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    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    Ace Attorney *gasp* OH MY GOD

    Ace Attorney *gasp* OH MY GOD

    *gasp* OH MY GOD

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    i drew franziska and adrian

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Edgeworth behind you!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:01 AM PST

    Posted by Sakurai today, on the day of FP5 reveal...yeah, I'm thinking he's in

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:36 PM PST

    Since fighter 5 is going to be revealed tomorrow, I decided to remake my Phoenix in Smash concept if he manages to get in.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Since fighter 5 is going to be revealed tomorrow, I decided to remake my Phoenix in Smash concept if he manages to get in.

    (Link to Original Moveset [Reddit Post]: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/cxiau1/phoenix_wright_for_smash_concept/ )

    (Link to New Moveset [Google Docs]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19peU1umMWBlLTUFdWyzCMCOv7eV9E92TboDcHOL1QC4/edit?usp=sharing)

    Phoenix Wright Takes the Case!

    If Phoenix Wright was in Smash Ultimate (2.0)

    (By DeJectedAxe)



    • Fighter Origin - Ace Attorney franchise [Capcom]
    • Weight - Medium
    • Size - Humanoid
    • Voice Actor - Sam Riegel
    • Fighter Emblem:


    • Alternate Costumes:
    1. Default [Phoenix's modern design from Spirit of Justice]
    2. Classic [Phoenix's design from the original trilogy]
    3. Feenie [Phoenix's design from Turnabout Memories]
    4. Hobo Wright [Phoenix's design from Apollo Justice]
    5. Miles Edgeworth [White tie, black undershirt and maroon suit]
    6. Maya Fey [Yellow tie, white undershirt and purple suit]
    7. Dick Gumshoe [Brown tie, beige undershirt and green suit]
    8. Apollo Justice [Blue tie, white undershirt and red suit]
    • Music:
    1. Pursuit ~ Cornered [New Remix]
    2. Pursuit ~ Cornered [Original]
    3. Objection 2016
    4. Logic and Trick [New Remix]
    5. Pressing Pursuit ~ Cornered
    6. Godot, The Fragrance of Dark Coffee
    7. Crises of Fates
    8. Cross Examination ~ Allegro 2004
    9. Pursuit ~ The Great Turnabout
    10. Turnabout Sisters [New Remix]
    11. Turnabout Sisters [Original]
    12. Pursuit ~ Cornering Together
    13. Steel Samurai [New Remix]
    • Victory - A short remix of Jingle ~ Take a Breather
    • Stage: Courtroom No. 3
      • Stage Hazard: The stage transitions to Phoenix's nightmare from JFA as the fighters must try to avoid the Judge's gavel trying to hit them
    • Spirits
    1. Miles Edgeworth [Advanced]
    2. Maya Fey [Ace]
    3. Mia Fey [Ace]
    4. Dick Gumshoe [Ace]
    5. Apollo Justice [Ace]
    6. Athena Cykes [Novice]
    7. The Judge [Advanced]
    8. Winston Payne [Novice]
    9. Manfred vonKarma [Legend]
    10. Franziska vonKarma [Advanced]
    11. Godot [Advanced]
    12. Simon Blackquill [Advanced]
    13. Trucy Wright [Novice]
    14. Marvin Grossberg [Novice]
    • Classic Mode - A Smashing Turnabout
      • First Stage - Olimar on Flat Zone X (Winston Payne)
      • Second Stage - Ganondorf on Dracula's Castle (Manfred vonKarma)
      • Third Stage - Dark Samus on Kalos Pokemon League (Franziska vonKarma)
      • Fourth Stage - Green Snake Alt w/ flaming curry on Gerudo Valley (Godot)
      • Fifth Stage - Shulk on Boxing Ring (Klavier Gavin)
      • Sixth Stage - Dark Pit on Spear Pillar (Simon Blackquill)
      • Bonus Stage
      • Seventh Stage - Robin on Courtroom No. 3 (Miles Edgeworth)


