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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    Ace Attorney Spring Ema Skye 🌼

    Ace Attorney Spring Ema Skye ��

    Spring Ema Skye ��

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:58 PM PDT


    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    I drew franziska~!!

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:10 PM PDT


    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    I thought you guys liked my last post so here's franzy from aai :D

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    Can people stop cutting Gumshoe's salary.Look he's sad now.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Mia animation from Pachislot Ace Attorney

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    (inspired by u/irahmira’s franziska genderswap) tbh not much changed when i was making these designs but thats like, the point right? anyway here are some doodles and my scrawled on notes lol

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Every position is unsafe in the AA universe. [SPOILERS FOR AA1-AA5, DGS1/2]

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    I feel like the hotel I work at just became Wirght Anything Agengy...

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Because although I'm a receptionist, they asked me (as well as my fellow receptionist) that from now on, and until we get most of the housekeeping staff back, we have to clean the toilets.


    Fortunately, they haven't ask me to help with maintenance too, because I could get into a Ladder vs Stepladder situation.

    submitted by /u/PokeBattle_Fan
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    Justice! ��

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    [spoilers for every ace attorney game] deadbeat dad hot potato

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    What is your favorite case that ISN'T a final case?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    When it comes to favorite cases, it always seems to be a game's final case, and that's understandable. However, let's shake things up a bit and discuss your favorite NON-final case and why it is.

    For me, that would have to be The Stolen Turnabout (3-2). There are plenty of things I love about this case. Everything from it being the first case to not (initially) be a murder to Luke Atmey being a zany and loveable character to Phoenix essentially having to reevaluate and undo his entire theory that was presented in the first trial. Very fun case for me and easily my favorite non-final case.

    Edit: For simplicity's sake, 1-4 and 1-5 are both a "final case"

    submitted by /u/awsome2464
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    Ranking Every Ace Attorney Game

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Here's my ranking of all the games in the series. Wanted to make this to have something to link people to when they get mad at my opinions. DGS sections will be marked with spoiler tags and can be skipped over for the many people who haven't played those games. Ranked from worst to best if that wasn't obvious. Using a pros and cons format because it's the simplest way to have this organized. Keep in mind my opinions change quite a bit, especially the top 5 favorites because I love them all, the bottom 5 are pretty much set in stone though. Might come back and edit this later as well, who knows. Also, even though I may rank some of these games lower than others, I still think they are all great, and I'll often have a lot more to say in the cons section because it's quite a bit easier to talk about negatives than it is about positives. Some of these games I also have a lot less to say about than others, mostly the ones I share the popular opinion on where I don't really have much to add to the conversation.

    10. Ace Attorney 1


    ~ 1-5. It's a bit unfair to group this in with the rest of AA1, because it was written so far after the other cases and it shows. It is by far the best case in the game and still remains one of the best in the series. No it's not too long, I wouldn't mind if they delved even deeper into some of the non-Meekins side characters and had the case last for a fourth day, I love it that much.

    ~ The confrontation with von Karma at the end of 1-4 remains one of the best villain showdowns in the series despite being pretty much the first.

    ~ It's the first game. I try my best not to give this game too many undeserved points for being the first one in the series, but despite that it did lay the foundation for everything that came after, so it deserves some recognition for that.

    ~ Edgeworth.

    ~ 1-1 does a solid job of being the series's first tutorial.


    ~ Has the worst case in the series. 1-2 is the only case in the entire history of AA that I would consider to be completely awful. It does some okay things, obviously it introduces two of the most important characters in the series and is Phoenix's first "real" case, and it deserves a pass somewhat because it is the second case ever, but despite all that it still manages to annoy me out of my mind every time. It's full of poorly written witnesses, unnecessarily bloated investigations with little substance (especially considering Maya isn't there for most of them), an absolutely awful villain and a plot that makes no sense and makes all of the characters seem like horrible people. The first day is passable but still bad, and once it gets to the second day it just becomes completely awful. I could rant for a long time about everything wrong with this case but I'll save it for another time.

    ~ 1-4, despite its great final confrontation and Edgeworth's arc, has an entirely mediocre first two-thirds and overall is full of the obviously poor "first-game" writing and gameplay present in all of AA1. Compared to every single finale that comes after, it's quite a bit below the rest.

    ~ 1-3 is pretty bad. It's way too long for its own good, has a grand total of zero interesting witnesses, and the mystery is extremely simple for how long it takes to unravel.

