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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Ace Attorney Sakurai's Smash pics of the day got me thinking...

    Ace Attorney Sakurai's Smash pics of the day got me thinking...

    Sakurai's Smash pics of the day got me thinking...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:24 PM PST

    Don't forget to water your Ace Attorney crops!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:14 AM PST

    Tried drawing Iris Watson! (And a lil' Kirby -v-)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Blocked Content Takes a Look at (a Most Likely Fake) Leak for Phoenix Wright in Smash

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:58 PM PST

    What if we had Defense Attorney version of "Manfred Von Karma/Nahyuta" in the Main Game? My ideas.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:59 PM PST

    After being reminded of Robert Hammond from my previous post here, he kind of gave off this "I'll do anything to get an acquital" vibe like a defense attorney versión of Manfred Von Karma

    Unfortunately, he's dead but what if we had a defense attorney like Manfred who would also "forge" evidence or do any trick to get a not guilty verdict. When I say forge, I don't just mean just create fake evidence. I also mean that they would find real evidence but claim they found it elsewhere for their clients benefit.

    (it's interesting how the court automatically believes the defense when they claim that they find evidences at specific places that benefits them. It's not like any non biased party can verify the defense is speaking the truth. They could be lying for all anyone knows. Though I like how this was only addressed once in RFTA by Damon Grant. Why is no else smart enough to doubt the defenses claims anyways)

    They would also have some parallels with phoenix wright and co where they would bluff (if needed) and usually gets lucky and scores the victory anyway.

    The reason why I would prefer this in the Main Series rather than the AAI series is because I would rather have a defense attorney condemn another for their unjustice behavior despite "doing the same things" or "being on the same side" .

    If this was in AAI, then it would be just another "us VS them" just like how when the main game has corrupt prosecutors, suddenly the defense are the "good guys".

    And before anyone brings this up, I'm not forgetting about Kristoph Gavin. He villainy was just over spite and wanting to take down another defense attorney. Kristoph's corruption wasn't directly related to his job as an attorney.

    In other words:

    My hypothetical villain is a corrupt defense attorney. Kristoph Gavin was a corrupt person who is also a defense attorney.

    Secondary idea: Like Nahyuta.

    While my hypothetical villain is being portrayed as "like Von karma" but what if this person was "like Nahyuta".

    (The difference between the two is that at least Von Karma knows that what he is doing is wrong and that there are times when innocent people are being convicted. He just doesn't care. Only his perfect record. Nahyuta believes that everyone arrested is guilty)

    Instead of them doing everything above for some perfect record, what if they were delusional and actually believed that either a) All humans arrested are innocent regardless. b) no human deserves imprisonment regardless of what they have done. They believe that they are saving lives by giving criminals a second chances to enjoy life. They are very sympathic for criminals (but debately apathetic for the victims). I imagine a tragic backstory for their hatred of jails or prosecutors.

    Like Nahyuta, they would be a religious zealot almost cult like. (It would have to be a completely separate religion so it isn't too offensive or the game makes it clear that they are a vocal minority.)

    What do you all think. Share your thoughts below.

    submitted by /u/Comicostar
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    Does knowing who the finale killer is in advance ruin playing Investigations 2?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:29 PM PST

    I've been around a lot of Ace Attorney content lately even though it would put me at risk of spoilers, and I accidentally learned of the identity of the final killer in AAI2 (and that they are known as "the mastermind") because of this. However, I don't know anything else beyond those two pieces of information regarding the final killer.

    I'm in the middle of playing Investigations 2 right now, about to start the fourth case, but I'm concerned that this information I know about the final killer will be enough to spoil the excitement of the last case of the game. Will I still be able to have a great experience with it even knowing this much?

    submitted by /u/Pikakit
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    *If* there is ever a localized AAI2 HD remaster like the first game, should use capcom use the fan translation names or come up with new ones for the new characters?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:23 PM PST

    Finished the Trilogy... Now What?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Just finished playing the OG trilogy since I wanted to get back into the series after years, but now I don't know where to go from here. Sure I'm gonna watch the (flawed) anime and the movie for fun but I don't know if I'm going to try Apollo Justice and onwards as I've heard mixed reviews and I'm just very deeply attached to the original cast.

    Is Apollo Justice and the games afterwards worth playing? If so, what order should they be played in (or is it just by release)? Thanks for your input, I adore these lawyers and their friends!

    submitted by /u/y0miel
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    What do you guys think of AO OCs? Do you have any?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:32 PM PST

    Ace Attorney is a series not known for people making fan characters, (or if it is, i haven't heard of anything like that) so i was wondering what people thought of them. I'm curious if anyone has one, tell me about them if you do!

    submitted by /u/toxicdrawings
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    Interview - Ace Attorney

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:54 PM PST

    My name is Maddie and I'm a student looking for someone to interview about Ace Attorney. I got the chance to make a project about the game and a requirement is to find someone to ask questions towards for a better understanding of the game, etc.

