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    Ace Attorney Eleventh Case Maker Contest Results

    Ace Attorney Eleventh Case Maker Contest Results

    Eleventh Case Maker Contest Results

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 07:29 PM PDT

    Another contest in the books!

    I'll cut the introduction and get straight to the point:

    Congratulations to both entries. I hope we can get a wider, and just as talented, turnout this summer. In the meantime, enjoy the spring!

    submitted by /u/teamcrazymatt
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    Spotted while leaving class. Made ny day.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 03:07 PM PDT

    Hello im new here and to reddit as whole, just sharing old pics of my kazuma asougi cosplay :D Though i'll def redo this soon with an actual wig and better makeup ^^

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 05:52 PM PDT

    Inspired by the recent posts by u/melodybussy. Additional slides for the full story context.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 11:44 PM PDT

    Put the most annoying case you have faced on any AA Game

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 09:03 AM PDT

    For you :)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 03:07 PM PDT

    Pretty sure these are all the US releases, as I missing any?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 08:17 AM PDT

    ‘If the characters from ___ drew themselves’ ~ TGAA edition

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 10:54 PM PDT

    ‘If the characters from ___ drew themselves’ ~ AA edition

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 10:52 PM PDT

    Name a single character that hasn't committed a crime.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 04:06 PM PDT

    Basically the same as last time except more challenge. (Notes: -I haven't played TGAAC so I don't know about their characters. -AA has a lot of chars so please try to keep it easy when commenting.)

    submitted by /u/Severalwanker
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    Spirit Of Justice OST is really great but...

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 08:00 PM PDT

    I was hearing the SOJ OST and I was having a great time. Hot take, but this is my favorite soundtrack of the main series, I especially like the sound design in Khura'in tracks, but then, it happenned...

    Logic Construct starts to play

    Tun tun tun tun... tun tun tun tin tun tun... tin tun tin tun tun... tun tun tun tun tin.. tututu tututu tututu tutututu tutututi tutututu tututututi tututututitututututi.... tun tun tun tun... tun tun tun tin tun tun... tin tun tin tun tun... tun tun tun tun tin.. tututu tututu tututu tutututu tutututi tutututu tututututi tututututitututututi....

    Why, who hold at gunpoint who so this plays one million times.

    "Where is the contradiction in the image?" ¨*Logic Construct plays*

    "How did the killer set up the scene?" ¨*Logic Construct plays*

    "Where did the killer hid the body of your dead father?" ¨*Logic Construct plays* I'm sure this won't kill the atmosphere at all!

    The song is not even bad, but why does it play so much?!

    If I have to hear it one more time I will hurt someone, I will pirate alll AA games and spoil every major plot point to people starting the trilogy.

    Tun tun tun tun... tun tun tun tin tun tun... tin tun tin tun tun... tun tun tun tun tin.. tututu tututu tututu tutututu tutututi tutututu tututututi tututututitututututi.... tun tun tun tun... tun tun tun tin tun tun... tin tun tin tun tun... tun tun tun tun tin.. tututu tututu tututu tutututu tutututi tutututu tututututi tututututitututututi....

    Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head.

    In summary: I really like the Soj soundtrack and I think is an underrated gem that doesn't get nearly the praise it deserves, from the sound design to the great melodies and especially the world building, everytime I heard a track I felt like it was made for that moment, and it was beautiful; except Logic Construct, if I hear that one more time I'll have an aneurysm.

    submitted by /u/Dancevedo
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    similar games to the Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 01:12 PM PDT


    I'm about to finish "the great ace attorney chronicles" and I've enjoyed it a lot , as well as the Phoenix Wright trilogy which I've finished about a year ago

    I'm playing on PC so I'm patiently waiting for the port of the other games in the series so while I do so I'm looking for similar games to play

    Do you guys have any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/SaintNikk
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    Have you noticed that sometimes characters who have a close relationship will mirror each other's animations or expressions? (Spoilers for all games to be safe)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 07:32 AM PDT

    I think it's really cool, I always look for them. Franziska's "thinking" animation is the same as her father's, and young Edgeworth in AAI does the same condescending finger wag that Manfred does sometimes.