    • Entrance: Phoenix stands behind the defenses bench as he slams his hands down onto it. He proclaims "The defense is ready, your Honor." before the defenses bench descends into the ground as the battle begins.
    • Idle Animation: Phoenix stands in an upright stance with one hand balanced on his hip with the other down by his side. He swings his one arm from side to side as he may also put his hand on his chin and think for a bit before returning back to his idle stance.
    • Walk: Phoenix slowly begins to walk forward
    • Run: Phoenix begins to run, pumping his fists somewhat rhythmically as he does so
    • Crouch: Phoenix crouches down on one knee and puts his hand on his chin, almost as if he's thinking
    • Jump: Phoenix lunges into the air, looking straight up as he does so with his arms down by his sides
    • Double Jump: Phoenix uses all his strength to propel himself into the air once more, to the point where he somewhat frantically waves his arms in a swimming like motion before dropping back down to the ground
    • Shield: Phoenix crosses both of his arms in an X shape
    • Shield Broken: Phoenix replicates his shocked animation from the original trilogy before snapping out of it and returning back to the fight
    • Trip: Phoenix trips as he falls face-flat onto the ground
    • Get up: Phoenix balances on his hands as he gets up off from the ground
    • On ledge: Phoenix frantically balances on the edge of the platform he's currently standing on trying not to fall off
    • Sleeping: Phoenix falls onto the ground and spreads his hands out in front of him as he falls asleep. (Note that viewing this animation via the camera can reveal that he wears a sleep mask while doing this)
    • Taking Damage: Phoenix replicates his shocked animation from the original trilogy


    • Up Taunt: Phoenix puts his hand on his chin and thinks for a second as he says "I got it!" before returning back to his idle stance
    • Side Taunt: Phoenix presents his Attorney's badge
    • Down Taunt: Phoenix takes a sip from a coffee mug

    Victory and Loss Animations:

    • Victory 1: Phoenix is shown rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment as Maya throws confetti behind him
    • Victory 2: The camera zooms all around Phoenix as he stands behind the defense's bench, before it settles in front of him while he exclaims "Take that!", the iconic speech bubble appearing as he does so. After he yells it, confetti rains down from the sky
    • Victory 3: Phoenix proclaims "The defense…" before slamming his hands down on the defense's bench. He finishes by saying "...rests" as confetti rains down from the sky
    • Loss: Phoenix is shown holding his head down on the defense's bench


    Basic Attacks:

    • Jab: Phoenix pulls out a sheet of paper and starts whacking it with his hand. After a few hits, he enters his rapid jab, which has him spontaneously whacking and throwing multiple papers forward (pointing as he does so), and ends with him yelling "Take that!" as he points forward (Note that the speech bubble doesn't appear as he does this)
    • Up Tilt: Phoenix throws a cup of hot coffee above him as the coffee itself spills out, damaging any opponents above him in the process
    • Side Tilt: Phoenix frantically sneezes, causing damage to any opponents in front of him if close enough
    • Down Tilt: Phoenix does a swift kick
    • Dash Attack: Phoenix runs forward and thrusts himself head-first into any opponents he crashes into as a reference to Turnabout Memories


    • Neutral: Phoenix kicks any opponents around him
    • Forward Air: Phoenix throws a few papers forward
    • Back Air: Phoenix turns around and holds out his attorney's badge, whacking any opponents while doing so before he quickly puts it back on
    • Up Air: Phoenix quickly swings a coffee mug above him before throwing it away
    • Down Air: Phoenix faces downwards and panics as he crashes towards the ground

    Smash Attacks:

    • Up Smash: Phoenix tosses his magatama above him as it lets out a small burst of energy before falling back down just as Phoenix catches it
    • Side Smash: Phoenix points forward as he exclaims "Hold it!", the iconic speech bubble appearing as he does so
    • Down Smash: The defense's bench rises from the ground as Phoenix slams both of his hands down onto it, damaging any opponents around him

    Special Attacks:

    • Neutral Special - "Take That!": Phoenix exclaims "Take That!" as a speech bubble to accompany it appears, him pointing forward in the process
    • Up Special - "Psyche Locks": Phoenix pulls out his magatama and holds it in front of him as he uses it's chains to pull himself up to the nearest platform only if he's close enough to it (Similar to Joker's Up Special)
    • Side Special - "Objection!": Once again, Phoenix points forward as he yells "Objection!", as a speech bubble to accompany it appears
    • Down Special - "Court Record": Phoenix thinks to himself as a small menu appears above him reminiscent of the court record from the original series. In the record is a short supply of evidence Phoenix can "present" (or throw) at his opponents. The damage dealt by the evidence changes depending on what the evidence is. Overall the evidence, the amount of damage they cause, and the basic amount of time you need to wait until using it again is:
      • Autopsy Report (Quick Cooldown) - Causes 5% Damage
      • The Thinker (Moderate Cooldown) - Causes 7% Damage
      • Shelly de Killer's Calling Card (Moderate Cooldown) - Causes 9% Damage
      • Dahlia's Present (Slow Cooldown) - Causes 11% Damage+Knockback


