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    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Ace Attorney Edgeworth and Ray ( upscaled pic )

    Ace Attorney Edgeworth and Ray ( upscaled pic )

    Edgeworth and Ray ( upscaled pic )

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    This is really cute

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Guess what other game I just finished?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    some marker practice that turned out to be 75% prosecutors

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    I dunno why but this popped into my head so I decided to make it

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Dumb Meme Template Because Quarantine Sucks

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    a bunch of wrightworth colored sketches i made ^^

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Dual Destinies Retrospective

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Just finished up Dual Destinies. I have some a lot of thoughts.

    Good Stuff

    • The three main characters introduced (Athena, Simon, and Fulbright) were all great characters. Athena worked great as a foil to Apollo and was written very well. Simon's arc was interesting and watching him be over-the-top edgelord and all samurai-y was fantastic (after I got used to it, it really irked me at first). They did a good job of distinguishing Fulbright from Gumshoe and Ema and giving him a distinct personality, while also making you like him to set you up for the final gut punch.
    • Athena and Simon's relationship was really well executed. They managed to give us another set of opposing lawyers with an optimistic one trying to save the dark, closed-off one without making it feel like Phoenix and Edgeworth 2.0. I really bought into Simon's decision making as a character and his care for Athena, and their relationship is what makes 5-5 work.
    • Turnabout for Tomorrow continues the streak of Ace Attorney games nailing their endings - the ones I've played are now 5 for 5, with none of them being less than 8/10 cases. Learning about Athena's childhood trauma and seeing the relationships between her and Metis and Simon and Aura and everyone was really enjoyable. Felt good as always to nail the big bad at the end, but for reasons I'll explain later, I think the Phantom keeps this case at an 8 rather than the 9 it could have been.
    • The 3D Models for all the new characters were really good. Athena's models were very expressive and conveyed her character perfectly. Fulbright's, Blackquill's, and Hugh's models were all also very good. Pretty much all of the 3D models for the characters that were in this game were very good, and they were so good in some cases (particularly Juniper in 5-3) that they almost looked like 2D sprites. I also particularly enjoyed Apollo's exasperated face, especially when he's your co-counsel.
    • The soundtrack, as always, was good. Just like final cases (and the series in general actually), Ace Attorney has yet to produce a truly bad soundtrack (at least from the five games I've played), but some are better than others. I thought DD's Pursuit was a little lacking, although i enjoyed Phoenix's Objection music and Athena's theme and Objection music. It's funny, listening to the OST again on YouTube, I find I enjoy it much more than in-game. It's still good, but to me falls a bit short of the lofty heights of the original and Apollo Justice.
    • I enjoyed the Mood Matrix. I thought it was gimmicky at first and it honestly still kind of is, but using it was fun and easy nonetheless.
    • For all the "deserved" slack it gets for the "end justify the means" stuff, 5-3 was a case I enjoyed. I enjoyed getting more backstory on Juniper, and the dynamic between her, Hugh, and Robin. Means was a fine enough culprit, basically all my thoughts on his can be found here. Honestly I think I was just relieved to play a decent case after 5-2, so anything would've been a breath of fresh air compared to that, but I still enjoyed it and it let Athena and Apollo really shine.
    • 5-4 is essentially just a lead in to 5-5, but it was a fine case. Starbuck's sighing gag got old real quick, and Clay was kind of a disappointment as a character, but 5-4 did its job and was a fine lead in to the final case.
    • Edgelord Apollo was hilarious, but I actually unironically thought Apollo looked cool wearing Clay's jacket all bandaged up like that (which inspired this post, which is now my profile picture, so thanks u/Phoenix40201).