    Maya and Pearl both lean forward and look down and to the side when they're sad.

    Gregory and Miles Edgeworth both wave their hand around while they explain things, but Gregory with an open hand and Miles while pointing. Raymond Shields takes off his hat and bows like how Gregory does.

    Iris Wilson does the same pose that Sholmes does when he tips his hat.

    We don't see it in game but there's art of Klint van Zieks doing a high kick, much like how Barok does occasionally in the courtroom to enhance an objection.

    And my personal favorite, if it counts, is that the ribbon Genshin Asogi uses to tie back his hair is somehow always being dramatically blown around by the wind, like Kazuma's headband.

    Any others you've noticed?

    submitted by /u/virtuoso-lurker
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    Mia doing Maya's hair (azyn_5D).

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 01:51 AM PDT

    A friend of mine gifted me The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for Christmas and i had to show him how much i loved the game

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 02:25 PM PDT

    [Essay] One of the best and yet most underdiscussed aspects of Farewell, my Turnabout

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 08:01 AM PDT

    Introduction: why do people love this case?

    Hello, everyone. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night from wherever you are from. It has been a while since I've been reminiscing about Farewell, my Turnabout, an all-time classic that totally deserves its reputation. This episode is a fan favorite because, for the first time in the series, Phoenix has to deal with the fact that his own client is a murderer, as well as the moral implications brought about by letting said client get off the hook. The stakes are high because not only the defendant is, for once, not innocent, but also Wright runs into a moral dilemma all the time, finding himself wondering which life has more value (Adrian and Maya) and what truly matters for him (justice and his loved ones).

    Hence, it's fair to determine that this case is a cornerstone of the Trilogy while also creating a very interesting phylosophy for the courtrooms, which is kind of an adaptation for Socrates' dialectical method of creating knowledge. For anyone that doesn't know what I'm referring to, this is the definition for the Socratic method according to Wikipedia (not the best source, I know, but it's a fairly simple and concrete definition):

    The Socratic method (also known as method of Elenchus*,* elenctic method*, or* Socratic debate*) is a form of cooperative* argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.

    This process is directly acknowledged by Miles by the end of the case:

    Edgeworth: No matter how desperate the situation... instead of giving up like most people, that man would hold strong with his undying faith. And then, before I knew it... I began to trust in that man as well.

    von Karma: Wh-What!? You trusted your enemy!?

    Edgeworth: It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you.

    Pearl: The "truth"...

    Edgeworth: Yes. That's the reason why prosecutors and defense lawyers exist. But I'm sure you knew that already, didn't you Wright?

    In other words, fans praise this case not only because of the moral dilemma that comes from the guilt of Matt Engarde, but also the phylosophy that was born from Edgeworth's and Wright's cooperation. However, while those aspects are obviously incredible and stand strong even after twenty years of Justice for All's release, there's one thing that I began to appreciate in 2-4 that doesn't receive enough credit: the parallels between this chapter and an episode of "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney", and this episode is Turnabout Samurai.

    I'm going to be honest, some connections are very obvious, such as the fact that, well, you are dealing with another Samurai case. Nonetheless, there are some links that are a little more subtle, but those links still tip the player in the wrong way in order to subvert the audience's expectations. From the very beginning, it should be clear that Matt isn't innocent, there's an assassin trying to directly aid him after all. Yet, Engarde's reveal is a twist that needs to be hidden until the last moment at all costs, so the game pulls the wool over the players' eyes not only by trying to reinforce the "always believe in client" motto that Mia mentioned so often when she was alive, but also by making the player unconsciously associate some elements from 2-4 to some elements of 1-3, even though this sort of association was premeditated by Takumi to trick his own audience. In other words, TakuShu cleverly used one of his previous writings to divert suspicion away from Matt and onto Adrian, which is why the twist is so memorable for many fans. Needless to say, I will elaborate on what those parallels are exactly, dividing them into three categories: Hammer x Corrida, Powers x Engarde and Vasquez x Andrews.

