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    Saturday, August 15, 2020

    Ace Attorney The scientific investigator

    Ace Attorney The scientific investigator

    The scientific investigator

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Apollo Justic in the AAI style animated. Twitter link in description

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Law Students streaming Ace Attorney

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Hello again. Today we are starting Case 5 of the first game. We are 3 (sometimes 4!) law students entering our 3rd year of law school from California who are currently actively practicing in the field of Criminal Law. As we play through the game we're gonna comment on some of the things in the game that are different than and the same as the actual practice of criminal law, so feel free to drop by and ask some questions (or lurk) if you're interested in learning something about the system, or if you just want to just come have some fun shitposting in the chat.


    submitted by /u/Dudebro9001
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    According to the manga-exclusive prologue to Turnabout Express, Maya usually cooks Phoenix' meals and now I can't stop wondering how good her cooking is and what she usually makes for him.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    The Real Message that was left behind in Case 2 of The Great Ace Attorney! (I'm cruel)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    I'm just amazed with the last chapter of Trials and Tribulations (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    (Note: I'm still playing, please don't tell me how the chapter will end)

    It feels so good to interact with the prosecutors. We had the first game to know more about Edgeworth and to like him, we had the second game to see how Von Karma slowly grows as a person, and the mistery of Godot in the third game. And then in the last chapter you play as Edgey, you tag with Von Karma while discovering more about Godot. It just feels like a Marvel movie.

    Isn't it cool?

    submitted by /u/Wyulliam
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    The Judge might catch a charge himself

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit odd that every case Phoenix gets is a murder case

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    All he gets is homicide cases

    submitted by /u/Kingdeadmeme
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    What do you think of the anime cutscenes in Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    For reference, I've played all of the main series games and I'm not a big fan. I'm curious, what are others' opinions on the matter?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Crafty_Promise
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    What do the AA characters drive if they had their license?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    I wonder what kind of vehicles you all think the characters would drive given they actually had gotten their license.

    Here's some of my ideas:

    • Mia drives on her motorcycle like the one she has in her beta drawings

    • Given how many people Phoenix is with, I could see him have like a family minivan

    • Athena would either have an eco friendly car or a sports car with her kind of lifestyle and also she would try to incorporate Widget into the car like a screen for him. She would also just hitch a ride with Apollo whenever she could to save on gas

    • Honestly I'm not entirely sure on what Maya would drive tbh. Maybe a Jeep or something? You guys have any ideas?

    And finally

    • I could see Apollo with a convertible or a sports car and I think he'd reluctantly learn how to ride a motorcycle because of how much Klavier bothers him about it. He knows how to drive it well, he's just annoyed at how much Klavier wanted him to get one

    Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

    submitted by /u/FloofBoi64
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    A Cast in Review - Justice For All

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    It occurs to me that I'm much more excited to get to later games with this post series, so let's knock JFA out of the way right now. It's not that I don't like this game - I just like pretty much every other game in the series more. Case 1 is mediocre and full of logic holes, Case 2 is pretty good, though it also introduces some notable gameplay problems that will plague this game as a whole, Case 3 is terrible, and Case 4 is excellent, with only some of those gameplay flaws dragging it down at all. Let's get into the cast!


    So, Phoenix is put into an interesting place in this second game. Like in the first, when it comes to Edgeworth, we spend much of the story only seeing small hints pointing to something related to him happening in the past, before finally being given details that change things completely. Phoenix is in a rather rough place when it comes to the subject of his old school friend for most of this game's runtime, uncomfortably telling Maya not to mention him anymore whenever she happens to, and I think, whether or not you're taking Rise From the Ashes into account, this display of emotion makes sense. Phoenix's entire career path, along with much of his early adult life, was directly motivated by the way Edgeworth inspired him back when they were kids, and yet after nearly fifteen years, punctuated by a string of events that saw him help Edgeworth fight down the ghosts in his past and take his first few steps forward into a new path in life, the prosecutor abruptly disappeared, leaving behind what was, by all appearances, a suicide note. Anyone would be hurt by a shock like that.

    Now, in addition to his rocky relationship with Edgeworth, we get to see Phoenix's character from plenty of different angles in this game. After he spent much of the first game getting to know Maya, she's become an irreplaceable part of his life, and the reverse is true, too. The lawyer and assistant have become an inseparable pair, either one suffering when the other isn't around, and this game puts their bond through the wringer more than any other in the series.

