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    Ace Attorney Y’all ever just Edgeworth

    Ace Attorney Y’all ever just Edgeworth

    Y’all ever just Edgeworth

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    Distracted Feenie

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Cammy Melee [Fanart][Drawn by me]

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    Just give me a DGS localisation already! It's definitely one of the best spin-offs there is. �� [Sherlock Holmes cosplay by @Mistvein]

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    I made Maya

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Forging Evidence

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    So I have always been annoyed by this, and I'm curious if anyone agrees. In the AA universe, thanks to RFTA we know that Edgeworth presented falsified evidence at least once, (and if Phoenix is to be believed, he did it more than just then intentionally - updated autopsy report). Knowing this, we see that after RFTA exposes that he used false evidence, Edgeworth is seemingly not punished. Sure, he disappears but by his own volition. On the other hand when Phoenix, SIMILARLY, unknowingly presents false evidence he is disbarred for seven years. He was put through a hearing and did it go unnoticed that he was clearly not purposeful in presenting the evidence? He at most, should have gotten a slap on the wrist. You can argue this is because of how skewed against defense attorneys the AA law system is, but this always pushed my disbelief. I know Phoenix needed to adopt the new persona for AJ somehow but this just bothers me.

    submitted by /u/guchhapav
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    Professor at my school could probably fit in as an extra for the series.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is considered low-effort, but I made an entire moveset for Phoenix in Smash. Hope you enjoy.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    Phoenix Wright has found a contradiction

    Phoenix is a mid weight who is slightly heavier than Mario.


    Neutral special: Court Record Similar to pac-man's neutral special, Phoenix starts to channel and go through different pieces of evidence used throughout his games. Takes 12 seconds to fully charge. Uncharged, Phoenix throws his attorneys badge. This moves decently fast in a straight line horizontally, does 1.3%, deals no knockback, but causes flinching. Charged for 3 seconds, Phoenix throws the Magatama, which deals 3%, deals very minimal knock back, and causes flinching. The Magatama travels a short distance forward, then drops at a diagonally downward angle. Charged for 6 seconds, Phoenix throws the autopsy report. 2 frames after being thrown, the autopsy report splits into 3, 4, or 5 pieces of paper. These pieces of paper fly in a tight formation, deal .5 damage each, and they travel half the length of FD at a slightly slower speed than K. Rool's crown. One hit will stunlock into the rest. When charged for 9 seconds, Phoenix will throw the broken spear of the steel samurai. This travels the length of FD as fast as a fox laser. This will deal a miniscule amount of knockback and will deal 10%. When charged to the full 12 seconds, Phoenix will throw the judge's gavel. The gavel will go forward for half the length of FD, then it will swing up and back to Phoenix. This will deal tremendous knockback with a close up shot if it connects, similar to Luigi's sweetspot grounded up special. The gavel will deal only 3% damage, and flies slightly faster than bowser jr's neutral special. This charge can be stored, and can be semi charged, then charged again later.

    Side special: Bicycle Phoenix takes out a bike and starts to ride it around the stage. Similar to Wario's bike, it can turn and deal damage. Phoenix's bike deals very small amounts of damage. When used in the air, the bike grants a bit of vertical movement and a lot of horizontal movement. Does not put Phoenix into special fall. Deals 4% per hit.

    Up special: Fishing Hook Phoenix takes out the fishing hook he borrowed from Detective Gumshoe and throws the line upwards at a diagonal angle. Acts as a tether grab if it connects to the ledge. If used on the ground and it connects with an enemy, Phoenix reels in the fishing line and pulls them into a grab animation. If it connects to an enemy in the air, Phoenix will reel in the the line, dragging him to the enemy. This deals 4% when connecting.

    Down special: OBJECTION! This move is a counter that is active from frames 6 to 28. This counter is a 1.25x damage multiplier. Phoenix prepares his counterargument. If hit, he shouts objection, and the person who hit him plus anyone in extremely close proximity to the person hit will also be hit. The hitbox is disjointed and take the form of the objection from the games.