    ~ It's the first game. It struggles with a lot of story moments that get perfected later in the series.

    ~ Full of awful characters, probably the most in the series (aside from the next game on here). Sal Manella, Redd White, April May, Yanni Yogi, the list goes on but those are the worst offenders.

    ~ Pretty much all of the game's (non 1-5) attempts at comedy have aged horribly or just aren't remotely funny in the first place. The comedic relief characters like Manella, April, and Yogi all come off as either disturbing or awkward.

    ~ Phoenix is already acting like a master attorney by case 2 and doesn't have any subtle development until case 4. His character feels strangely off especially in the middle cases.

    ~ You have to click a billion times to get literally anywhere. Most of the gameplay is not at all streamlined yet and feels awkward even in the newer ports. This is an issue that carries over to JfA and T&T as well.

    9. DGS1


    ~ Asougi is way better than Mia. I hate to say it but I feel as if Asougi is the writers' way of fixing the issues that Mia had in AA1. Him and Naruhodou have a huge amount of personal connection, development, and screen time together in case 1 alone and it makes his death a lot more impactful.

    ~ Megundal is a unique and entertaining overarching villain. From the moment you meet him he makes a massive impression, and his impact on the way Naruhodou views justice is a very interesting theme that is used well. His death and role in the events of case 5 make for one of the coolest mysteries to unravel in either of the DGS games. In general his charisma and cleverness make for a one-of-a-kind character for the series that I'm glad was written in the way he was.

    ~ Chrogray is an equally solid main villain, and he's a fantastic sympathetic character which is a rarity for AA's "final bosses"..

    ~ Case 5 and 3 are great and really bring out the best qualities in the writers' talent for mysteries.

    ~ Like SoJ, the gameplay is the best it's ever been. The reasoning mechanic is fantastic and great fun. The omnibus investigation in case 3 is a perfect way to blend investigations and trials.

    ~ Barok. He's instantly likable despite being quite threatening, and his role as the Reaper and his interactions with Naruhodou, as well as the hints about his past, create a solid foundation for the sequel to expand greatly upon his character.

    ~ Hooks you into the sequel really well with some compelling cliffhangers.


    ~ Cases 1, 2, and 4 range from boring and mediocre to downright awful. I'll go into detail for each but overall the game has both the most "bad" cases and the lowest average case quality in the entire series.

    ~ Case 1: What in the world were Yuujin's motivations supposed to be for wanting Naruhodou to defend himself. It makes no sense and serves only as an easy way to make him a lawyer without any reason for Yuujin's character to want any of this to happen in the first place. And if there was a reason, why was it never explained? The witnesses suck. They have no personality like most of DGS's witnesses and accomplish nothing past providing the first few tutorial contradictions and extending the case for more Asougi/Naruhodou interaction (which I won't complain too much about). Jezail is a weird culprit but she definitely falls more towards the bad side than good for me. Her racism is her only character trait, and obviously that makes for quite the unlikable character. It's still possible to have terrible assholes that are likable, AA has done it many times (L'belle, Retinz, etc.) so Jezail feels a bit out of place there. Although I liked the twist that she actually does speak Japanese. I understand why she didn't get brought to justice in the end for plot purposes, but I still don't like it. There are a few good things about this case and all of them involve Asougi, but overall it's quite mediocre.

    ~ Case 2: I've spoken numerous times about why I strongly dislike this case, so I'll keep it brief here. The mystery is devoid of any substance whatsoever and is even treated as a joke at times, the rival and culprit are unlikable and I really did not feel bad for them at all, particularly the sailor spends the entire time berating Naruhodou and co. and in the end expects forgiveness without showing even the tiniest bit of character growth. The case does a horrible job of introducing characters who are supposed to be important. A lot of moments drag on with character interactions that boil down to people being mean to the protagonist and that is supposed to be funny. This case also features Holmes as his absolute worst, I feel he improves quite a bit as the game goes on but this isn't a great first impression.

