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    Tuesday, July 21, 2020

    Ace Attorney On the Subject of Polls

    Ace Attorney On the Subject of Polls

    On the Subject of Polls

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    So, about a week ago, I posted this thread, asking for some community input on the large number of polls that have been regularly posted here ever since Reddit added the feature.

    It hasn't ever gotten a huge number of votes, but the totals have generally remained fairly close to matching in the column of "too many polls" and "polls are fine", with the latter spending most of the time in a slight lead. Going by the comments and their upvote counts, though, the general consensus seems to be that a slightly more regulated stance on polls on this sub might be warranted. I didn't ever want to ban them outright, because they're a perfectly good means of generating discussion and debate, but we do seem to have very similar poll threads ("best assistant", "best villain", etc) quite often.

    So, based on the suggestions from the previous thread, my current going idea is to establish some pattern of posting community poll threads (weekly, maybe?), covering some of those kinds of topics. This could allow everyone to contribute their opinions and enjoy some of the same discussion, without just continuing to leave every poll thread anyone gets the idea to post up, regardless of obvious similarity to other recent polls.

    So, thoughts on this? If this does end up being a course of action the community can agree upon, I would also really appreciate if anyone wanted to volunteer to take charge in posting such weekly poll threads. Each could also include a discussion over which subject will be used the following week.

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    I used an AI to turn Mia fey into a semi realist person

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I used an AI to make Manfred Von Karma in real life.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Calisto Yew Closet Cosplay

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I’m about to do what’s called a pro gamer move

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Double Art Post: Athena is short

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Who do yall ship Phoenix with?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    Go crazy in the comments

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DominatorDennis
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    Chibi-ttorney and the Squad!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Maya's Location

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    just finished og trilogy- my thoughts on each case

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney

    Case 1: First turnabout

    nostalgiac for me and very basic, albeit enjoyable. Satisfying enough mystery even if it was blisteringly simple

    Episode 2: Turnabout sisters

    Another simple one, and one i dont remember all to well. I still liked it plenty and felt the stakes were high and really wanted to bring down this seemingly invincible powerful dude

    Episode 3- Turnabout Samurai

    The worst case in the series. An uninteresting mystery with a boring setting and bad antagonist. The only case with 0 good original characters in it, also featuring the worst character ever conceived by a human being in Sal Monella.

    Episode 4- turnabout goodbyes

    Where shit got real. Involving the GOAT Edgeworth integrally into the mystery connected with the (underrated imo) antagonuist was great. INterrogating a parrot was pog AF. Later eclipsed imo and the investiagation was terrible and a complete slog (and Lotta was annoying). Flawed but fantastic

    Episode 5- Rise from the ashes

    I gave 0 shits about any of the characters in this horrifically long case. I thought the villain was inconsistent and confusing (the only character i never found a distinct voice for in my head). its hinging on you caring about the relationship between the sisters which i didnt. I thought some aspects of it were cool but it dragged on and was overlong.

    Justice For all

    Episode 1- The Lost Turnabout

    Before i get into it, i must comment on how horrible the main court theme is? 1's is all O SHIT IM AN ACTION PACKED LAWYER SOLVIN THIS CASE and 2's feels like those math games on the DS my mom used to force me to play before i could play on my gamecube as a kid. Anyway, 'The Lost Turnabout' is my favorite first case in the trilogy. Maggey Byrde is extremely annoying but i thought the amnesia aspect was a clever way to reintroduce shit to a character who should already know it

    Episode 2- Reunion, and Turnabout

    A very solid second case, i really followed the Miney sisters drama and how it was intertwined with the Feys and how it setup chapter 5. I dont have much to complain about, really, just a very spectacular case that introduced a lot of quality elements and characters and ended in a cute satifying way

    Episode 3- turnabout big top

    A complete failure, albeit a hilarious one. Every character in the chapter is a unrepentent pedophile to a child and it is never brought up. Ben's entire character's point is to enter the game, want to bone a child, and then leave. You solve the case by going 'owo what a nice bulge you have acro'. The solution is fucking ludicrous and made me laugh. Enjoyed best as a satirical case or a parody of sorts because this is fucking awful. (Also- every original character in it is awful)

    Episode 4- Farewell, my Turnabout

    IMO the best case in the series. Unmatched levels of hype and seriousness, a race against the clock. Pheonix had to defend someone obviously guilty. A genius premise executed fantastically with nearly no issues. I loved every character in it and the mystery and intrigue between the warring actors. Von Karma's ending was also amazing. An immensely enjoyable case and some of the best writing to be found in a game.

    Trials and tribulations

    chapter 1- Turnabout memories

    I dont care about Mia. I dont like her or her obnoxious submarine titties. I enjoyed seeing young pheonix, and the heelturn of Dahlia but thats about it. Just kinda whatever.