    "Meh" Stuff

    • I'm not crazy about the Phantom as a final villain. To me, the entire basis of Ace Attorney is satisfaction after defeating the bad guy. I've been playing Mario games my entire life, but after
      a while, beating Bowser kind of loses its shine besides "it's the hardest level in the game and I want to beat the game." Ace Attorney is different. It's why we kept playing after 1-1 - because we remembered how amazing it felt to take down a smug, two-faced punk like Sawhit with cold, hard, evidence. It's why the series wasn't grinded to a halt after a good twist that wasn't executed the best in 1-2 with a disappointing villain, because at the end of the day, we still got him. We got the son of a gun in the end, and sent him and his pink suit to the slammer. The feeling of satisfaction you get after nailing the killer on the stand and watching them break down is Ace Attorney to its very core /rant. While they did a good job of making you understand the damage he'd caused and the trauma he'd dealt to Athena and Simon, thus making it inherently satisfying to defeat him, leaving him faceless and identity-less ultimately diminished that satisfaction.
    • Phoenix's voice clips grew on me. I don't think any Ace Attorney voice clip will ever reach the levels of the Trilogy, so to have to transition Phoenix to different voice clips was always going to be a challenge. The more I heard his "Objection!" in this game, the more I could hear the faint sounds of his Trilogy "Objection!", and so it seemed like a natural progression.
    • The whole dark age of the law bit was... fine? I guess? The message was clear very early on that something was amiss with the court system, and they transitioned that nicely into a moral about purity of motive with courts, etc. Which dovetails nicely with the themes found in the Trilogy. But the whole thing felt kind of ham-fisted in execution - it was shoved down our throats in 5-3, and it kind of felt like at random points in the game, they had to throw this back up like, "Hey!!!! Just a quick reminder, you're fighting t̶͇̜͛́h̴̨̛̤̺͐͜ẻ̵̙̹͇ ̷̯̞̗͆́d̵̨̛̦̗͚̿̍a̶̪̯̝̘̾̔ȓ̷̺̤ǩ̵͓͎̭̀͘ ̸̛̱̠̻͜ą̸͙̻͈̅̄̈́g̶̟͇͍̀̚ẽ̴̡̳̗̠̍ ̶͉̈́̃̄͘o̴̡̘̱̚f̵͚͎̀̽͜ ̸̮̙͎͋ţ̵͔̀̔h̶̘͍̐e̸̲̬̹̝̎̃͗͘ ̵͕̻̘̼̑̄̀l̴̺̗͉̓a̶̒ͅw̴̤͈̑̇̆̉. Be sure to win and stuff so we can be trustworthy again!1!!!1!11!" just so we wouldn't forget about it. And when you win 5-5, it's basically just this meme. Overall, they built up something too much to not make it believable at the end.
    • 5-1 is fine. We got to kick the crap out of another Payne brother so that's always a plus.

    Bad Stuff

    • The 3D models for characters who already had a presence in 2D... did not hold up well against the other 3D models. Phoenix, Klavier, Edgeworth, Trucy, and to a lesser extent Apollo, all looked significantly worse in this game than in 2D.
    • Some voice clips I enjoyed, like Athena's and Simon's (noticing a pattern here?). Others were just alright, like Phoenix's. Apollo's and Klavier's missed the mark for me. I mentioned in an earlier post that Apollo's "Gotcha!" from his game is probably my favorite non-Objection voice clip in the series. All of his voice clips - but especially that one - seemed to lack the same energy as his original clips. In fact, that seems to be the general rule of thumb for the voice clips (even the good ones) - they lack the energy that the Trilogy clips brought. The ones in DD sound calmer and more realistic... but we don't play Ace Attorney for the realism. We play Ace Attorney to hear grown men shout "Objection!" at each other at the top of their lungs. Oh and Klavier's voice sounded ridiculously American. Even if his AJ voice didn't necessarily have a German accent, it didn't sound straight up Californian.
    • The trial of an international spy was ended directly after his breakdown in court by a sniper shot through the open roof of the Courtroom No. 4 ruins. How is no one taking this more seriously? I understand that the fact they were holding a fake trial before that in the ruins of a bombed courtroom doesn't exactly do wonders for this game's credibility (again, not that that's necessarily important in Ace Attorney), and I understand this takes place in a universe where people can be whipped and play air guitar and drink coffee and be Manfred von Karma, but I mean come on! Does anyone involved in this trial have the faintest idea the ramifications of letting this slide will have?
    • 5-2 was brutal. I didn't really like the yokai setting/theme throughout the case. The supernatural aspect of Ace Attorney has always been by far my least favorite part of the series, so already 5-2 was facing an uphill battle for me. Filch was annoying to have to deal with, and Florent L'Belle might legitimately be the most unlikable character Ace Attorney has ever produced, up there with Hotti and Benjamin Woodman, but because his arrogance and condescending nature is turned up to 11, it becomes tolerable and almost funny. I'm not sure if this next part is just down to me not being very good at Ace Attorney, but this case's logic completely left me behind. By the end of Trial Day 1, I was confused and left behind, but by that point, I had pretty much already mentally checked out of the case.
    • This one might be slightly controversial, and could very easily be in "meh." Dual Destinies is a Phoenix Wright game. It feels very much like a trilogy game, with some new characters and in 3D, but in general, it kind of has that feeling. The problem is, the last game we got was not a Phoenix Wright game. I really enjoyed Apollo Justice, but I think it would be even better if AA5 had decided to be more of an Apollo Justice game, and follow the feelings, themes, and characters of that game. I loved playing as Phoenix again, but I also would've been fine if he settled in somewhere between Hobo Nick and Dual Destinies Phoenix, where he isn't quite homeless anymore but he still isn't a full-fledged lawyer anymore. Having Trucy essentially disappear from this game after being AJ's Maya was strange. Not resolving hardly any of the loose ends found at the end of AJ was disappointing. While Dual Destinies is a fine Phoenix Wright game, I think it could have been an excellent Apollo Justice game.

