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    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    Ace Attorney I drew myself as a witness! :)

    Ace Attorney I drew myself as a witness! :)

    I drew myself as a witness! :)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I love Franziska's winter outfit! ❤

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    How 2020 has me feeling

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Poor Mia went through at least 12 stages of grief during Phoenix's first trial

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    I told my girlfriend that Godot woke up from his coma due to smelling coffee, and she drew this in response.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    I think at some point they just gave up on convincing us that this game takes place in the USA.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    Labyrinthia Memories

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Reddit Personified

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    I found a Phoenix Wright cameo in the Mega Man Archie Comic

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Law Students Streaming Ace Attorney

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Hello there! Back at it again with the weekly Friday stream. Today we are finishing up Case 4 of the first game and will hopefully push through a sizeable bit of the next case. We are 3 (sometimes 4!) law students entering our 3rd year of law school from California who are currently actively practicing in the field of Criminal Law. As we play through the game we're gonna comment on some of the things in the game that are different than and the same as the actual practice of criminal law, so feel free to drop by and ask some questions (or lurk) if you're interested in learning something about the system, or if you just want to just come have some fun shitposting in the chat.


    submitted by /u/Dudebro9001
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    I just finished the trilogy and it was perfect.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    What an experience!

    In the beginning of June I bought the trilogy and went in completely blind and loved it way too much. I just finished it today and I'm completely satisfied. The characters are amazing, the art is perfect, the music is definitely a favorite and the humor is awesome. I wish I could leave a very positive review but I played on the Switch.

    I'm definitely gonna play the rest of the series. The only thing I wonder now regarding Apollo Justice is if I should try to find my old DS (idk if I'll find it), buy it on mobile, or emulate it on PC. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/me_funny__
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    My tier list of the first 5 games

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    How would you fix The Receipt Moment?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    The Receipt Moment (and the not as talked about but equally bad List of Names Moment) is probably the most infamous moment in the admittedly poor case that is 1-2. Building up Redd White to be the unbeatable villain, and then being able to take him down by having Deus Ex Mia (I definitely stole this from someone but I cannot remember where I first heard this) 1) tell you to flip over a piece of evidence that should have been thoroughly examined by around 10-20 people, including yourself, and 2) give you a piece of paper with names of people White had supposedly blackmailed to read aloud. Although he was moments from escaping the courtroom a free man, these names are enough to cause White to break down and confess.

    Neither of these moments involved input from the player, nor do they make logical sense in the setting of the story that the game produced. So the question is, how would you fix this? What are some things that if you were in charge of writing 1-2, you would have changed to make the end of this case better?

    submitted by /u/LlamaTheG0AT
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    More PS edits of Mia Fey (bonus pic of Wright if he was a prosecutor)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    I feel like I don’t belong in the fandom sometimes.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    On Twitter, I made an off-handed joke about asexual-aromantic Edgeworth being the 'truth'. And people lost their shit. What's the point of participating if a different head cannon gets me hounded? I dunno.

    submitted by /u/TheGreatTsarMonarch
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    QUESTION:What's the ost used in the end,around 2:12.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Lionel Hutz: Ace Attorney (parody)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Let’s say the animators created another season for the AA anime and it was for AJ game, what voice actors would you love to see?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    I know people have mixed reviews of the anime and the anime was funny to watch even though it was pretty rushed.

    Let's say they decided to dedicate the next season to the AJ game. What voice actors would you love to see play as any of the characters?

    I'm still thinking what actors would fit to play any of the characters so I would love to hear what you would think!

    submitted by /u/crystalbeanies
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    Pls delete if not allowed - I tried my hand at writing an Ace Attorney Fanfic!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Why is Ace Attorney fun? (video essay)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    is there more like this for other arguments such as Pizza is a Vegetable?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I just finished the Phoenix Wright trilogy on switch. What should I play next?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    Does the Japanese version of DS AJ have a English language option?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Asking cus i'm finding japanese copies for WAYYY cheapter than US copies.

    submitted by /u/StealphieDD
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    A seriously serious critique of 'Ace Attorney: The Dark Age of Love'

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    This is my completely genuine, serious critique and analysis of 'Ace Attorney: The Dark Age of Love' (henceforth referred to as 'Love Attorney', since that's what the app calls itself, and it's easier to repetitively type.) Love Attorney is the second most notorious Ace Attorney sex game, starring Athena Cykes as the protagonist (in a more significant roll in proportion to the game's screen time and plot than Capcom themselves are willing to give her). Love Attorney, however, is only just smutty, rather than actually pornographic. I really don't have plans to do something similar to this for Phoenix Drive (I'm already worried that this mightn't be allowed on this sub as is.) So for now, I'm taking baby steps and tackling the milder of the two AA sex games. Don't bother asking why; I couldn't even justify it to myself. Also, expect mild spoilers for all main series games.