    ~ Case 4: This case has a lot of great qualities actually, but since this is the cons section I'll just talk about the part that brings it down - the culprit. Joan is an absolute mess of a character and I don't understand how the writers expected anyone to sympathize with her. She has no likable traits and her gimmick is that she physically abuses her husband for no reason, wow, truly a recipe for a likable character. And we're supposed to believe her husband still fully defends her after being in what is clearly an abusive relationship. John himself also has some extremely strange actions throughout the case and you're expected to believe everything is totally fine with him in the end (he even becomes a recurring character). There are some subtle themes about relationships here that the writers were clearly trying to express in this case but it doesn't really matter because they tried to make such an unlikable character sympathetic while also attempting to teach a moral that barely any effort was put into. I appreciate cases with underlying themes when they are good. This one is not.

    ~ I don't like Susato. Her introduction is horribly done, her toss gimmick is not at all funny and serves no purpose in the slightest, and she's unbelievably boring for an AA character. The writers' attempts at "humanizing" her utterly fail for me, particularly in case 5 where her motivations make absolutely zero sense, despite leading to an epic climax, the logic falls apart when thought about even a bit. Her actions feel like the writers noticed that she was a bit too boring and perfect and wanted to last-minute write in a dilemma for her to have, somehow all without realizing what makes a good flawed character in the first place.

    ~ I don't like Iris either, but she's at least somewhat bearable in comparison to her DGS2 appearance, though that may simply be due to the fact that she appears much less. By case 5 she started to get on my nerves but it can be forgiven because her sub-plot in it is fairly compelling.

    ~ Holmes is a different case because it's hard to see him the same way after finishing DGS2, but suffice it to say he was annoying at best in a lot of the parts of the first game. Particularly in case 2 and 4, while he does provide the fantastic reasoning mechanic, his out of gameplay moments don't do it for me. His writing often boils down to he's dumb and that's funny, and until case 5 he is devoid of the character depth that nearly all main characters in AA have, even the ones I dislike like Susato and Iris. Even past that he's a shockingly basic character for being such a major one, all the way until the end of DGS2. His appearance in case 5 is cool though and I prefer it quite a bit to a certain scene in DGS2 that we'll get to.

    ~ Everything about the cat flap maker, not just its relation to Susato. It's a horrible and contrived attempt at recreating the epic feeling in cases like 2-4 and I-5, and logically falls flat in several different ways.

    ~ Case 5 has a beginning section that is, in short, a completely useless waste of time and horribly paced. It drags on for way longer than it should be and doesn't progress the plot in the slightest past providing some unimportant exposition and including some "quality time" with the characters in the game that bother me the most.

    ~ Why are there so many worthless non-characters? I expected something to be done with a lot of the witnesses but nothing ever was. It's a bit of a shock coming from a series like AA where nearly every character is incredibly important. There's a lot of filler characters that feel like they were added just to show off the multiple witness mechanic that they forgot to give actual characterization. Thankfully, this problem was greatly improved upon by DGS2.

    8. Justice for All

    Maybe a controversial pick putting this above AA1 and DGS (though this whole list is pretty controversial), but don't assume JfA doesn't have its fair share of issues, although I don't have much to say about it that hasn't already been said.


    ~ While I do think it gets a bit more praise than it really deserves, 2-4 is still a fantastic and intense experience, especially considering it was the second finale ever.

    ~ Phoenix/Edgeworth's relationship and how Franziska ties into it by 2-4 is a really cool plot that carries over well to T&T.

    ~ Case 2 also rocks and gives a solid context and setup to the events of 3-5.


    ~ It's got a similar issue with comedy as AA1. Most of the series' insultingly unfunny characters come in JfA. Which leads me into my next point...

    ~ 2-3 is, as the popular opinion states, not good. From the disturbing pedophillic themes and uncomfortable cast of characters (not you Moe don't worry I love you) to the horribly illogical mystery and a culprit who fails at being the one thing he was supposed to be written to be, this case is just as bad as people say.

    ~ 2-1 is easily the worst first case in the series, and if you've played it you know how awful it is. While some cases like 2-3 are bad because of the actual substance of the case, 2-1 is just nothing. It feels like it would be more at home in a bad fan game.

    7. Apollo Justice

    Another game I don't have too much to comment on, I've ranked it fairly low in comparison to the series but starting with it is where the games I really like begin.


    ~ 4-4 is amazing all the way through. Kristoph is an extremely compelling villain and a joy to interact with and take down. Valant and Zak contrast each other very well - Zak is a criminally underappreciated character in particular. Valant's subplot is very well done tragic storytelling that ties into the rest of the case masterfully. The Mishams are great as well and both have some wonderfully heartwarming moments. This case is packed to the brim with twists and they keep things consistently exciting.

