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    Friday, April 10, 2020

    Ace Attorney When you savescum to avoid a penalty and get caught

    Ace Attorney When you savescum to avoid a penalty and get caught

    When you savescum to avoid a penalty and get caught

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Painted these today

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Please listen to me! ������

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Ace Detective Luke Atmey art.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney Characters Letting Their Hair Down: Simon and Dahlia

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Just remembered that Maya actually said the w-word in an Ace Attorney game

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    The Steel Samurai theme as my island tune in ACNH!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Another Odd1sout Ace attorney Reference (Thanks u/PowerOFL for the suggestion~♡)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    If there's one thing this series has taught me, it's to never be the mentor on an attorney's first case. (Spoilers for AA1, AA3, AA4, and AA5)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    The Problems with the Final Villain of Dual Destinies (FULL SPOILERS AHEAD)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    So I've been on this sub for a while now, and I keep hearing people talk about Bobby Fulbright/The Phantom, and yet I have not seen people discuss much about his strength or weakness as a final villain. I've become curious what you all think of him, and I want to start by explaining my thoughts to see if they are a common or uncommon opinion. I'm going to preface this by saying I LOVED Dual Destinies (in fact the only game I've played that I didn't love was Investigations), it's just The Phantom that I have problems with

    Basically, in my mind, The Phantom is an incredibly poorly executed final villain, and is a terrible idea on many levels.

    1) He doesn't have a motivation. He is a hired killer, who killed a guy because a foreign government told him to. Ending the case by finding him guilty is the equivalent of convicting a gun, or ending Farewell My Turnabout by convicting Shelly de Killer and calling it a day. Heck, this is made worse by him being killed IN THE MIDDLE OF A COURT ROOM and everyone just kinda shrugging and going "well I guess this case is over."

    2) He doesn't have a personality to hate. All the best villains in this series have had a personality beyond just "evil." They had quirks and goals beyond just the one murder, and the innocent facades they put on were, at least in part, still that same character, so when you saw them break into their true, eviler versions of themselves, it was satisfying. The Phantom, meanwhile, is nothing like the Bobby Fulbright persona, and the only way in which his old personality plays a role once discovered is when he starts deliberately messing with the Mood Matrix. He's a blank state, and thus there is no catharsis when he's beaten.

    3) It's a goddamn waste of a great character like Bobby Fulbright. Bobby Fulbright is an amazing character. He was always hilarious and felt distinct from Gumshoe and Ema in his sheer gung-ho attitude and excitability. Every scene with Fulbright was hilarious and fun, and then they ruined it by literally making it so he never existed. Every single time we see him, it's just an act, and his scenes are no longer enjoyable. This is especially frustrating to me because this was avoidable. Instead of saying Fulbright's been dead for months, just have him held hostage somewhere and only replaced in this most recent case. Then you still get the reveal that the Phantom's been posing as him, but you don't undermine your previous scenes AND you get to use him in future games. Heck, if you really want him dead, make it clear he was killed and replaced right before this last murder. Spending a whole game getting to know and love a character only to be surrpised by the fact that they are evil can work, but it doesn't if the way we discover they are evil is "I was literally just disguised as him and was putting on an act the entire time!"

    So yeah. Sorry for the rant, I was just curious about all of your opinions. Do people like The Phantom reveal? Were people as annoyed as I was? Or is the general reaction just "meh?"

    submitted by /u/joepro9950
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    I drew one of my favorite lawyers on my online homework!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Odd1sout Ace attorney Reference~!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Make a story...

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    I would like to see if anyone wants to take up my challenge... the first of many if this gets attention... the challenge is... make a story only including: (Zinc Lablanc) (Wendy Oldbag) (Charley the plant) (Shoe) (Victor Kudo) (Deid Mann).

    submitted by /u/Im_Shaggy
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    [3-1 spoilers] Am I the only one who has always been legit unsettled by this sprite? Seriously it low-key bothers me and looks really sinister.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    The Newest Fey

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Favorite first words pt 2

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    I can't add him now, but I'll add Edgeworth next poll.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Im_Shaggy
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    Meet the New Character for the next game John Dick Gumshoe Sr. the father of Dick Gumshoe or John Dick Gumshoe Jr..

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    John Gumshoe is a retired Russian boxer and he is a Russian judge.

    submitted by /u/TomTheNinjaFrog
    [link] [comments]

    Putting this on here

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:37 PM PDT

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