    Jab: Phoenix takes a stack of papers and first hits the enemy over the head in a downward motion. Next, he slams the enemy in the face with the paper stack in an upward motion. Phoenix then starts throwing sheets of paper in a jab infinite. Once the jab infinite is done, Phoenix throws the stack of paper in the direction he is facing. This will act as a projectile and will travel a short distance at a slightly downward diagonal direction. First hit confirms the second hit, and the second guarantees a bit of the infinite jab. All of these hits are a slightly disjointed hitbox. First hit deals 2%. Second hit deals 4%. Each jab hit deals .2% damage. Final paper stack throw deals 5%.

    Forward tilt: Phoenix takes a law book and bashes downwards with it. Deals 8% and can spike. Slightly disjointed hitbox.

    Up tilt: Phoenix takes a law book and swings it upward similar to Mario's up tilt. Deals vertical knockback in front and above Phoenix, and deals 6%. Slightly disjointed hitbox.

    Down tilt: Phoenix takes the broken steel samurai spear and pokes in front of him similar to lucina's down tilt. Deals vertical knockback on grounded opponents and can semi- spike opponents in the air. Deals 5.5%. Disjointed hitbox.

    Dash attack: Phoenix trips and regains his balance by swinging his briefcase in front of him, first downward then upward. The downward hit locks into the upward hit. Disjointed hitbox. Downward hit can semi-spike. First hit deals 4%. Second hit deals 6%.

    Smash attacks:

    Forward smash: Phoenix takes the metal detector he borrowed from Detective Gumshoe and swings it overhead with both hands. Sweet spot hitbox at the end. Sourspot hitbox on Phoenix's hands. Disjointed hitbox. Deals 15% uncharged and 22% full charged high end lag, but a deceptively fast startup. Deals semi-spike knockback.

    Up smash: Phoenix swings the metal detector overhead from left to right. Sweetspot at the end. Sourspot on Phoenix's hands. Hits both in front and behind Phoenix. Disjointed hitbox. Deals 13% uncharged and 20% full charge. Deals sharp upward vertical knockback.

    Down smash: Phoenix clutches his head and stomps twice on the ground. Has an earthquake effect. Damage falls off very quickly. Strong shockwaves have a meteor smash property. Late shockwaves deal slight upward vertical knockback. Buries opponents who are hit directly by one of Phoenix's stomps. Deals 14%.


    Neutral air: Phoenix throws a stack of paper all around his upper body. Similar to Game and Watch's neutral air, it only hits above and around Phoenix. Deals 3% per hit.

    Forward air: Phoenix swings his briefcase in a downward motion, similar to his forward smash, but faster. Sweetspot has a meteor smash effect. Disjointed hitbox. Deals 13% on the sweetspot and 10% on the sourspot.

    Back air: Phoenix swings his briefcase down and behind him. Similar to captain falcon's back air. Deals 11% on a clean hit and 9% on a late hit. Disjointed hitbox.

    Up air: Phoenix positions his briefcase directly above his head and then slams it upward. Disjointed hitbox. Deals 12%.

    Down air: Swings his briefcase directly below him, similar to Mii Brawler's down air. Disjointed hitbox. Deals 14% on a clean hit and 11% on a late hit. Clean hit causes a meteor effect.


    Grab: Phoenix simply reaches out and grabs the opponent.

    Pummel: Phoenix beats the opponent atop the head with his law book. Deals .4%

    Forward throw: Phoenix bats the opponent away with the metal detector. Deals 4%. Knockback does not scale much, but starts relatively high.

    Back throw: Phoenix turns around and bats the opponent away with the metal detector. Deals 5%. Knockback scales slightly, and starts at a moderate amount, making it a viable combo throw. Can kill mid weights at 160%

    Up throw: Phoenix bats the opponent upward with the metal detector. Deals small amount of knockback, but scales a lot. Can be used as a combo starter at low percents, and can kill mid weights at 135%.

    Down throw: Phoenix throws the opponent on the ground and jumps on them. Launches the opponent diagonally upwards. Knockback does not scale much.