    • Grab: Phoenix pulls out the magatama, as any opponent he grabs gets caught up in a few chains while a red lock appears in the middle of them
    • Pummel: The psyche locks slowly but surely begin to tighten
    • Forward Throw: The psyche locks burst open, sending the opponent flying forward
    • Back Throw: The psyche locks burst open, sending the opponent flying backwards
    • Up Throw: The psyche locks burst open, sending the opponent flying upwards
    • Down Throw: The psyche locks burst open, slamming the opponent downwards

    Final Smash - Turnabout Finale

    Phoenix slams his hands down on the defense's bench as he appears offscreen. Similarly to Snake's final smash, the cursor from the investigation portions of the AA games appear on screen as the player only has a short amount of time to lock onto any opponents running around on the stage as they can. When the time for selecting the opponents is up, a zoom in of Phoenix's face appears across the screen as he proclaims "I got all I need". The opponents select are transported to the courtroom behind the witness stand as Phoenix slams his hands down on the defense's bench. He first points and exclaims "Hold It!", causing some damage to the opponent, he then whips out a paper and whacks it a few times before pointing and exclaiming "Take that!", causing more damage to the opponent. Finally, the camera zooms in on his face as the background turns blue, he then screams "Objection!" as the opponent is greatly damaged. Both are then brought back to the stage as the fight continues.

    submitted by /u/DeJected-Axe
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    It is time.. Once again.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:40 AM PST

    Back with my first ace attorney vector for the year. Also first time drawing eyes.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:27 AM PST

    r/AceAttorney just broke forty thousand subscribers!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:26 AM PST

    To put that in a little bit of perspective for you all, we didn't even have ten thousand yet back when Spirit of Justice came out. Before the new remasters of the Phoenix Wright Trilogy came out last April, we were sitting at roughly twenty-five thousand.

    Place has really grown since then, no?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Another one! this time it's Kay

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:25 AM PST

    So exactly how durable is Phoenix Wright?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:21 PM PST

    I ask cause there's a chance he might be revealed in Smash tomorrow and someone online was saying how he's surprisingly tough. I've only played the first game and am now starting the second and he wakes up minutes later from being knocked unconscious by what looked like a fire extinguisher. Apparently he also gets poisoned later on? Spoilers on the injuries are fine just no story details.

    submitted by /u/Altosax10
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    Playing DGS felt like re-experiencing Ace Attorney for the first time - DGS1 Final Thoughts and Review

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:14 PM PST

    Since the original Trilogy, no game has managed to recreate the magic of experiencing Ace Attorney for the first time until DGS. Filled with innovative gameplay mechanics like cross-examining multiple witnesses, joint deductions, and closing arguments, DGS is a fresh spin on Ace Attorney. Yet, it maintains and even elevates some of the moments that made the Trilogy so memorable. I didn't think any moment could compare to the triumphant feeling of cornering my first suspect until I heard Ryuunosuke shout his first objection after an entire trial of building up to it. I didn't think any music track would capture the horrible realization that the truth is not what we hope it to be like Search ~ Core 2002 did in Matt Engarde's reveal until I heard the Trial in Disarray theme playing in Cosney Megundal's trial. I didn't think a character would have as complete a character arc as Phoenix did by the end of T&T until I witnessed Ryuunosuke evolving from nervous wreck to fearlessly challenging the entire British empire. While there are many aspects that make DGS deserving of its namesake "great", the main focus of this review is its characters. Shu Takumi's greatest strength as a writer has always been crafting relatable characters who mature in a realistic and believable manner through their trials and tribulations (pun intended). It's almost poetic how Takumi has grown just as much as the characters he has written over the years. The product of his own growth has materialized in the form of the DGS duology - a shining example of how characters make a story worth telling.