    This game might not have much of an overarching story, making it the odd one out in the series, but its cases are tied together at least thematically, and much of what is examined within the story relates to Phoenix's own personal view of what his chosen career really means. What does he stand for when he takes up the defence bench to represent a client? How does he define "justice"? How does that definition affect his work? This all builds up to the turmoil he goes through in Case 4, when his morals and resolve are challenged more strongly than ever before. More on that later.


    There's not a lot to Maggey, here. She's a ditz with a good heart, much like the familiar detective who seems oh-so unhappy with testifying against her in her trial. Maybe she's just a victim of 2-1's all-around mediocrity, but she doesn't leave an especially strong impression in this case. I think she's a little cute, and I do feel sorry for her, but that's about the whole story.


    Dead. Decent guy? Seems like it. Were he and Maggey actually dating? Dunno. The case is a little vague about that. Remarkable aptitude for doing things a person with a broken neck shouldn't be able to do.


    Barring Rise From the Ashes, this is the game that introduces us to the Gumshoe characterization we'll really get used to seeing. Detective Detective Detective is a well-meaning teddy bear with the misfortune of being assigned to lead Franziska von Karma's investigations, and willing to help out in whatever ways he can to ensure that the truth is uncovered.

    In Case 1, we see him expressing some noticeable discomfort at the idea of testifying against a former subordinate of his (no one catches on that it's also because he has a crush on Maggey yet), Case 2 sees him similarly uncomfortable with leading the investigation against Maya, and Case 4 gives us a fine showing of just how hard-working and determined Gumshoe can be, even if his actual skill as a detective still tends to be a bit of a roadblock.


    So begins the buildup of Maya's long train ride of suffering. Her tearful departure at the end of the first game is undercut a bit by the way she just abruptly appears in Case 1, with the dialogue clearly indicating that she's already quite used to working with Phoenix again, but getting to see their actual reunion in the chronologically-earlier Case 2 is still great. Something I love about Case 1 Maya, actually, despite 2-1 being pretty crap in general - when she arrives in the courthouse, she's coming back from an evidence run Phoenix sent her out on, which seems to indicate that for once, Phoenix and Maya were actually entering this trial with enough advance planning to ensure a victory, only for that plan to be ruined by Phoenix taking a fire extinguisher to the head and losing his memory. Guy just really can't get an easy win, can he?

    Case 2 introduces us to the complicated family background Maya comes from, with the Fey Clan's troubles in the past and present causing her no shortage of stress and emotional trauma. It's hard to even imagine how Maya must be feeling early in Case 2, with even her own limited memories surrounding the event leading her to believe that she really is responsible for Dr. Grey's murder. Poor girl. Of course, even with a new, aggressive prosecutor leading the case against her, Phoenix isn't going to back down from proving his closest friend's innocence, and he comes through for Maya like always in the end.

    I love Maya's relationship with Pearl. The younger medium clearly idolizes her cousin, and badly wants to see her live a happy, fulfilling life. Maya treats Pearl like a favourite little sister, meanwhile, probably taking plenty of cues from Mia in doing so.

    It's kind of a shame how little Maya interacts with Franziska (while somehow still accumulating a huge shipping following in the last few years), given their matching age and the obvious potential for parallels between them. Maya has an enormous responsibility to live up to, just like Franziska feels it's her predestined path in life to carry the perfectionist flag she feels her late father failed to. Instead, though, their interactions are pretty much limited to two or three scenes in the entire game of Franziska being her usual abrasive self, and Maya questioning her for it only to catch Phoenix or herself a face full of whip leather for her trouble. This is much more a Franziska problem in general, though. We'll get to her in a few minutes.

    Case 4 doesn't give Maya much to do, given that she spends nearly its entire duration as a kidnapping victim, but she still gets to show her strength of character by holding out against the conditions she's left in, trying to escape and later leaving clues that will aid her own rescue. The scene in which Phoenix reads a note Maya left to him, saying she'll never forgive him if he gives the people behind her kidnapping what they want, is downright heartbreaking. The pair have clearly come to care about one another immensely even in just the relatively short time since they first met, and hearing something like that from his best friend clearly puts an even greater strain on Phoenix than what he's already had to work through.


    Goofy, dumb villain in a case full of logic holes. Banana joke. Scarf self-strangulation. Dumb hair.


