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    Friday, December 18, 2020

    Ace Attorney Kirby Sephiroth looks a bit like Kirby Edgeworth

    Ace Attorney Kirby Sephiroth looks a bit like Kirby Edgeworth

    Kirby Sephiroth looks a bit like Kirby Edgeworth

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Here is my decisive evidence on what is a ladder and what is a step ladder

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:58 AM PST

    A redraw of a scene in the opening cutscene of Dual Destinies

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:23 PM PST

    my masterpiece

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:48 PM PST

    Edgeworth is behind it all

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:52 PM PST

    I tried again

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:35 PM PST

    After 41 hours, I finally finished dual destinies. Amazing as always but took a minute to get going. Cases 1 and 2 are really boring, but 3, 5, and dlc are some of my favorites In the series. I love blackquill and fulbright, and Athena is an amazing new main character. One more to go!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:02 PM PST

    Larry Butz Sketch :)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Mia and von karma but reversed

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    Since everyone does this at some point I'll just do mine... (AA Characters Tier List)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Luke Atmey drawn in my middle school art style.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:03 AM PST

    I made an Ace Attorney Star Wars Scenario in AI Dungeon

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:02 PM PST

    I Wanted To Show My Cover of Pursuit ~ Overtaken and Hear Some Feedback for How I Can Make These Better

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:58 PM PST

    Does anyone else think the Investigations series using a variation of Great Revival as Manfred von Karma's theme cheapens the emotional impact of the theme as a whole?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:11 AM PST

    In AA1, the theme is not used for Edgeworth at all - in AA2 it relates to him coming back and shedding himself from the von Karma legacy.

    Similarly for Franziska, it does not play in her first few cases, and relates to her coming back after 'beaten' to do the right thing, and shows she had some character development.

    Using it as Manfred's default theme really decreases the impact of Edgeworth 'coming back from death'.

    Incidentally, I think Quercus Alba's theme would fit von Karma perfectly.

    submitted by /u/regiwaldorf
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    Godot fan art (plz dont criticise me because this took a while.)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Baked a magatama cookie

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    s t e p l a d d e r

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:57 PM PST

    when does the stepladder thing happen in the games?? did i miss something lmao

    submitted by /u/ChristyGraceTV
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    Game Grumps is a gift to humanity

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST

    hello i made a object.lol tutorial

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:11 PM PST

    Games I adore, ALL of which have a rather strange syndrome. Let's talk about it.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:28 AM PST

    So I just finished watching these videos about Sonic Colors:



    Naturally, I was surprised to learn that the majority of Sonic the Hedgehog's fandom... HATED Sonic Colors a decade since its' inception. A game that was once revered as a savior... later demonized for having brought more harm than good. In the case of Sonic Colors (I still love it, though I'll admit I too noticed it has flaws), the harm brought to the series that LED to its' demonization was a long term change to the Sonic franchise, where every game SINCE Colors played it safe and simple, even recycling aspects of Colors itself. The good initially seen by the fandom as a breath of fresh air in 2010/2011/2012/2015 was Sega finally releasing a game that was fun and complete, not to mention listening to its' fans when they were formerly disappointed with Sonic Unleashed (ironically the opposite case, formerly one of the most hated Sonic titles of all time, now a game that's generally regarded as good by the fanbase). So yeah, Colors is a bad game apparently (in my opinion, it's still just as good as when I played it back in 2012. True its' story wasn't that good, and the writing was hit or miss, but I still enjoy its' gameplay). Now I know you're all wondering: why bring up Sonic Colors?

    Because it's a game I loved and STILL love. I feel that it is relevant here because Ace Attorney has more titles that suffer from this odd syndrome.

    In case you still missed it, the bottom line is that some games, usually well or decently received critically and publicly, would be initially ADORED by the fanbase, with said adoration persisting for a few years. Following these years, people will look back at the things they loved and realize that they're actually extremely flawed, making them much worse than they remembered. I will be referring to this as the Love-Then-Hate Syndrome.

    Of course, this is not always the case. First off, there are those titles that do not have fluctuating opinions, being always regarded as either good or bad. The PW Trilogy and GK2 come to mind in the former case, while for the latter, Bubsy 3D and Superman 64 will always be regarded as bad by almost everyone. Then there's recent titles. Zelda Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey (both released in 2017) have not had enough time for a dedicated group of haters to develop. The latter however, does have a couple fans under the helm of Joseph Anderson fighting back against the claim that Odyssey is the best Mario game (that doesn't mean they hate it; just that it's not a masterpiece as critics would claim it was). As mentioned before, Sonic Unleashed is the literal inverse of Sonic Colors, being widely panned on release, but later garnering adoration upon revisiting.

    As an Ace Attorney parallel to Unleashed, we have Apollo Justice 2007. Not only were they released at similar times (2008 for Unleashed), but they were also accepted by the fans as something much greater over time. Nowadays, the hate for AJ 2007 (the main complaints the game received in 2007 were: seeing Phoenix in a depressing state, every case aside the first having major problems, heavily underdeveloped main protagonist, friendlier prosecutor - yeah that last one was a complaint back then, even though there seems to be nothing wrong with it now) has subsided, now seen as a good game with some flaws much like Unleashed.