    Episode 2- The Stolen Turnabout

    Introducing GOATDOT!! Legend. I love von karma(s) (both) and edgeworth and hes up there with them. I didnt like the case because of how obvious the solution was and was a rare case that i got completely lost at. I checked out and dont remember much about it. Nothing in it is particularly memorable and good, or bad really. Just kinda, i dont care.

    Episode 3- Recipe For TUrnabout

    People hate this but its nowhere near as bad as 1-3 or 2-3. It does have some absolutely nonsensical solutions to puzzles and a pretty ridiculous mystery thats a stretch in beleivability. Looking back on it i dont remember much about it, besides the funny old man and best girl maya in a waitress outfit

    Episode 4- Turnabout Beginnings

    Barely a case. Again i dont like Mia so i was kinda like eugh. Though seeing Nodot (armando) was interesting and confusing. I liked the mystery and the fact the defendant fucking died but it was basically setup

    Episode 5- Bridge to the TUrnabout

    The second most hype in the series besides 2-4 and it...Almost delivers. Playing as edgeworth was unnecessary and shoehonred, and them bringing back von karma and reversing any and all development she had post-2 was extremely dissapointing, she didnt even give pheonix back the card. What the hell. I thought some of the solutions were stupid, and was enraged at the fact noone realized the obvious fact that Dahlia was completely obviously inside of Maya and not Pearls which shoiild be crystal clear from the get go but everyone just did whippits and became mentally disabled for a few hours i guess. Also Dahlia is just so cartoonishly evil to the point where i dont like seeing her. She seems like she should fuck off and go stomp puppies. At least Redd was charming in his fucked upness. Shes just a ho. Uninteresting. The base mystery of the case was cool and had some twists and turns but i cant help but feel a tad let down as the end to Pheonix Wright's story. The onlything pointing to it being a total conclusion was Godot's 'dont cry until its over' (a fantastic moment) and Mia (whom they brought back FAR TOO MANY TIMES...HOLY SHIT) saying she had nothing left to teach him. Its satisfying but lags far, far behind 2-4 and a bit behind 1-4 for me

    submitted by /u/Nolar2015
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    Does anyone else think the investigations are kinda boring compared to the trial?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I mean don't get me wrong sometimes I really enjoy the investigation but even when I do it always seems to take to long talking to every person asking all 4 questions presenting all the evidence just to see if I get a response all that stuff. But I do love when we get to bring the magatama out or look for tells.

    submitted by /u/7bloodbane7
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    so i may be a fucking idiot but what was in the bottle Dahlia gave Feenie?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    He ate it. So shouldn't he have died? if there was poison in it, feenie should definitely not be there anymore. In the game it can be passed off as there being none left in the bottle but in the anime theres a whole ton left.

    I'm probably just stupid. turnabout memories is my favourite case ffs and I've never understood this. can someone explain please? or can it just be chalked up to phoenix getting hit with a car and getting a sprained ankle sort of luck.

    submitted by /u/stoptrackingmeplease
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    lil fan animation of my boy Nick

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    [AA Trilogy Spoilers] I have no brain but I love Mia Fey - A Defense Post

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Rankdown rankers what the fuck are you doing oh my god

    thumbnail image♥

    So. Mia Fey. Who is she, and what does she do?


    You boot the game, and you meet Mia Fey, your employer at Fey & Co. Law Offices. And she's boring. Mia is there to show you the ropes, to guide you through the first trial while you're being introduced to this game's gameplay mechanics. Mia's forgettable at best.

    And then Turnabout Sisters happens and… she's dead!!! She's dead. I guess we'll never see her ever again.

    Except her sister can channel spirits.


    I don't like Maya, I think she's bland. Sure, she's nice to have in investigations, tagging along with you, but every time we face some sort of difficulty, she channels Mia and Mia saves the day♥ Why did Mia die if the game's gonna bring her back a billion times? It's pointless. Absolutely pointless. Mia solved her own murder case, not us. And there's nothing less satisfying then having dead people do your job in a murder mystery game.

    Turnabout Samurai! Mia does some things here, such as… use her big tits to… convince a minor to help her ?????????? I'm not even sure if this is a Mia defense post anymore. But this is just what Mia does in the first two games. coerce children She pops up when you're in trouble and goes "have you fucking checked all the evidence? all the testimonies? do you even know how to do your job???" to which you reply "oh my god. thats so true" and you win the case. It's incredibly unsatisfying.


    Mia shows up again, this time in Case 2, which also involves the Fey family! Yayyy! But this time, Pearl's the one to channel her and….. ew. I'm not linking her sprites because I don't believe you deserve to see them again, but what the fuck were the devs thinking? What's up with her hair? And the clothes? At least Pearl is better than Maya because she's a silly silly child who can't read and is better at comedy than her cousin.