    Ugly Stuff


    This game had a lot of potential, and does a lot of things right. However, there are a lot of things it falls short on, and it drags down the final product. This is nowhere near a bad game, but as you play through this game, it's clear that the magic of the Trilogy is something that probably can never quite be captured again. Worth a play? Absolutely. Will I be revisiting it anytime soon? Probably not. The weakest of the Ace Attorney games so far, but being the worst of the best is a position many games would envy.

    Final Score: 7/10

    submitted by /u/LlamaTheG0AT
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    I don't know if anyone else will get the reference but...

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I haven't beat it yet so no spoilers

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    I just have a few complaints I have to vent about with The Kidnapped Turnabout

    1. Agent Lang makes no sense to me, he seems to do things based on instinct rather than logic and evidence

    2. I hate how prominent the blue badger is in the case, I never thought much of the mascot so it got annoying fast.

    3. Most of the humor in the case falls flat

    4. Oldbag returning ruined my mood

    5. I felt that this case didn't need a murder, the kidnapping was already interesting

    6. I think it's a bad choice to make Meekins the accused, it seems unbelievable that Lang thinks an absolute goofball like Meekins is capable of murder. Not only that but he has yet to prove that Meekins knew the victim or had a motive yet he continues to suspect him for what seems to be no reason.

    submitted by /u/24hourcinderella
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    They referenced me in SoJ!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Dusl destinies mobile worth paying for?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    Is it worth paying $20?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/wackybatman202
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    What's become of Gumshoe..?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    For every new Ace Attorney entry after the original trilogy I've been expecting a cameo or at least a reference; but nothing... Like he didn't even exist... Why..?! They even got Ema back!

    submitted by /u/WaltWorks
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    It really is surreal that after years of being in this fanbase, I can finally say that I am about to have an entirely new ace attorney experience.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Bought the Noh mask on Animal Crossing and immediately did this

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Sore wa chigau yo + Objection

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney helps you learn languages!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    As anything that have multi-language features! xD But seriously this is the franchise which helped me learn and improve my English, Italian, French and German! I will some day try learning Japanese with it too! Takes a lot of time, but is really funny to see how the same dialogues were translated to each and every language, especially when read aloud! Yeah, I'm somewhat crazy 😜

    submitted by /u/WaltWorks
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    Something about Apollo and Trucy

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I know that Apollo and Trucy are Siblings, but who are their parents? Are They Zak and Thalassa Gramarye or Jove Justice and an unknown Woman?

    submitted by /u/epicmemes69420
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    [Spoilers!] When is ‘Prosecutor Edgeworth chooses death’ revealed?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    i'm playing the trilogy in switch and during the final credits the bellboy found a note in his office but thats all? i remember the main cast talking about this relatively early in Justice For All but? phoenix seems to ignore it in case 1 and also doesnt tell maya more than 'hes gone', plus gumshoe doesnt seem to say anything at the beginning of the second case? did i miss something

    submitted by /u/bbyghul
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    The Cat Door Maker

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    There are no English words Capcom would allow the localization team to use that can sufficiently describe how unforgivably awful the existence of the cat door maker is. Not only is it the absolute worst plot device in Ace Attorney, it could very well be the worst in all of fiction.

