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    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Ace Attorney I've seen some posts about Kirby on here so I decided to draw this

    Ace Attorney I've seen some posts about Kirby on here so I decided to draw this

    I've seen some posts about Kirby on here so I decided to draw this

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:10 PM PST

    If Ace Attorney characters used social media Part 41

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:21 AM PST

    When an investigation turns into you and your sidekick making jokes about The Police (pls excuse the poor quality)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Pointing out that the book of evidence law is a whopping 1 page or 2 sentences long

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:11 PM PST

    My friends an ass.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:11 AM PST

    AA Characters ranked by age (ordered within tiers, going by latest appearance)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Hey, pals! Did a little thing of everyone's favorite bumbling detective :)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:13 AM PST

    I painted Godot on my wall

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:14 PM PST

    Despite all its problems, I1-3 (Kidnapped Turnabout) has one of the best intros of the series.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:02 PM PST

    Investigations 1 is by far my least favourite game in the series, and I1-3 is by far my least favourite case of the series. Yet recently I've watched the introduction to kidnapped turnabout again and found myself being reminded of just how good this cases opening is.

    You start off with heaps of mystery, the ending of I1-2 having Edgeworth talk with an old friend who needs help. Flash forward to I1-3 and we're starting the case in the middle of the action. Edgeworth is calling Gumshoe as he organises an exchange, cash for a hostage.

    This is a fantastic way to set off a case. There's plenty of mystery already, the player having question after question that they already want to know the answer to. 'Whose the kidnappers? Whose being kidnapped? Why send Edgeworth? What's the end goal here?'

    Then the case gets even better. The setting is revealed to be an amusement park for the beloved and well known blue badger. A character fans recognise fondly is presented so that they feel a nice wave of nostalgia. There's even mascots asking for a photo!

    But following the nostalgia we're immediately reminded of the end goal here. Edgeworth wanting to rush the transfer as he gets a call from the kidnapper. The two having a short discussion as the player is left to wonder about what's going on.

    Again, this is an excellent way to start a case. More questions are being added without the questions feeling forced. The player is slowly piecing together the facts surrounding the incident and with that answering and gathering questions. They are not shown the killers early and have the mystery ruined, there is not even hints of who the killer is yet. The entire introduction presents the mystery without revealing the mystery, which is something I love.

    Edgeworth begins to wander for a bit at the kidnappers request, eventually being led to a haunted house where the exchange is said to happen. This is by far my favourite area in the franchise (presentations wise). It's dark, gloomy, silent. The room feels as though it's taken from a horror scene, with the prone body, mirrors and lighting. To an unexpecting player this area feels terrifying. The happy amusement park seeming like nothing but a memory as it's if you've crossed over genres.

    Then what is quite possibly my favourite sequence of the game occurs. The horror shot as Edgeworth leaves the money. The blue badger in the background as this all occurs, still at first, then moving closer. The man getting closer with each shot until he's behind Edgeworth with a sword. The dramatic thud occuring as Edgeworth is knocked out.

    From there we find Edgeworth restrained and imprisoned. The case moving forward properly as he works out the mystery.

    But man, that intro has all the elements of a good case and more. It leaves the player guessing, giving pieces of the mystery without giving out the whole mystery. It brings nostalgia to the player without the nostalgia feeling forced and on the nose. Then to top it all off it has an amazing conclusion and segway into the proper case. A horror scene where Edgeworth is assaulted and knocked unconcious.

    I love this intro, it's a shame the rest of the case is a let down.

    submitted by /u/Highskill64
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    How would you feel about...?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:39 PM PST

    ...a former villain returning in another installment?

    Say, Kristoph Gavin? Damon Gant? You know, big bads like that.

    I understand several of them have probably been executed, but in theory, how does it sound? Which villain do you think it should be, and how would it work? Do you think it's a bad idea? Tell me that, too! I'm curious.

    submitted by /u/JorgTheCurious
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    If anyone who is on the DGS2 translation reads this I just want to say

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:28 PM PST

    Thank you, you have done so much to bring this experience into our hands for us to play. Without you guys we wouldn't have ever played this game. So thank you for everything.

    submitted by /u/Bro-thru
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    Sneak peak of sething im making

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Porl is precious,,,

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Why I love 5-2

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:19 AM PST

    -L'Belle is hilarious

    -Mayor Tenma is hilarious and probably my favorite defendant

    -L'Belle's breakdown is my favorite

    -I found the whole Tenma Taro legend interesting

    -The whole mystery of the locked room is done better then any other locked room cases in my opinion

    submitted by /u/Monstrous-Turnabout
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    I can't see why people hate Ace Attorney:Justice for all while it has the best criminals

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:31 AM PST

    Both mimi and acro had a tragic backstory and it almost justified why did they choosed the path to murder someone.