    Much more the goof we all know, as of this game. He's reasonable enough to put his foot down against Franziska when it really, really counts, but this game does contain an annoying number of times that he just doesn't, and instead lets Franzy's childish tantrums dictate the flow of a trial, even when she's gotten herself into a position that clearly warrants a penalty against her. Again, though - more of a Franziska problem.

    I'm sure his business card is lovely, regardless of unreadable handwriting.


    Dead jerk doctor. Grey can't accept responsibility for things he clearly played a part in when he thinks they'll negatively impact his reputation, which is shitty of him. No one cries when he gets shot.


    What a repulsive individual. Self-obsessed, emotionally-abusive sack of jealous garbage. It's a wonder that she managed to keep Maya from ever realizing how much she hated her and Mia until 2-2's events.

    Morgan really is disgusting. This one case at least makes it seem plausible that her actions are born from a desire to "help" Pearl, but she obviously shows no regard whatsoever for the psychological damage that her daughter would suffer through if forced to watch her beloved cousin be convicted of a murder.

    Anime Morgan is even more of a monster, actually personally engineering the events of the case and blackmailing Mimi Miney into taking part in them, turning the desperate young woman into a murderer for her own benefit.

    The last problem is that we never get to defeat Morgan for ourselves. She's exposed as Mimi's accomplice well after she ever takes the stand, and we never get to cross-examine her again beyond that point. One can only speculate on her breakdown.


    Lotta seems to have forgotten the lessons she learned from 1-4. Still, I like her enough. Like in her previous appearance, she starts off in 2-2 as an opportunist trying to score herself a scoop, even testifying against Maya to that effect. She gets more screentime dedicated to her apologies in this case, though, and even tries to help Phoenix out at no benefit to herself afterward. She seems like she wants to make friends, even if she's bad at it.

    In 2-4, while she does act pretty unreasonable, it's largely out of an overblown reaction to having her expensive camera stolen. Not Lotta's best appearance by any means, but it doesn't make me dislike her.


    Maya's adorable cousin, and in my opinion, an exceptional example of writing a child character in a series mainly focused on adults. Pearl could've been an insufferable brat (and in fact, actually was at one point in the game's writing process, when she was initially imagined as a bratty spirit medium rival to Maya, rather than her kid cousin), but instead, she's a charming, sympathetic kid with an utterly horrible mother. Honestly, Pearl is damn lucky to be as well-adjusted as she is, between Morgan's emotional abuse and deliberate coddling to groom her into Maya's replacement.

    Being a much more capable medium than Maya makes her an apt assistant for Phoenix, as well, able to channel her other cousin much more reliably.

    Her fixation on the idea that Maya and Phoenix are a couple is... cute here? It can be a bit irritating, but that'll be alleviated some when it's given more context in the sequel.


    There's not a huge amount to Mia in this game, though she shows up via channeling several times. She's mostly a secondary component to Maya's part in Cases 2 and 4, but her Psyche-Lock scene in 2-2 is good, showing a conflict between her past family loyalty to her aunt and her dedication to helping Phoenix clear Maya's name. Getting to see her brief reunion with her sister at the case's end is great, as well.


    Or rather Mimi Miney. Mimi represents the series taking another shot at a sympathetic culprit, with her past as a severely overworked nurse inadvertently responsible for fourteen deaths in one day (and the death of her younger sister not long after) trapping her beneath the weight of more guilt than anyone should ever have to deal with, and her desperation to get away from her old life driving her to take part in a scheme with Morgan that would sacrifice Maya's freedom for her own.

    She does run into the series' usual problem with characters like this, in that it's harder to sympathize with her while knowing that she did take deliberate action to frame the innocent Maya for her crimes. The anime alleviates this some (a rare example of Season One actually improving something, in my opinion), with the changes mentioned in Morgan's section above.

    Like Yanni Yogi before her, Mimi might also be a bit better if less time were spent on her spacey act as "Ini", and more on her true nature. I still think she's pretty good, though.




    Kinda sucks, in this game. I don't dislike Franziska in later games, but here, she's a pretty distinct step down from Edgeworth's writing as a rival. Maya remarks at one point on how much more "adult" Franziska seems to be than her, but really, I'd argue that Maya is considerably more mature, despite her young-at-heart nature. You wouldn't see Maya throwing temper tantrums and whipping anyone who makes her mad in the courtroom.