    The first category: Will Powers and Matt Engarde

    This first parallel is an important one, and perhaps the most relevant one (although the similarities between Vasquez and Adrian are also of great relevance). The reason the comparison between both defendants is important arises from the fact that 2-4 is a subversive episode by its own nature, we need to believe, for the longest amount of time possible, that Matt is totally innocent and wouldn't hurt a fly, just like Will. Powers is a very kind man, and this is clear during his cameo of Farewell, my Turnabout, a cameo that blatantly shows the references to 1-3, aside from the fact that both Will and Engarde play the lead roles of their respective Samurai shows.

    Another similarity that tries to strengthen the idea that Matt is 100% a kind man is that, just like Powers, he was incriminated via someone using a Samurai suit in order to pose as him (I'm referring to Adrian, I will mention Corrida's plan later on). It's important to note that this event also led to a photo being taken, which initially intended to put Matt in a very tight spot because only Engarde, supposedly, has access to the costume...the very same reasoning from Turnabout Samurai, which was concocted by the very same witness, Oldbag.

    Furthermore, it's important to note that another factor that allowed Matt to be framed is the fact that a sharp object directly related to Engarde, the knife he used for lunch (dinner? I don't remember), was found in the crime scene and seemed to be the murder weapon. This scenario mirrors Will's circumstances in Turnabout Samurai, when Vasquez placed the Samurai Spear, another sharp object, to shift the blame on Powers and make it seem like Hammer was stabbed. Finally, another parallel is that both Powers and Engarde had the worst alibis for the time the crimes were committed, and both were literally doing the same thing: sleeping.

    To sum up, Takumi's intention was to make Matt look life the most innocent man of all time, who was clearly unfairly accused and obviously set up to take the fall in someone else's stead. Engarde's airhead persona was intended to mirror Powers's characcteristics, and everything was done really well, although the similarities are more within the realm of personalities and not necessarily elements of the mystery. It still might be the most important comparison, once again, due to the subversive of Matt Engarde and 2-4 as a whole.

    The second category: Jack Hammer and Juan Corrida

    This one is more interesting than the previous category, and this similarity aims to making Juan's circumstances similar to Jack's. By doing so, the narrative expects the audience to unconsciously believe that the circumstances behind Corrida's death are akin to Hammer's. For example, you could point out that both Jack and Juan were initially thought to be stabbed while they were using their costumes (although Hammer was indeed killed by a piercing object, but it was actually the fence). This similarity is important, but I don't think it's the most relevant parallel between the two victims: those two are very similar on account of their own personalities or even how they are related to the main cast.

    For instance, both victims were living in the shadows of the defendants. Jack was jealous that Powers received all the attention and love for being the Steel Samurai, hero of Neo Olde Tokyo, whereas Juan was in a similar position, where he was jealous for having his performance as the Jammin Ninja being constantly outshined by the much superior Nickel Samurai of Matt Engarde. Not so surprisingly, both try to ruin the objects of their hatred by pinning the death of another on our defendants by impersonating their TV roles out of petty revenge: Jack tries to frame Powers, by wearing a Samurai costume, for the murder of Vasquez that was supposed to happen and Juan tries to ruin Matt by leaking a suicide note that put the latter in a very tight spot, holding him as the only one accountable for Celeste's suicide, and the way he intended to do so was also by trying to impersonate Matt using a Samurai costume. It's also important to note that both unwittingly caused the death of someone dear to their managers, but I will expand on this similarity later. Another neat comparison is that both Jack and Juan were adored by Oldbag, and even though this is a relatively minor detail, it's one aspect that not only explains her presence in 2-4, but also strengthens the parallels between the two victims.