    Mimi wanted to and succeded to kill turner grey because he basically ruined her life through the malpractice incident in the hospital and was indirectly involved in killing her younger sister too.But she didn't kill him for some "revenge" she took the face of her younger sister so that no one would blame her for her sister's death and the malpractice incident.She almost succeded to cover the identity of herself until grey tried to channel her spirit and it forced her to kill grey.

    For acro,he already lost his brother because regina tried to do a prank but that gone too far and paralyzed bat giving him a faith worse than death.Acro was okay with it but what really made him broke was the fact that regina didn't had any type of regret all because she believed that people become stars when they die crap.Acro was successful in executing his plan but the one who died was the ringmaster,someone who was like a father to acro. That definatly broke him from the inside

    And ofcourse Farewell,My turnabout had the most unexpected plot twist ever and that was the fact your defendent was the one who "killed" the victim.I don't really have to say much about it do I? There should be more cases like 2-4.

    Well that's about it please tell your thoughts in the comments

    submitted by /u/Sharad23
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    DGS1 Review (spoilers)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:19 AM PST

    DISCLAIMER: This review is a bit negative at times. Please keep in mind that when I criticize this game I am doing so within the context of the AA series. DGS is still a great game and probably better than 99% of other visual novels.

    CASE 1

    Like most first cases, I didn't fall in love this one. The killer is a complete pushover and not interesting at all, though due to the circumstances its understandable why she breaks down so easily and I assume she will appear again later; this can be considered a negative or a positive depending on how much you value an over-arching story. In terms of the case itself, it's an undeniable negative. The Payne is considerably less funny than Winston and Gaspen (though Asougi's line at the end about their ancestors is great). Speaking of Asougi, he's awesome and what kept me interested throughout. I didn't connect too much with Naruhodou, but that's fine, it is the first case. His character is set up quite well. In terms of side characters, the detective is weird and makes me uncomfortable for some reason, the old man makes me even more uncomfortable, and the sergeant is annoying and like the old man brings nothing to the case. Susato coming in to save you is typical AA, but still pretty silly and I'd rather she was introduced in a different way. Mystery is not compelling whatsoever. Pacing is absolutely atrocious. Not great but for a first case its still better than I-1, 5-1, 2-1, and 1-1.

    Overall Grade: 4/10. About average for an AA first case. Asougi is great, but not much else.