    ~ 4-1 is solid, the twist is obviously great and it sets up 4-4 very well. High quality for a first case.

    ~ Ema and how her introduction here leads to her development in SoJ.


    ~ As much as I think the case itself gets hated on a bit too much, 4-3's countless blatant plotholes are inexcusable. The video playing over and over is also obviously extremely annoying.

    ~ 4-2's first day is a massive drag. It's not boring per se, it just isn't particularly fun. Although I like the second day quite a bit, Alita is a fairly mediocre villain.

    6. Investigations 1


    ~ Lang is great. Easily my favorite rival character in the series and his moment in case 5 is a perfect redemption arc. I love how the game plays with your expectations after he accuses Franziska as well.

    ~ Franziska gets some much-needed development.

    ~ Calisto is one of the coolest villains the series has ever had as well as a great twist and character to take down.

    ~ Both Case 4 and Case 5 make up a compelling overarching plot with a satisfying conclusion.

    ~ Ambassador Quercus Alba.


    ~ Case 1 is not good. I wanted to try replaying it for this but I just could not get through it. One of the weakest openings in the series.

    ~ Case 3 is also mediocre but at least has some things going for it.

    5. Dual Destinies


    ~ 5-2 is kinda a banger. L'belle is a legitimately funny villain, Damian is a sweetheart and a great defendant, and the mystery itself is quite interesting. I don't really know much about the yokai background but taking the case at face value for what it is, it has quite a bit of appeal.

    ~ The final 2 cases are great and give a wonderful conclusion to the story. Both Blackquills are fantastic characters and tie into each other's motivations very well.

    ~ I'm not entirely sure what was going on with Apollo in 5-5, but I think it was pretty good.

    ~ The DLC case is just amazing. It's a lighthearted fun time and while it does have a few not great characters, overall it has some great moments, especially during the second day.

    ~ I've got problems with 5-3, but Hugh is an amazing character and his growth and development throughout the case is fantastic writing.

    ~ Athena is also a great addition to the main cast, especially in 5-3 and 5-5. The Mood Matrix is fantastic.


    ~ 5-3 kinda sorta sucks. It has some things I absolutely love, like Hugh and the confrontation with Means, but also has Juniper and Robin who are fairly mediocre characters that pretty much only serve to prop up the amazingness of Hugh. Some of the mystery moments create some weird difficult to explain plot holes as well.

    ~ 5-1 is not good.

    ~ The phantom, while a good twist, is a fairly underwhelming villain and doesn't hold up compared to nearly every other final villain in the series.

    4. DGS2


    ~ Everything wraps up very nicely from the first game. Every single unanswered question and more is given a satisfying conclusion.

    ~ Doesn't have a bad case. Overall quality is much higher than the first DGS and the formula has really been perfected.

    ~ Case 2 and 3 in particular make up what I would consider one of the strongest sets of mid game cases the series has had. Case 2 is my favorite out of all the DGS games - it's a wonderful mystery with two fantastic culprits that contrast each other perfectly. It does a much better job tackling some serious themes than its predecessor case in DGS1 tried to. Case 3 has some great investigation segments and the reasoning segment and confrontation when they find Drebber is probably my favorite scene in the whole game. The final trial has a really satisfying conclusion and the twist as to who the culprit is comes out of nowhere while still being believable.

    ~ Despite my issues with the finale, Case 4 and 5 still are excellent. Asougi's revival is done really well, his struggle feels very real and human, especially considering what he'd been through. Barok's development is great and his arc is kept unique enough that it doesn't feel like a rehash of 1-4 Edgeworth, despite the obvious similarities. Gina is another highlight, I was a fan of her in the first game, but DGS2 takes her to another level. The twist of Jigoku being the culprit was really well done, in fact most of the twists in these cases are great - particularly Klimt being the real Professor was one that impressed me quite a bit. Barok having to come to terms with that adds to his character greatly as well.

    ~ Absolutely stellar cast of villains/culprits, the best in the series. Viridian and Drebber in particular are some of my all-time favorites. Viridian is an extremely unexpected culprit and having her on the stand with Pretency during the trial strongly takes advantage of what I would otherwise consider the fairly underutilized mechanic of cross-examining multiple witnesses. Her scene in the hospital and how it leads to discovering her as the culprit is one of the most tragic yet best uses of a piece of evidence in the series. Drebber is great for several different reasons. The way you find him is a clever use of the reasoning mechanic, and his eccentric-ness and charisma make him stand out as an entertaining character. His backstory is legitimately tragic and I love when characters from previous cases (like Drebber) end up tying into the finale in unexpected ways.