    Let's be honest, it's almost as if Takumi tried to copy-paste 1-3 onto 2-4, but this is actually an intentional effort to link those two cases and induce the player into believing that what happened in Turnabout Samurai could repeat in Farewell, my Turnabout. TakuShu is tried to portray Jack and Juan as very scummy villains that unfairly wronged the defendants, and since Will was unfairly affected by Hammer, the same could apply to Matt...right? I guess we all know the answer to that question. Anyway, Takumi definitely achieved his goal in terms linking the two victims to portray them as two assholes, whose circumstances behind their deaths seem to align, but in the very end, everything is a much greater red herring.

    Third category: Dee Vasquez and Adrian Andrews

    This might not be the most important comparison, but it's by far my favorite in 2-4, maybe because I like Adrian a lot, but I don't know. Anyway, the goal of this parallel is to put Adrian under a very suspicious light, making several aspect of hers to mirror what the audience has seen in Turnabout Samurai with Dee Vasquez, and of course, this unconsciously tips the players into thinking that Andrews might be the culprit.

    One of the similarities between both women is that Andrews's initial behavior is very akin to Vasquez's demeanor: both are cool and composed managers (yes, I know that Dee is a producer, but come on, give me some slack here) that treat our defendants, Powers and Engarde, rather coldly. Granted, later we find out that Adrian was just mimicking Inpax's behavior in order to cope with her death, but her condescencing persona can easily be a mirror to Vasquez's overall demeanor.

    Speaking of Inpax, another parallel between Dee and Adrian is that both lost loved ones on account of the actions of the victims of Turnabout Samurai and Farewell, my Turnabout, respectively. On one hand, Hammer unintentionally caused Manuel's death, and while the relationship with Vasquez and Manuel is not elaborated, it's clear from her reaction to his death that both seemed to either be close or there was some sort of one-sided infatuation from Vasquez. Here comes some quotes to jog your memories, folks:

    "Someone call an ambulance!"

    "Th-there's blood everywhere! We're too late!"

    "Aah! Ms. Vasquez!"

    "What...? What happened here!?"

    "Manuel fell from the trailer stairs...!"

    "Manuel! Manuel!"

    "Ms. Vasquez, please, try to remain calm..."

    "No...! No! How could this...?"

    "It was an accident..."

    "Mr. Hammer was doing an action scene and..."

    "No! Manuel! Manuel!!!"

    "D-don't touch him! Ms. Vasquez!"


    "Please... please don't die."


    I would even wager that Vasquez blackmailed Hammer to avenge Manuel's death, but this is getting into headcanon territory, so I will refrain from elaborating on this point. Anyway, for Adrian, she lost her mentor because Corrida had such bloated male pride that he decided to cancel the wedding just because Engarde disclosed his former relationship with Celeste. Juan didn't predict that Inpax would commit suicide, but he is still responsible for her death, a situation that mirrors Jack's unintentional crime and, consequently, makes Adrian and Vasquez seem closer in terms of backstory. Finally, in terms of the mystery, Adrian and Vasquez used a similar method to frame their targets: placing the supposed murder weapon close to the corpses.

    I feel like I'm repeating the same idea over and over at this point, but I feel like it's vital to draw the parallels between Vasquez and Andrews. After all, those are parallels that the player can spot sometimes, a situation that would naturally make the audience believe that Adrian is guilty, all because her actions and backstory are very, very akin to what we see from Dee Vasquez. The players expect to see Andrews as the culprit, just like what happens with Dee, and those are the sort of expectations that are just waiting to be subverted by the true identity of the culprit in 2-4.