    For the uninformed, 'The Dark Age of Love' is, as it says on its download page, "…a horny VN based around the sexy nice lawyers of the Ace Attorney games. It was made for #StrawberryJam and is definitely not in any way official, legitimate. or safe for work". Poor grammar aside (not a good omen for a self-proclaimed visual novel), there's no real false advertising here, so that's at least one piece of credit I can give Love Attorney. The game is available on MacOS, Windows, Linux and Android (via APK only), so there's at least options for which platform you prefer playing on. I played the game on Android, however I was prompted with a message saying the game was out of date on my phone and may not run properly. I'm not sure when exactly the game released (around the time of SoJ anyway, judging by some of the character art used in-game), but I'm regardless inclined to dock points for lacking modern support, though I don't at all blame the game's creator (just a single person, almost unsurprisingly) for never returning to what's essentially the equivalent of a moderately high-effort teenage erotica fanfiction.

    Exhilarating. I'm so pumped to play.

    So, finally getting into the game itself, the player is faced with a painfully dull title screen which consists of a plain grey background (not even a gradient to make it look a little less boring) and an ambiguous Ace Attorney logo design within a 4:3 box aspect ratio, with a healthy measure of the Tres Bien theme blaring (ideally, I'd implore you to open the game with less than 30% volume.) I'll give credit where credit is due since the vast majority of official Ace Attorney titles actually don't have title music (barring the crossover, the Trilogy from 2014 onwards and SoJ.) In that regard, Love Attorney already goes above and beyond most actual AA games. Take note here, since it's one of the few points of praise I can award the game.

    Digging into criticism, if I could pick from the entire back catalogue of Ace Attorney's consistently incredible soundtracks, I certainly wouldn't have picked 'Beauty Hermitage' for a smut game. Granted, Ace Attorney, for all its musical variety, is lacking in the genre of raunchy music (besides maybe Tyrell Badd's theme), but I definitely would take almost anything over the painfully cutesy and saccharine Tres Bien music (I know there's meant to be a dash over the "e", but I can't be bothered to add that for all the hassle it would be each time). It's made worse by the fact that the creator couldn't even get a version which loops properly. If you leave the title screen on long enough (as in, only a few minutes), the track will fade out before starting again from the beginning. This is an issue with, as far as I can tell, every piece of music used in this game.

    The 4:3 aspect ratio the game runs in is odd, but far from the worst criticism I can make, believe me. The solid grey background is irritatingly bland (they couldn't even have made it yellow, to match Athena's signature colour), and the game's logo is just lazy. There are plenty of fan-made 'Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney' logos, yet this game insists on just 'Ace Attorney', and I'm almost certain that 'The Dark Age of Love' is literally just written in Arial font and put in italics. I also wish the buttons weren't so cramped into a single corner, since it means that you have to be annoyingly precise sometimes to hit the button you want (on a small phone screen, anyway.) It's almost impressive to have such an inconvenient interface for a visual novel, of all things, especially considering they were hardly lacking the space to put bigger buttons on their massive grey canvas. As far as first impressions go, this game does a poor job from the get-go at convincing me that this will be a worthwhile experience. Even only considering other fan-games, I've seen better efforts. In fact, I've exclusively only seen better efforts.