    There you are, starting the last case in this funny lawyer simulator, eager to see how the overarching story and all the loose plot threads will be wrapped up (lmfao). The scene starts off in the flat you've been bumming in for the past 2 months, and the small child who owns the flat is there to ask you what's up.

    It's been established that this girl is a goddamn genius. Not only is she a bestselling author and master of deduction, she's also a highly competent inventor. Just in case you forgot that last part, there she is, introducing a brand new device: the kitten hatch creator. The lack of cat doors in the world was a big enough issue for her to make a heavy duty door stamp.

    On its own, this isn't terrible. It's a simple gag that builds on Iris' character: she sees a tiny problem (the new cat can't get in and out on its own) and spends too much time and effort to ensure that the problem never happens again. It's cute and kind of funny.

    But it couldn't stop there, of course it fucking couldn't. Because all the shit above technically counts as establishing the universe, it had to go ahead and make itself relevant to both the mystery and the emotional plot.

    Cut to the next relevant scene: your assistant was recently taught by your delinquent acquaintance how to steal shit from someone else's person. So of course, the optimal thing to steal would be the heavy-ass pussy opening creator Iris is still carrying around for some reason.

    Understandably, she forgot that she was lugging around the machine (which is very clunky and even bigger than a cat) in her loose sleeve, which somehow never fell out on her way to the pawn shop. Coincidentally, the feline flap fabricator is actually very useful there! Her friend could very well be locked in a room, after all. Better check on her by cutting a hole in the door.

    Did you know that cat doors don't have handles? Some cats have taught themselves to use them to open large doors, but doors designed for cats never have them. Despite this, the peephole Susato created in the pawn shop door has a handle. This was never established as a thing the tabby tab tool can do. Since it was made specifically with cats in mind, the unmentioned handle function makes absolutely no goddamn sense.

    Susato, after seeing Gina unconscious on the ground with a gun next to a dead body, quickly realizes that the door she made would be perfect for trapping the real culprit! So naturally she hides the fact that she created the door from the defense attorney she's working under, instead leading him to believe the flap was always there. It's easier for murderers to fall into traps when the main person interrogating them doesn't even know it's there in the first place.

    The investigation's as good as done. Susato's kept the recency of the door a secret from everybody so far, and she has to go back to her home country tomorrow — but before she returns to Japan, she goes to her cripplingly injured, eccentric detective friend to tell him about the key to the entire case. She instructs him to keep it a secret until the absolute last moment, all because the lawyer she assists would probably make a le epic comeback... at the absolute last moment. To her, it's a better idea to pray the trial gets to the point where the calico entrance slicer is useful than to discuss the trap you laid with the defense team so they can intentionally spring it when the time is right.

    It's cool when a character bursts into court with the evidence you need at just the right time. Remember when Franziska worked her ass off to get the evidence Gumshoe found to the courtroom? That was cool. Remember when the plot of DGS demanded that the trial have more drama, so it made the assistant character do a bunch of shit that made no sense with a machine that makes no sense? That was cool.

    Yadda yadda, it successfully traps the killer, Susato's moping on a pier about how wrong she was to hide evidence, but everybody forgives her because it all worked out in the end.

    DGS leaves you with a lot of unanswered questions, but the biggest one is easily "What was Shu Takumi smoking when he wrote this?". Maybe it all wouldn't be so insulting if one third of the case didn't lean so heavily on the fucking fabricante de puertas de gato.

    submitted by /u/ShinyGreenButton
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    !spoiler(?)! AAI:2 turnabout target

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    i never knew huang could be this fat old man lmao

    submitted by /u/irahmira
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