    We all know how Reunion and Turnabout goes. Maya apparently kills someone, gets arrested, Mia does her crap, boom, day saved. It's the same thing as AA1.

    One thing Mia does in this game, however, is inform Phoenix of Maya's conditions during her sister's kidnapping. Since Pearl and Maya can channel Mia, she can effectively connect Maya and Phoenix as long as Maya's channeling her. But this isn't very useful, as it simply sets the tone for how serious this case is for both of them. It doesn't show us Mia as a character, she's just there to say "hey mayas in this dark place" and you just go "ok". Her role could've been replaced by someone else if not for the spirit channeling thing.

    And now, AA3.

    ... ...Grr... Nngghh... Hnnn... MIA FEY...! MIA... FEYYYY...!! Do. You. Think. You've. Won? Well!? Do you, Mia Fey? Heh... Heh... Heh... Heheh... That's. Just. Fine! For the time being... For the time being, victory is yours.

    Forget everything I've told you before this part. This is where we see the real Mia Fey. Before she, you know, died.

    In Turnabout Memories, Mia's tense. Very tense since it's her very first trial and she's defending Phoenix Wright (although she doesn't know him. Her past courtroom memories aren't the best and she was unsure about being able to give her client a "Not Guilty" verdict. Yes, this paragraph is just me flexing on the fucking clowns of the new trilogy, our first impression of Mia in T&T is the same we get from Apollo and Athena both.

    Mia is an odd attorney. She feels personally offended when her client lies to the court, and consequently, to her. But she's also relentless when on the offense, pushing witnesses as much as she can. You could argue that all attorneys in the series are like that, and I guess yes, they're all like that, but Mia is different, there's something special about her. I believe it's her dynamic with Dahlia. Well, Dahlia is a fucking bitch. But when Dahlia's there, Mia's also there. When Dahlia attempts to get away with her crimes, Mia's there to prevent her from doing just that.

    Well, we know whose milkshake brings all the boys to the yard…

    This is just how AA3 Mia is. It breathes new life into her character, it fleshes her out, it shows us a new side of her that had been ignored all this time. She's human, not some deus-ex machina ghost that pops up every chapter to save the day.

    And then she shows up as a deus-ex machina to save the day. I don't care about this part. I'm ignoring 3-2 and 3-3. She does her usual thing, and also… convinces an old man to help her… while wearing a maid costume. What the hell's wrong with Capcom.

    And then we get to Turnabout Beginnings. Holy fuck.

    Before I begin, I'd just like to say that Diego calling Mia "kitten" has kept me awake at night for weeks now. What the hell's wrong with Capcom. What the fuck's wrong with Capcom. Are you okay Capcom?

    But anyways, Turnabout Beginnings.

    It's OK, Mia. Stay calm... Just remember those court procedure videos you stayed up all last night watching!

    Mia has some crazy good lines in this game. We had always seen this serious side of her, always fighting for her client, but she's also affected by that. She feels her client's pains, she feels genuinely bad for them. But she's still a rookie. And the game does a great job at showing us that with very simple dialogue. It adds lots of depth to a character with barely any effort. She's not a professional lifesaver. What I'm trying to say is, Mia's a fucking noob.

    Boy would I like to wrap this scarf around his smarmy little neck…

    And then we meet Dahlia again. Actually no, sorry, it's """MELISSA FOSTER""". Actually fuck you I'm not doing this joke. We meet Dahlia again. We already know that she's the culprit because we know she's also the culprit of a case months in the future, and she's involved with Diego Armando, the dude right next to us, who is very obviously Godot. And he's here. Should be simple, right?

    Ah! That wasn't me! It was this guy... This crazy coffee addict...

    No, it isn't simple. Because Terry Fawles is now DEAD!!! He's gone. Dahlia is the culprit, we know she is, but we can't prove it because the people capable of that are dead. There is no evidence. No witnesses. Nothing. She escapes. And Mia can't do anything about it. Of course, she got her "revenge", as we've seen in 3-1, but did she really finish Dahlia off for good?

    Bridge to the Turnabout. Not as interesting as the other two cases.

    The whole thing here is Dahlia's spirit being a fucking bitch as always, lying about having killed Maya Fey (or caused her suicide). Yeah, sure, as if they'd kill a main character off like that. Keep giving me that bullshit, honey.

    Dahlia: ...Grr...Mmm...Nnnn... Grrr... Ahh! M... M... Mia F... F... Fey Mia Fey! Mia Fey! MIA FEEEEY! You... You... spinster!! I was supposed to kill Maya Fey like I swore I would! And if only you had gotten this spiky-haired jerk the guilty verdict... ...I wouldn't have been hanged to death!