    By the end of the Adventure of the Unspeakable Story, it's indisputable that Ryuunosuke was no longer the same man we met in his first trial. The once shifty-eyed student ready to accept a guilty plea was now proclaiming that he'd be willing to make an enemy of the entire British empire if that's what it took to defend his client. The journey leading to this fundamental shift in Ryuunosuke's character was an arduous one however. Only two months prior, he had earned a not guilty verdict for a defendant who forged evidence and manipulated false testimony out of others. He was haunted by this mistake but managed to move past it and take on Gina's case despite her instrumental role in securing Cosney Megundal's not guilty verdict. Nevertheless Ryuunosuke chose to place his utmost faith in Gina. This shocking development was made possible thanks to a certain conversation Ryuunosuke had with Sherlock before requesting to be Natsume Sōseki's attorney. Ryuunosuke had wondered why Sherlock believed in his innocence during the SS Alclair incident when all the evidence painted him as the culprit. In that pivotal moment, as Sherlock explained his reasoning, he taught Ryuunosuke the importance of self confidence.


    "What should I believe in? Justice? My client? Or the truth? But now I finally understand. I choose to believe in myself."


    With those words Ryuunosuke began his metamorphosis and went on to clear Sōseki's name through scrupulous means. In taking on Gina's case, Ryuunosuke once again put his newfound self-confidence to the test. This time would prove to be more difficult however because instead of aiding a fellow countryman, he would be defending a girl who committed perjury and abetted a criminal.


    Cosney Megundal was a lying and deceitful conman hidden behind a philanthropic facade, a fact Ryuunosuke unfortunately did not discover until it was too late. However Gina is nothing like Megundal - she's the type of person who makes sure the younger children living in the slums with her don't starve and goes through the trouble of breaking into a pawn shop to confirm for Iris that her manuscript is actually there. By now Ryuunosuke had learned to be confident in his ability to judge other people's character and that very confidence gave birth to his unshakeable belief in Gina's innocence. Could Ryuunosuke have been wrong about Gina? Yes, but the foundation of his belief in her was rooted in his belief in himself so there would be no regrets even if he was wrong. Ryuunosuke didn't let the fear of being wrong again impede him from moving forward because no one can know the truth until it's been revealed for all to see. The night and day distinction between Ryuunosuke from his first trial and Ryuunosuke now highlights the evolution he has undergone.

    While on the topic of Gina, I'd like to delve into how her characterization is carefully fleshed out along with Iris. Gina starts off as a mischievous pickpocket who might be morally lacking but isn't inherently evil, while Iris is introduced as a girl genius who just happens to live with the world's greatest detective. The two seemed to be completely unrelated and handled poorly, they could've been reduced to nothing more than run-of-the-mill side characters. However during a heartfelt scene where they divulge their family background, we discover just how similar they are and grasp the motivations behind why they do what they do. Depth is added to their previously flat characters and suddenly they spring to life.

    Gina isn't a pickpocket by choice - she's never had parents from the start and steals to survive. Although she doesn't have parents to look after her she's found family in the children who are in the same situation as her. Iris isn't a gifted genius who received her PhD in medicine through sheer talent - she studied hard and earned it because that's exactly what her father does and she wants to be just like him. She longs for the day that she can be reunited with her father and that's what drives her to work with Sherlock and chronicle the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and John H. Watson. In showing how their family situations mirror each other, Takumi also masterfully relays to us that Gina and Iris's roles could have easily been reversed. Had Gina been the daughter of John H. Watson she might've been Sherlock's partner and had Iris never known her parents she could've ended up as a pickpocket. Their friendship is established in an organic manner allowing us to truly comprehend why they go to such lengths for each other. If this much care care is taken in adding depth to side characters, one can only imagine the conscientious deliberation behind developing main characters such as Barok van Zieks.


    Barok van Zieks is quickly shaping up to be my favorite prosecutor of the series and while he doesn't have quite as much depth as Edgeworth or Godot yet, that's simply because we've barely scratched the surface of his characterization. From what little we do know, we can surmise that van Zieks is driven by his incredibly strong sense of justice. He sticks to his principles and not even the entirety of Scotland Yard nor can the wishes of his superior, Chief Justice Vortex, influence his decisions in the court. It's been made clear in prior trials that van Zieks pursues nothing more than the absolute truth. To that effect, he doesn't spring evidence upon the defence when it's convenient for him and actively encourages fully examining newfound evidence that could potentially be disadvantageous to his case. We haven't seen such an earnest prosecutor since Edgeworth completed his character arc, but van Zieks is better than Edgeworth in one regard.