    ~ The gameplay and mechanics are just as wonderful as they were in the first DGS.

    ~ The feeling of pointlessness that many of the characters had in DGS1 is mostly absent here; aside from Case 3. That can be mostly forgiven considering this was an issue in 4/5 of the first game's cases.


    ~ The only real reason this game isn't higher is the inexcusably awful ending. If you've played the game, you know what I'm talking about (and if you haven't then why are you reading this part?), it's anticlimactic, unbelievably absurd even for AA, and takes away all agency and satisfaction from the player that is present in every single other finale in the series. I honestly do not understand how it got into the final game without someone realizing how obviously terrible writing it is.

    ~ Case 1 notwithstanding, Susato is unchanged from the dull character that was present in the first game. Her reunion in Case 3 takes away basically the only thing I liked about her in DGS1, that being her emotional parting with Naruhodou by bringing her back with zero subtlety or elegance. I can't deny she makes for a pretty great protagonist in the first case though, which shocked me quite a bit. It's a shame those traits don't carry over into the rest of the game.

    ~ DGS2 Iris is a heavily flanderized version of a DGS1 character that I already didn't like very much. Most of the moments she's on screen really do require you to like her character, which is a problem that isn't present with Susato. She gets way too much screen time as well, and nearly all of it is used up on reiterating her surface-level gimmicks and traits that have been present since her literal first scene. Child characters are hard to get right and I feel like Iris was a character that, with a bit of tweaking, could have ended up pretty solid, but instead just comes off as an annoyance. Her "found family" subplot in Case 4/5 is close to being a really interesting conclusion to what was set up in the first game, but it gets far too little attention (ironic considering Iris gets way too much attention overall) and feels like it was just thrown in to wrap up a plot point they didn't fully plan out.

    3. Trials & Tribulations


    ~ The overarching story throughout 3-1, 3-4, and 3-5 is nothing short of mind blowing. Dahlia is an amazing villain and very satisfying to take down. Godot is the best.

    ~ Everything about 3-2, from the amazing defendant to the clever mystery, to one of the best filler culprits ever.

    ~ 3-3 is also solid, making this another game with not a single bad case. Apologies that I don't have much to say about T&T, but everyone knows it's good.


    ~ Jean Armstrong. That's all I got.

    2. Spirit of Justice


    ~ The setting of Khura'in is absolutely wonderful and a joy to explore. The atmosphere and dialogue of the characters makes playing this game really feel like you're a foreigner. I am consistently blown away by the art direction and setting design of all the locations in Khura'in. The music and nature of the situation you're put in during 6-3 create a truly unique experience that is crafted in a way that the player feels everything that Phoenix feels.

    ~ 6-3 is a masterpiece. Everything about it is amazing. I've talked about this absolute gem of a case many times and it is what I would consider to be quite possibly the only truly perfect case in the series.

    ~ 6-2 is also great, but you already knew that. Fantastic villain, incredibly clever mystery and murder method, and entertaining all the way through.

    ~ Let's continue praising this game's cases by talking about 6-4, which is a case that I would consider to be the pinnacle of filler cases. Athena and Blackquill having a case together is wonderful, and Uendo and Geiru create some great cross-examination moments.

    ~ 6-5, while it has some minor issues, generally succeeds in being an epic finale and a wonderful conclusion to Apollo's three game long story. The final takedown is incredibly satisfying like never before and the conclusion brings everything to a close. The twist of Dhurke's death is quite possibly the greatest twist the series has ever had. The civil trial segment is also a fun time, it's mystery is very well done and both Paul and Armie are great characters.

    ~ The development of Rayfa and how it ties into Inga and his motivations is just pure storytelling genius.

    ~ Divination Séances, revisualization, mood matrix, Psyche-Locks, and the perfected investigations give this game my favorite gameplay in the series.

    ~ Dhurke is one of the best characters ever.


    ~ 6-5 Nahyuta. I don't think I need to go too much into this for obvious reasons but it is a pretty large blemish on what I would otherwise consider a near flawless game. I like Nahyuta in general but his redemption arc was handled very poorly.

