• Breaking News

    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Ace Attorney I hope I’m not the only one that noticed this. Left: Lana Skye 1-5. Right: Adrian Andrews 2-4

    Ace Attorney I hope I’m not the only one that noticed this. Left: Lana Skye 1-5. Right: Adrian Andrews 2-4

    I hope I’m not the only one that noticed this. Left: Lana Skye 1-5. Right: Adrian Andrews 2-4

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I made some Smash Victory themes for our fellow attorneys!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Mr. Lawyerman has had enough

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    Rivals genderbend, quick doodle by me

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    Lifetime sales for the series hit 7.7 million, up from 7.5 million the previous quarter

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Why the hate for Turnabout Big Top?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    I got done with Turnabout Big Top, the third case from JFA; a case which many in the community deemed the worst one in the entire series.

    I'll probably get downvoted to hell, but honestly it wasn't that bad. The characters were colorful and charming and really the only bad thing about this case is the motive behind the killing.

    So I wanna hear from the community directly: why is Turnabout Big Top?

    submitted by /u/GuyMattioli
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    Who is your favourite? Kristoph or Klavier?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    What could have been (Spoilers for T&T Case 5. Art by Randy Wright)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Why has there been no announcement or release of a new Ace Attorney game? (jokes)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Because the folks at Capcom are experiencing a Wright-er's block

    submitted by /u/precurrentpostmalone
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    Fire Emblem Ace Attorney Parody from r/fireemblem and credit goes to u/eggsyeagle. I told u/eggyseagle that I would cross post this, or steal their Von Karma. Go to the original to see the funny comments at the bottom of the gifs.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Made this, basically Attorney Online, discoed style

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Somethings not right about Juniper Woods? (Spoilers Dual Destinies)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Am currently playing through Dual Destinies and i finished the third trial. Although this trial was very predictable as i was sure Professor Means was the perpetrator, I cannot but shake the very strong feeling that Juniper is a VERY evil person and that we are all falsely incriminating the people who are actually found guilt and that perhaps Juniper herself is the actual killer in all the cases where she was the primary suspect. Like for example in the first trial, the missing remote control for the bomb was unaccounted for. I feel all these little things will come into play in a huge way in the final trial where we see the true evil form of Juniper. I may end up being very wrong but this game is making me feel extremely uneasy about Juniper and that something is seriously wrong with her and she is not what she seems.

    Please give me a hint whether my line of thinking is right or wrong. I know I should just keep playing to find out what happens but its bugging me so much i need some hint if I am on the correct line of thinking here.

    submitted by /u/green9206
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    Favourite character themes?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    forgive me for not knowing the exact musical names, but im curious. I'd have to replay DD and SOJ but my favourites upon what I've redone so far are Gant and Godot.

    Gants theme kinda sounds like something out of ASOUE, honestly. there's a DS game for that too! it's quite good.

    how about yall?

    submitted by /u/stoptrackingmeplease
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    Best Ema Skye theme

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Sale on Dual Destinies?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    I'm very close to finishing the second Investigations game, so recently I looked at the eShop for the last two main games. I found SoJ on sale, so I bought that it for 15 dollars or something. However, I've never been able to catch Dual Destinies on sale, even though the trilogy is reduced in price like every other week.

    Does anyone know if DD goes up for sale anymore? I'd rather not pay the full $30 dollars, but I will if that is what it takes to finally finish this series. Is it worth biding my time?

    submitted by /u/reithest
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    SOJ Spoilers: Which of these two do you like better?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Ones I've done so far:

    • Blackquills
    • Skyes
    • T&T: Hawthornes

    Ones I'm gonna do next:

    • Gavin Bros

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AceDemoMuse76-2
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    Theyre referring to DGS2. This didn't age too well :(

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    [SPOILERS] Question about DGS-1

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Was the burn on Watson's wrist ever explained? I didn't see Jezail say anything about it in her "I confess" speech, and I don't remember it being brought up after it was initially revealed that Watson was dead before Hosonaga served the beefsteak. Was it ever explained or was it just a plot device that the writers used to move from one plot point to another? Or, alternatively, I'm just dumb and missing something completely obvious.

    submitted by /u/seimdeimstna
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    God damn it I wasn't a fan of SoJ but for now the beginning of 6-5 is so great x'D I love it!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Seing Phoenix do his turnabout from the outside is glorious I love it! I feel bad for the prossecutors! xD

    submitted by /u/N4rNar
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    AI Attempts to Generate Ace Attorney case and Actually does Okay I Guess

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:29 AM PDT

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