    On the opposite boat however... Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice are the most egregious forms of the love-then-hate syndrome in Ace Attorney. It's a well-known fact that people used to like these games back in 2013 and 2016 respectively. Now I mentioned that Breath of the Wild and Odyssey are recent titles, but Spirit of Justice, the most recent mainline Ace Attorney title (Does it really take so long to develop a game shorter than Investigations 2? That game took less than 2 years to develop and release), has far less replay value than either of these other games, and was also released a year prior, giving people more time to point to DD and more so SoJ as the culprits for Ace Attorney's ruination. Dual Destinies in fact, already garnered quite a bit of hate before Spirit of Justice was even released, with fans initially considering the latter an improvement upon release, before they saw Khura'in as a massive issue that made it apparently worse, if not just as bad as DD. The title of this post implies that I probably love DD and SoJ, and to be honest, I do love them (they may be bad games with awful antagonists, but I actually had fun playing them with my friends who really seemed to love them), though not as much as the incredibly underrated DGS Duology and Gyakuten Kenji 1, all of which are adherents to the love-then-hate syndrome to some degree, albeit less so than DD and SoJ. Many times when DGS 1 and 2 are brought up, they are considered to either fine or underwhelming titles that are for some reason inferior to the PW Trilogy, when they literally succeed in trying new things (Jurors, a migration story arc, probably the greatest story in Ace Attorney history, etc) and are therefore more enjoyable and innovative because of it. Of course, that is just me. Other people may have valid reasons for disliking DGS 1 and 2, but I personally don't think these games are worthy of hate at all. Now I haven't seen anyone TRULY hate on the DGS Duology just yet, but seeing people initially call it better than the Trilogy before quickly changing their minds by saying they're mediocre is a little sad to think about.

    The same can be said of my personal favorite Fire Emblem title, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow (2010). Nowadays no one seems to love or hate it, but the fans initially considered the game to be one of their favorites when it was translated by The Heroes of Shadow in 2016-2017, before later considering the game inferior to its' 1993 SNES counterpart, which is a view that I strongly disagree with (Kris is not bad at all, in my opinion. True, the player avatar that hogs all the attention was a negative trend that FE still throws around today, but Kris was, again, in my opinion, the only time this trend was executed well). That being said, I think it's safe to consider FE12 a guilty pleasure even though it's not really that hated by the fandom.

    Before we finish off with Ace Attorney, let's talk about one of the reverses. Of the AJ 2007s and Sonic Unleashed(s), the Hate-Then-Love Syndrome. That being my favorite game of that bunch, Metroid Fusion. A game hated for its' linearity back then, now considered an awesome action game. It does feel nice to have a game that I consider one of my favorite Metroid titles gain appreciation after Other M and Federation Force appeared to show that things can get much worse than Fusion.

    The finale to this post is at Gyakuten Kenji 1 in 2009. Most people think it's just a forgettable, meh game, when I actually remember most of its' events quite vividly. Again, that's just me, but I don't think GK1 deserves all the hate it gets just because its' story isn't as deep as say its' sequel's, which to this day is regarded as the greatest Ace Attorney game of all time, the Dai Gyakuten Kenji, if you will.

    Let's keep the conversation going. What other games adhere to the Love-Then-Hate Syndrome?

    submitted by /u/Torri800
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    Why Franmaya should not be a thing

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Ok, ok, ok, ok this rant may make me sound homophobic but as a die hard Wrightworth, Boyf riends, mullette, Jeffmads, and gamer nerds (Christine, Michael, Jeremy) shipper I object!

    So basically something about the ship Franmaya doesn't sit right with me. Not that lesbian couples are bad because my friend is a lesbian but because they have never once had one conversation where that could be at least a little plausible. I'm sorry but just don't ship it :( Like think about Wrightworth or Pheonix and Iris. Both of those ships have good proof that it exists but then you bring out this? I honestly think that people just ship it because miles and pheonix are a thing cuz that automatically means that Fransika and Maya just HAVE to get together... Like wtf? It even says in👏the👏game that Maya feels like Fransika is superior to her though they are the same age. And this says and I quote

    "It's a niche pairing, and one that really only came into prominence a few years ago. I can't answer for what makes its fans like it, so I'll leave that to them. Some of my thoughts are under the spoiler below, but since this thread should mostly be about why people like it, I'll make sure they're not in plain view.

    For me, I really need characters to have strong on-screen chemistry and a believable basis for a relationship to take any pairings seriously. Maya and Franziska barely ever interact, have no real chemistry at all, and pretty openly dislike each other. Even on the rare occasions that they do exchange a line, it's usually Maya complaining about Franziska's arrogance. From my past experience hanging around on Tumblr, it feels to me like the pairing mainly exists because Maya and Franziska are the same age, and pairing them together ensures that neither interferes with the Phoenix/Edgeworth pairing.

    There was that time that Franziska took up the job of trying to free Maya from the Sacred Cavern, though. Mainly because freeing Maya was important to the case, and because for all her faults, Franziska's nowhere near heartless enough to leave someone to die, but still."

    I'm sorry to people who really ship this but why? I know I'm taking this way too seriously but has to make sense in my head and like a good lawyer you always need evidence!

    And an updated autopsy report.

    (A/N: Sorry if I hurt your shipping feelings but look you don't have to listen to me it's my opinion not yours(unless you agree with me) but have you really thought about why you ship this? And not because "Oh BeCaUsE iTs CuTe" or because someone else is shipping it, NO! Give me one good reason why I should ship this.)

    submitted by /u/Musical_lawyer890
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