    ~ 6-1's villain kinda sucks. I'm stretching pretty hard here to find any other real issues with this game and that's basically the only thing I can think of.

    1. Investigations 2

    Sorry for the boring popular opinion, but this game is a masterpiece and you probably already knew that.


    ~ This game mastered the redemption arc. Both Courtney and Sebastian have incredible moments in the game's last two chapters. Courtney turning on Blaise in case 4 is one of the most epic moments the series has ever had. Sebastian's struggle and eventual bravery during the trial segment is simply wonderful and cements him as one of my favorite characters ever. He's also just extremely funny in cases 2 and 3.

    ~ There's once again not a single bad case. I would consider every case in this game to be better than every case in the bottom two games on this list, aside from 1-5.

    ~ The gameplay is incredibly fun. The investigation gimmicks tie into the case logic seamlessly and create some wonderful mystery-solving moments that the series doesn't often have.

    ~ That final twist. Simon is great and having a final villain who's essentially just...some guy is a unique twist on how AA villains typically are.


    ~ None. Seriously, I can't think of a single thing to complain about with this game.

    Thanks for reading if you did, I'd love to hear people's thoughts and what you agree/disagree with.

    submitted by /u/whaaatisth
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    Best partner?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    Favorite Cross Examination Theme (Main Trilogies)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    I love these two a lot

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Dual Destinies theme of psychology

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Recently stumbled on a few psychological concepts. Replaying the AA series at the same time, I noticed a few similarities in DD, if fairly obvious ones. Nothing ground-breaking and elaborate here.

    The three main culprits in the game fit the "Dark triad" personality traits.



    Le Belle is a narcissist in appearance, behavior and even business. He pursuits "ego gratification, vanity, a sense of superiority, grandiosity and entitlement."

    Means is an embodied Machiavelli, Machiavellianism is marked by "manipulation – a calculating, duplicitous, and amoral personality, focused on self-interest and personal gain." He corrupts all of his students and tries to manipulate Juniper and Athena by taking on the defense himself. His "end justifies the means" line is a common known saying referring to a sentence in Machiavelli's famous work "The Prince". Though this is a happenstance of localization, so the intent isn't clear.

    The Psychopath is of course the Phantom, lacking emotions and empathy, "callousness, impulsivity, and enduring antisocial and bold behavior" enable him to commit his crimes, take a dangerous escape route and to hide in plain sight.

    Athena and her gimmick is about revealing and expressing the emotions to face the truth, which helps her in the court battles, but is also part of her character growth, hr trusting the Wright agency despite the following hardships and facing her traumatic past. The four main emotions in her matrix show this (though the concepts I found use way more emotions) simplified, that concept got even more popular with Pixar's Inside Out.

    The colorful Athena is a huge contrast to her black and whitecynical counterpart, the stoic Blackquill, who chooses to conceal and hide his feelings and emotions. He is using psychology as well, but less with his heart and more so with his mind. While analyzing his opponents and targeting their weak-spots, he is as detached from his own psychological issues like a user of a physical weapon would. Unlike Athena, his psychological warfare is not part of himself, but a weapon, a sword.

    DD is still the worst in the main series, considering the grand screw-ups in the plot and misrepresentation of the old characters. At the very least I appreciate DD to express their antagonists and protagonists through psychological concepts to enhance one its main theme, psychology. I wouldn't be surprised if Yamazaki used the Dark Triad in particular as a basis for the villains.

    submitted by /u/Gicoo
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    How do you play AA?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Since most of the games aren't AAI, I'm going with touch screen.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/BatimadosAnos60
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    What're some tips when writing mystery

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    The mystery is basically the backbone of the case.Without it, there's no case to be solve. It purpose is to make the player thinks about the situation the writer presents,causing us( the player ) to theorize the case,predict the outcome and gives us that "aha" moment when the mystery reveals itself,it like solving a puzzle.It's satisfying to solve them all by yourself. A good mystery will always go along with the flow of the case.Not too slow to the point it bore the player but not too fast to the point it jumps in conclusion make,make the player lost and unsatisfied.It can also make them care about everything surround the mystery,such as: Character,story... A bad one though,it can break the case,make it do the exactly opposite. So then,I ask you.What're some tips that you'd give to someone who want to write a murder mystery.

    submitted by /u/KyleStyleSteel
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    How Would You Improve Damon Gant?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    submitted by /u/PowerOfL
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