    I guess it doesn't help that Franziska's belligerence isn't even related to Phoenix directly. Like Phoenix himself, we're led to believe for a while that the "revenge" she's after is on behalf of her late father, but Case 3 tells us that she's really angry about what happened to Edgeworth following his defeats in the first game's cases. This gives her good basis for a rivalry with Edgeworth himself that will be picked up in the third game and the Investigations subseries, but here in JFA, it's just not enough.

    It's interesting to consider that Franziska's "heroic" moment in 2-4 is really the opposite of what we normally get from such a dramatic, mid-trial character entrance. She's barging into the courtroom to deliver evidence because she wants to see it ensure Phoenix's defeat, with nothing in particular seeming to indicate that she's even aware of why he's defending someone like Matt Engarde. Based on her dialogue after the trial's end, she still doesn't appear to be aware of Maya's resolved kidnapping at all.

    Sadly for Franziska, one single scene at the game's very end just isn't enough to give her the depth a rival in this series needs. At least she'll get better with time, in later games.


    Stiiiill hate Big Top. Max is no exception. He's an impulsively violent jerk, he's annoying, and as a creep fixated on marrying a 16 year-old with a mental age younger than Pearl's, he's one part of this case's worst subplot.

    Max is the only innocent-of-murder client in the series that I would have no problem with seeing declared guilty. Of course, that would mean letting someone else who doesn't deserve to get off for free escaping without a scratch, so...


    Dead, good man, bad parent. While his coddling of Regina comes from a much better place than Morgan's treatment of Pearl, that doesn't excuse raising a teenage daughter with such a fundamental lack of any understanding of the world she lives in.


    So annoying, so guilty of padding this dreadful case out, so not deserving of a certain later reappearance.

    I'll admit to feeling for Regina a little bit when it comes time for her to finally understand the truth of the accident she caused, but there's just too damn little screentime dedicated to it, and it comes much too late in the case.


    Chris Sabat sat down in the booth to record two minutes of monkey noises.


    Not dead, but he might as well be, for all the character he gets.


    Fuuu-uuuck this guy. Beyond annoying, unhelpful asshole, and even more of a disgusting creep than Max. Next.


    Moe is a truly insufferable witness, but outside of his terrible (and seriously overlong) cross-examination, he's got much more depth than average for the circus cast, low a bar as that might be. Like Regina, though, it's entirely too-little-too-late, only really coming up in tiny bursts in the last trial day. Before that, he's just an insensitive, obnoxious clown all too happy to see Max convicted mainly on the grounds that he never liked him anyway.


    A complete misfire of a "sympathetic" culprit. Yes, what happened to him and his brother was a terrible tragedy. Yes, I can understand the boiling resentment he felt toward Regina for all the time afterward, having her innocently caring for him while remaining so agonizingly oblivious to the ramifications of her "prank". No, I don't think for a second that this excuses Acro's plot to bludgeon his father-figure's beloved daughter to death, nor his decision to go along with testifying against Max when his plan went south. What was his plan beyond murdering Regina anyway? Did he plan for someone else to take the blame in the first place? It was a freak accident that he ended up staging a scene that made Moe think Max was the killer, after all. There might be text in this case that explains that - I generally try to blot out all memory of Big Top.

    The 2013 translation update seems to ease back on the forced sympathy, which is nice.


    A damn good villain. I do think a bit more could've been done to make Engarde's reveal as the client of the assassin who pulled the trigger in this case a genuinely shocking turn, since it's spelled out a bit too cleanly early on, but he's still terrific. Sure, you could spend much of 2-4's early runtime wondering if he's being framed, but in the end, there really isn't any twist. Like even Gumshoe was able to deduce, Matt's the one behind De Killer's actions in this case.

    Still, he's a fine display for an Ace Attorney villain, with a long history of horrible, selfish actions befitting such a sociopathic bastard. There was definitely no good guy in his rivalry with Juan Corrida, but Matt is clearly the worse of two evils.

    I do love the way his own worldview ultimately brings about his defeat. Treating other monsters like they must all be every bit as vile as he is proves to be his own undoing. Weren't counting on an assassin with a moral code, huh?


    Dead, and generally without likeable traits.