    Mia: ...... True. But I think you finally understand, Dahlia Hawthorne. ...You will never defeat me. Whether you're alive, dead, or somewhere in between, you will never defeat me. As long as I'm around, you're destined to lose for all of eternity!

    Phoenix: ...I remember what you said earlier in the trial. You said there was no way we could punish you... ...because you were already dead. Then you said... "Even when the body dies, the spirit, the ego, it lives on... forever."

    Phoenix: ...That's very true, Dahlia. And that's exactly the punishment you'll never be able to escape from.

    Mia: For all of eternity, you'll have to remain as Dahlia Hawthorne. A miserable, pathetic, weak creature who can never win at anything... And for you, there is no escape from that. No hope of freedom. Since the day you were executed... ...the narrow bridge that once stretched out in front of you has burnt to a crisp!

    I love this last line. Personality flows from it. Mia knows she's better than Dahlia, she knows that she's always one step ahead of this pink idiot, and she makes sure to shove it in Dahlia's face. They're both dead, but even then, Mia makes sure to show Dahlia that she's ahead of her.


    bye bitch♥ but anyways

    THAT'S what I like about Mia. Her sassiness. Her humanity. Her empathy. Girl, you have done it again. Constantly raising the bar for us all, and doing it flawlessly.

    Conclusion :)

    Mia is a good character. The biggest complaint I see with her character is that she's a deus-ex machina for so much of the game and I admit, that's annoying as fuck. Let me do things!!! Stop giving things to the dead lady!!! Please!!!

    As soon as the new trilogy hit Mia died, for real this time. Girl's gone. Rose the bar for us all, flawlessly, even, and then vanished without a trace. I think this is fine, though. We replaced the deus-ex machina bullshit with crazy gadgets and whatever the hell Apollo's Bracelet is. Keeping Mia in the series was pointless since her tale had already been told and was finished. No point in stretching it further.

    Her animations are badass. She's cool as hell. Seriously, look at this. How can you not like her? (This is me attempting to persuade you at all costs)

    Final Words

    dont cut mia i will shit my pants and cry if you do (this is an euphemism for i will come to your house and shit all over your kitchen floor)

    sorry for swearing i dont know if any of you care about me swearing every three or four sentences i tried to cut back on it at the start but. i cannot. its part of who i am♥

    submitted by /u/peababyy
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    Are these games really translated officially? They're riddled with typos, and, well... (Not saying it isn't hilarious tho)

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    i'm sorry for ruining your day, but i found this in r/GachalifeCringe

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    I finished case 2 in JFA And there’s somthing wrong

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    The gun had maya's finger prints. They didn't explain it iirc. And didn't question that even after knowing that Mimi is the killer

    submitted by /u/Suliman_as1
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    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Can’t slide

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    I'm playing rise from the ashes. when I investigated the parking lot, but after I tapped the car, The cowboy talked to me, then Angel, and now I can't look to the right. I also can't make Angel go away, Is this a glitch?

    I'm playing the switch version if that helps

    submitted by /u/sammydammy64
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    My idea of a game: Ace Attorney Shadowy Blight

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    This is a game featuring 3 attorneys, with Phoenix getting the final case, and Athena and the new attorney, Piper. We see Apollo talking with the members of the Anything Agency. It goes Piper-Athena-Piper-Athena-ALL THREE.

    The first important part: Piper. Piper is a defense attorney who is a 12-year-old child. They carry around a handheld, and wear a hoodie and horned headphones. Piper is an incredibly young defense attorney who could have become a prosecutor, but didn't because they thought that defense attorneys are always the protagonists, a view obtained from the games they play. Their minigame for the trials is called High Pressure, a high-paced game where you bombard the witness with questions until their answers contradict each other. Piper, as a person, is an opposite to the calculating parts of the other attorneys. They are fast-paced, high-energy, and have some pretty over-the-top reactions.

    Case 1: the Prodigy Turnabout.

    This case is the player's and the Agency's introduction to Piper. It's relatively open-and-shut, but this doesn't tell you who the killer is outright. There are 3 witnesses, being the killer, defendant, and another witness. Basically, the case hinges on the timing between things, and how long something takes to do. the killer's lies follow a logical course of action, but by pressing them enough force them to add more steps to their alibi until they couldn't have possibly done it within the time-frame. This also hints to the game's "incident", being the SB-5 case, which links into Piper's memory issues. part of why they tries to do things as fast as possible is because of their near-nonexistent long-term memory. They will carry around notepads, write on their wrists, and slap sticky notes on their foreheads. but once something passes 20 minutes ago, Piper can't remember it, but can perfectly recall anything during that time-frame. As such, they will often have to go to their post-it notes.

    There's also a running gag of nobody actually knowing what gender Piper is, including Piper.

    That's everything I've thought of so far.

    tell me what y'all think!

    submitted by /u/Do_Ya_Like_Jazz
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