    Conclusion: 2-4's twist is genius

    The plot twist of Farewell, my Turnabout is brilliant. Engarde's guilt as the true culprit morally challenges not only every single one of Phoenix's fundamental notions of justice and the law, but also what the audience learned from Ace Attorney, as well as the expectations that we, as the player, got used to develop. The twist wasn't made on a whim and does not come out of nowhere, it's a twist that intentionally subverts previous tropes in order to create a truly remarkable experience. Indeed, the moral dilemma of Farewell, my Turnabout is great, but the clear effort from Takumi to tip the audience in the wrong way, basically creating an episode full of red herrings, is an aspect that needs more attention from everyone.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts for today, folks. Everyone is welcome (and encouraged!) to give their two cents in the comment section. Have a nice day, everyone.

    P.s.: Credits to u/Indra_Uch1ha for helping me to come up with several points of this post. Thanks, mate :)

    submitted by /u/Lost_Rough
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    Sacred Urn from T&T (made out of air dry clay)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 08:53 AM PDT

    After playing Turnabout Storyteller, I see now why everybody hates it so much

    Posted: 07 Apr 2022 02:50 AM PDT

    I've been in the Ace Attorney fandom for quite awhile now, and I've always heard a ton of hate for Turnabout Storyteller. Tons of people calling it the worst case in the franchise and such. I never heard any specific reasons for it being so terrible, so I always sort of assumed it was just a toxic group of people who hate the 3DS titles finding a common case to hate on, and choosing an Athena case because they tend to hate Athena.

    Boy was I so very wrong.

    I'll be upfront. I didn't finish Turnabout Storyteller. I gave up part way through because I was so incredibly infuriated with it. At the moment, I have no intentions of finishing Spirit of Justice.

    Where do I even begin with this case. I suppose I should preface this by saying that I actually loved Dual Destinies, and I loved Athena and Blackquill both as characters in Dual Destinies.

    Which is why it was even more infuriating when, out of nowhere, the writers seemingly forgot how to write Athena and Blackquill in Turnabout Storyteller. Hell, they were writing Athena just fine back in The Magical Turnabout, what happened here? But fine, Athena and Blackquill are out of character. Sure, fine. I can live with that.

    But then they decided to go in WAY TOO HARD on everyone taking shots at Athena for being "inexperienced". They could've just had Blackquill concerned about her lack of experience, have Sahdmahdi make a remark, make it a driving force for Athena, then move on. But instead they just kept beating the dead horse, having basically every single character in existence, from Blackquill to The Gallery, just endlessly harrass Athena for being inexperienced and unworthy and worthless and such, ignoring like, everything that happened in Dual Destinies, especially her star case in that game, 5-3, where she literally bested Blackquill in court as the lead Defense Attorney.

    It's like the writers wanted REALLY BADLY for you to feel sympathy and think "Now I've gotta win this case, to prove that Athena's not worthless!" but then they didn't know when to stop, and they just kept knocking her down. Either that or the case was literally written by someone with a personal grudge against Athena.

    Nonetheless, it certainly doesn't help that Sahdmahdi is here, and being more of a jerk than ever. I already hated the guy, but he was beyond redemption in Turnabout Storyteller, generally just being the absolute worst character I've ever seen.

    I only got to 1 witness, the balloon clown, and she wasn't very likable either. Not that I'd remember much because THE GAME WOULD BARELY LET ME BREATHE WITHOUT EVERYONE TAKING SWINGS AT ATHENA FOR EXISTING. Once the whole Gallery for some reason turned against Athena, I quit the case and the game. I just couldn't take it. It was way too infuriating.

    I've had my fair share of problems with other Ace Attorney cases, some cases that I'd even say that I hate, but I have never outright quit a case before because it was infuriating me so incredibly much.

    It is very clear to me why people hate this case so much now, and I completely agree. Turnabout Storyteller is without a doubt the worst case in Ace Attorney.

    I might look up a YouTube video of Turnabout Revolution just to see Spirit of Justice's story end, but I have absolutely no desire to go back in and trudge through the rest of Turnabout Storyteller, when I wasn't even enjoying Spirit of Justice to begin with.