    Adrian is great, too. Her ice-queen act doesn't last long under pressure, and when it breaks, we see a vulnerable, emotionally-broken young woman, and yet, despite her weaknesses, Adrian proves capable of weathering every horrible betrayal and emotional hurdle she's subjected to, ultimately coming away from the case with the first genuine smile we've ever seen from her, and a chance to finally rid herself of the ghosts in her past.

    Her dedication to exposing the truth about her mentor's suicide gives her a great deal of personal investment in the case, and she becomes the focus of a long, long stretch of trial time that sees her set up to potentially take the fall as Juan's killer despite her innocence, in an emotionally-heavy trial that often seems like it has no chance at all of ending happily.

    The little hint in the game's ending that she's become friends with Franziska is a really nice touch, too.


    Dead mentor to Adrian. Virtually no character given.


    Remember when I said that AA1 Oldbag had some humanizing, sympathetic traits? They're gone.


    A glorified cameo, but it's nice to see him again, and his cross-examination injects some badly-needed levity into such a downer of a trial.


    I don't like assassins. I'll admit that bias. I'm not likely to give a character points just for being "cool" when their purpose in the story is to murder people for a paycheque. Still, De Killer is interesting thanks to his role as a dark parallel to Phoenix. Both are professionals who value trust in their clients above all else in their respective lines of work, and it's only by appealing to this twisted moral code of De Killer's that Phoenix is able to avoid betraying his own morals. One piece of the puzzle for an excellent case.


    Character development, going strong. Not nearly finished yet, but he's on his way.

    So, this is where we finally properly meet the changed man that is Edgeworth following a soul-searching journey. Phoenix is, as mentioned back at the top of this post, understandably upset at seeing his old friend and rival again. Sure, not everything he says to Edgeworth is reasonable, but I can't blame him for his reaction to seeing the man he thought to be dead suddenly reappearing in front of him and seeming to expect a friendly welcome.

    I consider this case quite critical to Edgeworth's character, for showcasing a flaw that he's never dropped in the main series to this day. Edgeworth is bad with people. He's not completely emotionless at all (outside of the Investigations subseries), but understanding how people are feeling and how it affects their actions and responses isn't something he really gets, nor is it something he really tries in particular to understand. He's not in any way blameless when it comes to the emotional turmoil Phoenix is experiencing when seeing him again, and it's not until quite late in this case that he finally starts to understand that. When it stands to prevent him uncovering the truth of a case, Edgeworth won't take any particular care to heed the fragile emotional states other people might be in, and while that's definitely not something I would consider a positive trait for him, it tends to get the job done the way he wants.

    As mentioned in Franziska's section earlier, her "rival" role is much more focused on Edgeworth than it is on Phoenix. Defeating Phoenix would only have given her what she wanted by proxy, letting her feel that she had bested her "brother" by winning a case against the man who broke his perfect win streak. This allows Edgeworth to show the contrast between the man he is here and the one we saw back in 1-2 quite handily, his dialogue with Franziska very clearly showing that she's still far from growing past that point.

    (And that's it, I think. Have I missed anyone of consequence?)

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Are the IOS version good?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Just finished Ace Attorney Trilogy... This game was amazing!! I don't understand how I never played it before. I want to play the other games but are the IOS versions worth it?

    submitted by /u/Eloi_sur_reddit
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    Flashing screen

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    While playing the AA trilogy on switch, Every 30 seconds or so, the screen flashes white for like half a second, is there any way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/AbsoluteGamerLadd
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    I really do be dreaming a y/n dream though

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Last night I had the most w a c k dream like-

    I was adopted by Edgeworth?

    And Blackquill had a crush on me?

    I mean not complaining but djjdjsjs wish I dreamt a bit longer lmao

    submitted by /u/miliamoo
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    im case 5 day 2 investigation and im stuck

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    i watched walkthroughs but NOPE, im at the part in evidence locker rooms where i spray blood (did all three) and assemble the jar, i even unlocked all possible dialogues but gumshoe never did his 'report' for edgeworth

    submitted by /u/Antonnnr
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    Ideas for Powers?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    I've made a few posts asking about people's ideas for different things. Was wondering if anybody any ideas for character specific abilities, like those of the main three.

    submitted by /u/Epicgaia
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    Quick question.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    I've noticed that to play the AA games on mobile; you just pay a small price. But because of the cost of the DS version, do you have to pay to play cases 2-4/5?

    submitted by /u/IchigataZai92
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