.

    P.S. Everyone was calling the Judgement spinoff to the Yakuza games as "Ace Attorney 7" just 'cause the MC is a lawyer. Then it turns out that game has a substory that references AA all over. Even the present evidence mechanic in this game is like straight outta an AA game.

    So, Sega, Capcom, how about a crossover title sometime, huh?

    submitted by /u/rubia_ryu
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    What characters got better on a replay through the games than they were your first time around?/Turnabout Sisters Review

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Ah yes, the first real case in the series is a really excellent primer for the rest of the series. It has everything, a lively investigation segment, a full three-day trial, and, of course, Edgeworth. Edgeworth is the glue that holds this game together, and it is through his character that we must view Phoenix Wright. Because there is definitely some explicit romantic tension between them, no? Setting aside my fanboy desire to just see Mr. Wright and Mr. Edgeworth share a brief but passionate kiss, his introduction here is nothing short of masterful. We get corny allusions to what Phoenix and Miles shared in their past, but the real effective tone from Edgeworth is his sheer cruelty. For a series that eventually does a bit more telling than showing (cough cough Blackquill cough cough) it is interesting that we get to see Edgeworth attempt to manipulate testimony to benefit his case. It shows us, as an audience, that he is actually someone to be reckoned with, and his wielding of Truth is a major conflict throughout the game.

    Continuing with what I think are excellent character introductions comes a hot take. I believe, and always have, that Redd White is one of the best villains in the entire series. He is certainly my favorite at this moment. His verbiage, his animations, his PINK SUIT AND PURPLE HAIR. Its all so wonderful. Plus, where a lot of Ace Attorney villains do not feel dangerous, or conversely, feel so cartoonish evil that their ties to reality weaken, Redd White is truly terrifying. Any one with that much power, as to own the courts entirely, is a fear that sits in the hearts of every good anti-capitalist. It feels especially relevant so many years after playing this game initially, owing to the maniacal commander in chief of the United States.

    The Mia twist at the end of the case is annoying, especially if you are like the Let's Play I watched for this review in which both players wanted to check the back of the receipt well before Mia reveals it, and they were left with nothing to do but wait. It's the only thing keeping this case from cracking the outstanding tier. It deflates the player, who finally understanding the game is perhaps on a roll of presenting evidence and tearing down witnesses. To have a deus ex machina explain the final contradiction is unsatisfying, but I think it is a touching and effective introduction of how spirit-medium summoning works. And I remember loving it as a kid.

    I've said so much already and I still haven't talked about Ace Attorney's portrayal of women, which gets much worse in this case. But I will have to save that for a later review. Furthermore, I've said nothing of Maya! I intend to say more in my next review, where Maya as a character really starts to take shape, but here I can say that her introduction is perhaps the best in the entire series. It is vital that we see the murderer again, not only to guide the fledgling player, but also to assure the reader that Maya under no circumstances killed her sister. We are not allowed to linger on that thought because we know it to be categorically false, which makes accepting her as a sidekick much easier in the next case.

    Check out my growing tier lists (which have sky rocketed in popularity since my last review by my estimation)! Also, I leave you all with the question: Is there any character for you that got even better on a later playthrough? Redd White for sure, in my view, but who are your picks throughout the entire series?

    submitted by /u/TechnicalFuel2
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