    CASE 2

    I just want to preface the rest of this review by saying I have literally zero experience with any Sherlock Holmes related media; I'm just an ignorant AA fan. With that being said, I wasn't a huge fan of Case 2. Susato's introduction is done very poorly. She is portrayed as incredibly naive and unlikable, which surprised me due to how loved she seems to be by the community. Her character grew on me a bit by the end and I did see a few hints of subtle development, similar to Courtney in AAI2. The main issue I had with Susato was unlike Maya, Trucy, and Kay; she has no unique traits whatsoever, she's just an ordinary person. That's something I hope changes later into the game. Moving on to Holmes, I legitimately couldn't stand him at first. He just got in the way during the beginning and made it so no progress could be made easily, until he suddenly became helpful and saves you by accusing Nikomina. His humor might go over my head, but I'm usually laughing a lot during AA games and this case just didn't get to me at all. The one exception to this is the snakes and milk joke, which was quite good. Like I said, I have no experience with anything Holmes related, so that might be a part of it. That being said, I feel like such an important character should be likable to even a normie like me without the context of being deep into the Holmes fandom. The way he goes from being a clueless obnoxious idiot one second to having magically figured anything out doesn't make any sense and rather than making him likable, it only served to confuse me more. His character design also is a bit off to me, though I can't put my finger on why. One of my issues with this case is that there is literally zero reason for Susato and Holmes to lessen their suspicion on Naruhodou, yet they continue to develop into being his friends without any new information for them to believe he didn't kill Asougi. The reasoning mechanic is quite interesting and definitely a nice addition. This case did make me like Naruhodou quite a bit more however, the fact that literally everyone in this case seems to be a complete idiot except for him made me sympathize quite a bit. Hosonaga returns, and his character is just as bland as in the first case, although I do find him somewhat enjoyable, if not still quite confusing. The sailor accomplice was irritating the entire time, and added nothing to the case whatsoever. His apology at the end is nice, but he was so obnoxious throughout that it didn't really make me suddenly like him. I'd like to compare him to Tahrust from 6-3, who completely screwed over everyone and jeopardized Phoenix and Maya's lives, however his development is done much, much better while also remaining somewhat likable, that when Tahrust redeems himself at the end it is much more natural. His motives make perfect sense as well. The sailor is just a completely unlikable jerk the entire case and expects forgiveness at the end with almost no development in between to help the contrast. He has no motive to act the way he does either. The culprit is somewhat interesting, but she doesn't have much depth other than the things you know about her from the beginning. The mystery in this case is ridiculously simple for AA standards, though that may be because it is based on Sherlock Holmes (correct me if I'm wrong here). Pacing is very awkward, but still nowhere near as bad as case 1. The ending is legitimately emotional, but at the same time I couldn't sympathize too much with the killer. The case reminded me a bit of 6-4 in how the game tries to make the killer more sympathetic than they actually are, but in this case I have a personal interest as the victim was my favorite character in Case 1. In terms of gameplay, this case felt like a case from the AAI games but worse.

    Overall Grade: 2/10. Very below average for an AA case, has some hints of potential but isn't compelling at all.

    CASE 3

    After being immensely disappointed by the first two cases, Case 3 came as quite a shock. This case is great and the game really starts to pick up. van Zieks is amazing, I fell in love with his character almost instantly. Naruhodou becomes a lot more interesting and his character evolves quite a bit. Vortex is awesome and I'm excited to see what is done with his character. Susato is exactly the same as she was in the latter half of Case 2, that being completely unremarkable. Gina is quite cool and I was surprised by how enjoyable she was as I usually can't stand characters with speech-based gimmicks. The jurors and witnesses are completely unmemorable. A majority of them continue this game's pattern of character designs that make me unreasonably uncomfortable. The large amount of basic characters may not be an issue, I might just be spoiled by the usual AA style of every nearly character having amazing depth. Those games also have much fewer characters than this one. This case really showed me how this game has an issue with introducing certain characters too quickly. Some characters, like Hosonaga in Case 1, Nikomina in Case 2, Gina, and Megundal, are introduced very well. However others such as Stroganov in Case 2 as well as the first witnesses in Case 3 have entirely unmemorable introductions which make it difficult to tell whether they are relevant characters or not. Another small issue is Naruhodou's closing argument really isn't all that persuasive, but it somehow gets four of the formerly stubborn jurors to change their minds. This continues throughout the case, as the jurors change their minds over tiny details, though it does a great job of showing the flaws in the British legal system, which I assume was their goal. There is a bit of an unnatural feeling in the jury segments of the case. That being said, the jury system is solid and a nice addition to the gameplay. Although, it does at times feel like a convoluted version of the judge saying "This trial has gone on long enough, this court finds the defendant.....OBJECTION!!!" The mystery in this case is good, which came as a surprise considering how basic it was in the first two cases. The two main witnesses aren't great and I generally disliked them and their designs. Luckily, they're not the main focus here and while their role in the case could have been done by any other character design, it gets a pass. They do quite overstay their welcome however. Of course, the star of the show is undeniably Megundal. He is an incredible character, and the way he takes complete control of the court and makes everyone look like an absolute fool is amazing. Once him and Gina take the stand the case becomes truly great. I am a huge Matt Engarde fan, and while Megundal isn't quite on that level, he still is great and a refreshing take on the trope.

    Overall Grade: 7/10. Megundal and van Zieks are fantastic. Has some low points, but makes up for it by being a compelling and intense mystery throughout.