    This is more of a venting post than anything. I have no desire to debate this with the comments. If you like Turnabout Storyteller, that's great for you, but I don't, and that's not gonna change.

    Feel free to throw in your opinion anyways though. That's what the comments are for, after all.

    submitted by /u/Wolfgalaxy63
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    Why I love Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 07:55 PM PDT

    I just finished the T&T and I can say that I love Ace Attorney, one of the personal reasons is that it is very similar to a cell phone game I had when I was a kid (it was almost same as Ace Attorney but I was a detective, Phone: Sony Erricson)

    - A reason I like is also a reason I hate this game, because nothing makes even a bit of sense in it, like at this point saying "x doesn't make sense in AA" is like saying "water is wet" but also because of this, the plot can have literally unbelievable things (my fav: interrogating a parrot)

    - Another reason is that I love making fun of how silly the plot or characters are, especially when they are annoying af (like big top) but also, AA can have moments where the most annoying character can have a very sincere and emotional moment that just catches me off guard

    - Soundtrack is dope

    - Also it has its own aesthetics and a very well used design for characters and places

    - I'm not extremely sure, but most likely AA games were made for children or teenagers, but because of that it can give characters that has a faith in the world that a grown up may not have

    There are things that I dislike as well:

    - Maya Fey, I can get some justified hate for this, but Maya is only useful for it can channel Mia, I personally would choose a scenario where it was just Mia

    - I already wrote this in another post, but game treats Gumshoe unnecasarily hard, of course he is not the brightest person, but basically if Gumshoe is an idiot so is anyone in AA

    submitted by /u/SgtHartman2
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    Here is an Ace Attorney timeline that i made, it should have all the important events and every game in chronological order

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 05:25 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright fan art

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 06:01 AM PDT

    You good..?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2022 02:25 AM PDT

    An AAI2, who represented which piece in the Chess motif designs? (Spoilers for the AAI2 cast)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 05:05 AM PDT

    Horace Knightly is obviously the Knight piece. His head is shaped like a horse piece right down to his neckbrace being his base.

    Sirhan Dogan is the bishop. His head leans back, oval-shaped, like the chess piece. His blindness might be a small reference to the piece having a large gash for eyes.

    Ethane Rooke is obviously the Rook/Castle in his head design. Also, his habit of being on the sides of the king at all times.

    Di-Jun Huang is the King piece. He is important, but doesn't actually have real power and needs to be protected by everyone.

    Pawns...perhaps everyone is one, in the end? Or maybe it's Simon himself, to go to the end of the board to become the King/Queen after all the others killed each other. Or perhaps it was Edgeworth--everyone's pawn until he reached the end and won.

    Which now begs the question as to who is the Queen? If we go by power, it's Courtney. She can go anywhere and do anything.

    submitted by /u/Icewind
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    How to post my fan trials

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 09:29 PM PDT

    I have decided to try and post all fan cases by game, as there are 3 games worth of cases in this fan-series I'm creating. However, most cases will most likley end up exceeding the charater limit on reddit posts. I have come up with a few ideas on how to do it, however, I wanted to consol you all first. Which idea do you think will be better?

    If I do an objection lol video I will need help making sprites for several new charaters, like Witnesses, a new defense attorney, a new prosecutor, and many more, including crossover charaters, some even being robotic. Along with backgrounds for new locations! So if the objection lol ends up winning I can use all the help I can get!

    Thank you and have a good day/night/afternoon

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Artus-Tartus
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    I haven't played Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney yet (ik i shouldn't have played soj first), but is that game bad? my friend said it was a great game, so I just wanted to question, is it that bad? or is this person simply regarding it as bad off of his opinion?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 11:57 PM PDT

    Unreal Engine 5 is now available, so obviously I made HD-2D Edgeworth

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 10:36 PM PDT

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