    On top of pursuing the truth, van Zieks displays more empathy than Edgeworth is physically capable of. Edgeworth's modus operandi of pursuing the truth at any cost is certainly admirable, but his methods can be too harsh. The key difference in their personalities is emphasized when we compare the way Edgeworth threatens to reveal Adrian Andrews's attempted suicide as she breaks down on the witness stand to the way Barok van Zieks consoles and forgives Patrick O'Malley for forgoing his duties as a constable and tampering with a crime scene. Barok van Zieks is already the most human prosecutor to date and there's still much more to his character we've yet to explore. The main knock against van Zieks would be his not-so-subtle racism toward the Japanese but we find out the reason why at the end of the trial. Barok van Zieks had once placed all his trust in a Japanese man only to be betrayed by him. It goes without saying that the more you trust someone, the more it hurts when that person betrays you. In van Zieks's case, he was so devastated that it drove him away from the courts for five years. My prediction is that whatever Kazuma had originally planned to do in the British empire ties in with the Japanese man who betrayed van Zieks. Who was this mysterious man and what led him to turn against van Zieks? Along with Barok van Zieks, we are hinted at how Susato and Sherlock may be further developed. DGS1 has set up DGS2 to be the best game of the franchise while still distinguishing itself as an outstanding game on its own and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

    submitted by /u/precurrentpostmalone
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    [3-2 SPOILERS] Just finished the stolen turnabout and...

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:42 PM PST

    I loved it! I think it may be one of my favorites for now.

    I thought it was great that we had a trial with lower stakes (Take that 1-2 and 2-2!) And the way it went from grand larceny to murder really surprised me.

    The characters were all very entertaining. Dessie wasn't that important but I liked her cheerful attitude. Ron was amazing and his whimpering was very funny to watch. The way he was actually mask demasque also shocked me and helped explain his actions during the first half of the case. However the standaout was obviously Luke, it was obvious that he was guilty but his cockiness was extremely entertaining.

    However I do have a few gripes with the story of this one, mainly that Luke's plan is incredibly stupid and wouldn't even work, and also that double jeopardy shouldn't acquit Ron of his previous crimes.

    I also have a few questions about stuff I'm not sure I understood:

    How was the Shichishito actually used? I'm guessing Atmey banged it on a wall to pretend it was used to knock him out, but that was never addressed.

    How did Kane Bullard realize Atmey was blackmailing Ron? And what did the page with everything Mask demasque stole along with some numbers mean?

    Anyway, that's just a few things I didn't understand. Now I'm really hoping the third trial in this game is better than those in the previous entries.

    submitted by /u/thelordofthelobsters
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    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:52 AM PST

    What are your favorite dynamics in AA?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    This isn't ship related, just want to know what are your favorite dynamics between characters are, anyway here's some of mine:

    •Characters that can play off each other's sass (Phoenix/Maya, Apollo/Athena, Apollo/Ema)

    •The stoic serious one with the positive joyful one (Edgeworth/Gumshoe, Blackquill/Fulbright)

    •Parent with their kid practically (Phoenix/Pearls, Edgeworth/Kay, Justine/Sebastian)

    And finally

    •Cinnamon Rolls (Gumshoe/Maggey, Ron/Desiree, Apollo/Juniper, Athena/Juniper)

    submitted by /u/FloofBoi64
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    Classic Phoenix strategy

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Phoenix: This witness is bullshit and everything they said is a lie. He/she can't be trusted

    Judge: oh ok bring the next witness.

    Witness is the murderer

    Phoenix in his head after cross examining: Alright I made a good point but I can't back it up with a good story... Unless

    Phoenix: Remember the witness that was spewing lies? Yeah uh some of what they said is true.

    Judge: Wait what I thought they can't be trusted

    Phoenix: Yes

    Judge: oh ok

    submitted by /u/BananaJam64
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    My first custom speech bubble!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    My first custom speech bubble!


    After finishing Farewell, My Turnabout last night, I decided to make my own speech bubble today since I was still pretty hyped up after finishing it, but I didn't want to move on to Trials and Tribulations just yet. So I made this! Looking back on it now, there are a few things I would change, but I guess it's too late now.

    submitted by /u/EnderBadger114
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    MC Bomber Showcase:Ace Attorney Remixes

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:25 PM PST

    Just curious. What case do i play to find where Edgeworth says: "Your not a clown your the entire circus?"

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Most images I found of it were the pixel art ver and I wanted to find the high def version

    submitted by /u/yikesbruhmoment
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