    If you yourself would like to be interviewed or know someone that might, please message me with any additional information (on how you're qualified on the game as some sort of 'expert').
    The interview can be done through any way possible besides texting and in person! Such ways like email or Discord are completely fine!
    I can only interview one person, but I'd appreciate if more than one person messaged me. Thank you so much, have a great day/night!

    submitted by /u/Evelti
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    What are some good Godot quotes?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Hit me up

    submitted by /u/Crossfire_dcr
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    Most Underrated Song in Ace Attorney

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PST

    So apparently Capcom might release 5 new titles this fiscal year. Could it be?..

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:54 PM PST

    (Hypothethical) Capcom decides to release 5 ace attorneys for the switch. AJ HD, AAI HD, AAI2 HD, DD, and SOJ. They plan to release them in groups. One Trilogy, One duology. Of course, you would group DD and SOJ together and AAI HD and AAI2 HD together. But where would you put Apollo Justice?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:43 PM PST

    Apollo justice would have the same art style with AAI series but the gameplay difference could be jarring.

    If you put apollo justice with the 3d games then the gameplay would be the same but the graphics are too different to not be so jarring.

    submitted by /u/Comicostar
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    (Spoilers 3-4) Finished Turnabout Begginings and...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:45 PM PST

    I don't know if it's only me, but I feel like there are some parts where the evidence I have to show is out of context (Maybe not out of context but not what you would think of first).

    The part where I have to prove that the kidnapping was a hoax and was planned by Dahlia, I had to present the map as evidence for her being thrown off the bridge, but I never thought of it because I already assumed that she was thrown off the side, and not the broken part of it so she would fall on top of the rocks.

    I had to look it up online because I never thought of that. Things like this stresses me and ruins the enjoyment of the game. Has this ever happened to any of you, or am I just stupid?

    submitted by /u/YouFromAnotherWorld
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    Case 3-5 Von Karma

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PST

    I am in the middle of playing the final case of trials and Tribulations, and while I was talking to Franziska and when I chose the point "Franziska von Karma" Phoenix said 'Von Karma was a prosecutor that never lost a case in his 40-year career. But now he's dead" Did he die? I thought he was arrested in 1-4 after the Trial about DL-6. When did he die?

    submitted by /u/epicmemes69420
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    I realize all along

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I've confused AO and AAO

    they're like the same thing, but with different player bases

    attorney online for life

    submitted by /u/Heater123YT
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    Things about Turnabout Goodbyes that confused me

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PST

    1. What exactly did Manfred gain by orchestrating Robbert Hammond's death? The SOL was running out and Manfred could officially get away with his crime for the DL6. It felt he did because he felt like it and believed he could get away with it even at the slightest risking of being found out. The only thing I could think of if that he was mad at Miles for losing his perfect record so he tried to get him arrested for a crime he didn't commit, I don't know.
    2. I kind of feel like Yani Yogi blaming Robert Hammond for just doing his job was kind of unfair. Sure the insanity plea may have caused him some issues but it was either that or go to prison which I don't think his life would be much better. I sort of feel bad for Robert.
    3. Slight nitpick, you would think Miles would react a teensy weensy different for being prosecuted by his own mentor and "father". He acts like Manfred is totally stranger when he's in the detention center. (I liked how a parody series of ace attorney addressed this)
    4. Then the anime comes around hinting that Manfred may have some heart within. This confused me even more because now I have to question his motives for orchestrating the murder even more.
    5. If Robert was shot at the boathouse, you'd think there would have been some forensic evidence proving this.
    submitted by /u/Comicostar
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    What changes did the anime make that you didn't really like?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:16 AM PST

    I don't think I liked any of the changes to Samurai. It made Vasquez too evil.

    submitted by /u/joshbones
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    Boku no Saiban Academia

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:21 PM PST

    Does an English rom of the gba original trilogy exists?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:35 PM PST

    Hey I was looking for a gba rom/patch of the original 3 games in English. I would love to find that, put it in a micro sd reading cartridge, and play those amazing games on a gameboy micro 👏 ! I think this subreddit is the best place to ask for help on this subject 😛

    submitted by /u/MoebiusUniverse
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    I think that Capcom is on a quest to preserve its games for future generations and it helps the AA franchise.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Does anyone else think that Capcom is making conscious effort to preserve its games for future generations? I mean, I realize that corporations do whatever they do for shareholders' profits but I've been feeling lately that among all the big publishers, Capcom is doing the best job making sure we can play their games moving on. They also seem to support Switch a lot and most of their PS3/X360 generation titles are on current gens.

    It gives you something to think about if larger publishers seem to forget about their older catalogue whereas Capcom is always working on bringing them to current times. This gives me some kind of hope to see all newer AA titles on current gens, especially Switch as I believe that Capcom may not only be looking at profit&loss spreadsheets but also bigger picture. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/dziunia1309
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