    CASE 4

    This case isn't very good. I like Souseki, but he's probably the best part of the case. Gregson is bland and a jerk, I didn't like him very much. Though he does dislike Holmes, so he can't be that bad. Speaking of Holmes, he actually improves quite a bit here. A lot of his dialogue is much better and his animations bother me less now. Iris is a generic child prodigy trope, apologies if she's a Sherlock Holmes character or something, I have no idea, but I wasn't really attached to a character design that has been done a billion times. Having a juror culprit is actually pretty unique, but the Garridebs are done really really poorly, they feel a bit like the Inmees in SoJ (sympathetic married couple, wife is the culprit but really didn't do anything wrong), but they really aren't even close to as interesting. Joan is unlikable and doesn't really have a compelling character. John isn't anything special either. Compared to the Inmees which both have distinctive personalities and are the perfect balance between funny and tragic, I couldn't help but be disappointed by the Garridebs. Moving on to the other couple in this case, I actually quite enjoyed Pat and Rola, they were pretty funny and unique. Certainly a breath of fresh air compared to the unbelievable amount of boring witnesses in the game. van Zieks' development is really good here, this case made me like him a lot more than I already did. Susato is exactly the same. The mystery is actually pretty cool compared to cases 1 and 2, but still not great. Somehow we are four cases in and I still understand absolutely nothing about Holmes' character. I don't really have much to say about this one, it's just a lackluster case by AA standards.

    Overall Grade: 3/10. Brought down by terrible culprit and pacing. Has a few solid characters.

    CASE 5

    I have a ton to say about this one. I'm a huge fan of cases where you get to meet the victim first, so seeing Hatch at the beginning was pretty neat, and he's an alright character. That being said, literally everything before the body is discovered is horribly paced. Even the investigation wasn't my favorite, I think I might actually prefer Case 4's investigation. Once you get into the trial however, things become great. The callbacks to Megundal's trial and the twists regarding the pawn shop items are incredible and I can't praise them enough. Gina's development is fantastic, she became one of my favorite characters here. Iris is a better assistant than Susato but that's about it, she still feels very generic. Sherlock is fine, I still haven't really connected with him. His return to save you in the end is pretty neat though, and Naruhodou's reminiscence about Susato is sweet. When I saw Holmes show up I thought I would be annoyed by it but I was pleasantly surprised by how well it was done. I never really liked Mia showing up in the trilogy, so this was a nice change. Naruhodou's development is another high point, his confidence is unbelievable but it was really subtly done, I especially love how he completely shrugged off van Zieks's threats. Speaking of van Zieks, I love how his relationship with Naruhodou developed throughout the case, and I am very excited to see more of him in the sequel. Chrogray's motive is really well done and he is a great tragic villain. For final villains of AA games, he's probably my least favorite, but that's a pretty high bar and I still quite liked him. The Tinpillars were a funny distraction and not much else. The way the music box ties into the mystery is incredible, and the moment it plays is unbelievably epic. Gregson is still pretty mediocre of a character to me, but his role here was pretty fantastic during the trial. It's unfortunate that the case ends on 3 separate cliffhangers (how Susato knows Watson, van Zieks's Japanese friend, and what the music box names mean), but it does make me quite excited for the sequel. The ending is a huge cliffhanger, but that's not a huge deal for me. Case 3 was so good, I don't think this one beat it. That being said, this was a fantastic finale and I'm excited to see what the sequel brings, despite all my issues with this game.

    Overall Grade: 7/10. A solid ending to a solid game.

    If I were to rank the characters in this game, it would go something like this:

    Loved: Megundal, Naruhodou, van Zieks

    Liked a lot: Asougi, Gina, Chrogray

    Pretty good: O'Malleys, Vortex, Souseki

    Decent: Mikotoba, Tinpillars, Hatch, Holmes, Susato, Iris, Hosonaga, Judges

    Didn't like: Garridebs, Nikomina, Jezail, Payne

    Irrelevant: Everyone else


    I liked DGS quite a bit, but compared to most of the AA series, it isn't quite as amazing for me. On the other hand, the game has incredibly high highs, and sets up a sequel very well. Cases 3 and 5 were fantastic, even if I strongly disliked cases 2 and 4. I am optimistic about DGS2, but DGS1 ranks as the second worst game in the series for me. That still makes it around a 9/10 game, and I definitely recommend it to any AA fan. If, unlike me, you actually know things about Sherlock Holmes, you'll probably like it a lot more than I did.

    submitted by /u/whaaatisth
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    What are you hiding miles? (Ace attorney X Hamilton)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:01 AM PST

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