    Final smash: Lawyer for Justice Phoenix shouts "HOLD IT!" As the hold it image from the games hits directly in front of him, similar to captain falcon, the star fox characters, shulk, and duck hunt. Anyone hit by this will be taken to the courtroom, where a random character will take the witness stand and say 4 lines of dialogue. Each line of dialogue will deal 10 damage. After the dialogue is finished, the judge gives the people caught within the final smash the guilty verdict and smashes them with the gavel dealing a further 10%. The final hit deals immense horizontal knockback.


    Up taunt: Phoenix's phone rings, and he answers it, looking confused. Maya then peaks out and to the right from behind Phoenix while covering her mouth and holding a phone to her ear. She looks to be laughing.

    Side taunt: Phoenix takes out a mirror to check if his hair is still nice and spiky.

    Down taunt: Phoenix holds out a case record as Mia, channelling into Maya's body, leans over from behind and to the left of Phoenix to read over his shoulder.

    submitted by /u/assasinman2676
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    I'm stuck in the Inherited Turnabout. The walkthrough isnt helping me and I dont know where to deduce

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    the Case 1's

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    I think Investigation 1 has a very good case 1. Unlike PW:AA and JFA, which had a too short of case 1, investigations 1 has a short, but not too short. Like there is enough time to develop it. Also, calling winston payne the janitor. Investigations 1 also avoids being to dragged out like Apollo Justice. Apollo Justice tried to make part 1 the tutorial case 1, and part 2 the "real" case, but I think having one event stretched out like that doesn't fit too well, but its a close second I suppose. T&T I think is mediocre, like better than PW:AA and JFA, but at least there is a completeness to it. The main point is Dahlia is fucking evil and a psychopath and that point is communicated well by it. I haven't played DD and SOJ, but I've heard that they are much better and much more developed.

    submitted by /u/ilikedota5
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    Most underrated characters?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    Best fan made cases?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:30 PM PDT

    I've been away from the AA community for a good amount of years now but I remember back in the day there were some excellent fan made cases from places like AAO.

    I just went on there and thought there would be a way to sort by popularity but it doesn't look like there is.

    Can anyone recommend some good fan made cases to play?

    submitted by /u/totential_rigger
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    Need some help deciding who to draw!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    Switch or mobile ?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    I played the first 2 games on my DS (loved them), except the last case of the first one. Now I want to play T&T, and I'm considering buying the trilogy, but I don't know if I should buy the Switch version, so I can play on a big screen, or the mobile port, which means I could play at school. What do you think I should do ?

    submitted by /u/Nyoukkii
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    Turnabout Musical episode 1-5 + bounes update video

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:06 PM PDT

    AA5 vs AA6

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    Hey guys,
    I discovered the Ace Attorney franchise just a little ago and figured I'd give it a try, starting with Apollo Justice : Ace Attorney (first thing that pops up on the Playstore when you type in Ace Attorney).
    It really clicked for me and I recall finishing that game in less than a week of gameplay and feeling so fulfilled afterwards hence why I immediately downloaded Dual Destinies and found it EVEN BETTER in almost every aspect of it (graphics, gameplay, characters, plot).
    Now, I just finished AA5 recently and, of course, started Spirit Of Justice but... having finished cases 1 and 2 and started case 3, it feels like the game is so much more boring and uninteresting : investigation bits are way too long, trials feel way harder and it basically came down to just trying out every single option at several occasions, and stakes feel lower (I expected to unravel some juicy bits of backstory during the Trucy trial but the plot twists it contained just felt meh and overall relevant to the main plot).
    Playing the game almost feels like a chore at this point and I now wonder if it's even worth continuing instead of just playing the main trilogy or whatnot.
    So, what are you guys' thoughts on the subject ? Are cases 4-5 worth going through the bland starting cases or are they equally boring ?

    submitted by /u/Fry_Em_Up
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    Since Game Tier Lists are a thing again apparently I figured I'd post mine here

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:56 AM PDT

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