    Among the initial buttons on the start screen, there's a 'Load Game' option and 10 separate save slots, which is hilarious considering the game can be finished in under an hour by anyone who feels enough shame to realise there are better things to do in life. There's also a 'Help' button which does nothing on my device, and a 'Preferences' menu which offers you, surprisingly, more toggles and customisation than the actual main-series games. Unfortunately, most of it is nonsense. For instance, there's a joystick button (for a fucking visual novel), which I can't seem to use - although, knowing the premise for this game, I'm not sure I'd want to use a joystick anyway. There's also a sound effect slider which, funnily enough, wasn't thought out properly. Pressing any button in the menu will play the sound effect of the judge's gavel, but the 'Test Sound' button plays another sound effect for testing purposes (the sound which plays when you advance dialogue), on top of the judge's gavel, in effect playing two sound effects simultaneously, when there was clearly only meant to be one. As if I wasn't already convinced the lowest amount of thought and effort possible went into this game. Finally, there's also a 'Quit' button, which I almost pressed on instinct before starting the game proper.

    (From this point onwards in the review, I'll be covering everything in less thorough detail since I feel I've already abundantly gotten across the point that this game is just terrible. It's good to have that off my chest. Unfortunately for me though, Athena still has a lot she wants on her chest.)

    You can barely see the options in the lower left-hand corner, despite the background being completely black.

    The game starts, in usual Ace Attorney fashion, on a screen that tells us the date (which reveals the game is set between DD and SoJ. You know, in case that's something you wanted to know.) There's a ant-sized selection of options in the lower left-hand corner which are even more difficult to use than the buttons on the home screen. Among them, however, are auto-scroll and 'back' options for text, which are things none of the official games have in any capacity (besides maybe the text log in DD & SoJ, which isn't really the same thing), so bonus points for that.

    Though it may only have been an issue on my end, for the sake of a fair review I would like to draw attention to the fact that I somehow managed to crash the game on the second text box. Upon starting the game the second time is when I realised that the default text speed is aggravatingly slow, so I'm at least thankful for a slider in the menu to adjust that, though I feel the text speed should have matched the official game's from the start.

    And so begins the plot...

    This line at the start of the game I suppose is going for foreshadowing. It sounds a little ominous, but not suspicious enough for me to have payed it any particular heed on my first play-through (and before you ask, I did play through this twice for the sake of a fair review.) The next line shows us, not DD-era Phoenix, but rather Hobo-Nick, which needlessly screws with continuity, and they don't even bother to tell us why he's dressed like that. Turnabout Sisters also starts playing here, which is utilised wrongly in the context, considering it's Maya's theme, who is, thankfully, nowhere to be seen in this game.

    Anyway, Apollo shows up shortly after and the plot gets rolling. Some mildly expository dialogue reveals that the WAA team (minus Trucy, who's even more side-lined here than she was in DD, not appearing at all), have been investigating a case for several days, and that Athena has been repeatedly late for work for the same duration. Considering almost every case in the series goes to court the day after the crime has been committed, I'm almost inclined to count this as a plot hole, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume this case, for whatever reason, is an exception.

    Athena reveals in a very poorly written "recap" scene that the WAA is representing a woman called "Eileen Dintdoit". At least her surname in on par for your average AA pun name. Apollo also reveals the victim was Wendy Oldbag, and Phoenix has a legitimately humorous line where he says, "I thought that woman would outlive us all." This line got a real laugh out of me, so well done, I guess. As the exposition continues, the player is given the reasonably interesting makings of what could possibly have been a decent mystery case, but this game being written by someone who was more horny for fictional sex than intriguing murder plots, that's not something we'll ever have the satisfaction of solving in court.

    I'm going to end up going to all three anyway, aren't I?

    After all that, the player can choose between 1 of 3 locations to investigate (read: fuck in). This is about as non-linear as normal Ace Attorney gets, so I'll give it a pass here, but whenever you actually arrive in each scene, there's no ability to investigate or present things - removing the few gameplay elements there were to begin with in a visual novel is disappointing, to be sure. Going from top-to-bottom, I chose the crime scene first, which happens to again be Eldoon's Noodle Stand. Props for this game already referencing AJ:AA more than DD itself did. It's here where Athena runs into Klavier Gavin. Athena points out that Franziska was meant to be prosecuting, which suggests that Athena even knows who Franziska is, and that international prosecuting prodigy Franziska Von Karma has stepped down from taking interpol-level cases to prosecute some basic small-town murder. And oh, Franziska was apparently in this scene all along. I feel here is as good a place as any to point out that characters in this game don't have traditional sprites; rather they just have a still artwork, similar to how "sprites" in the Danganronpa games are. Just using still artwork is a little less excusable here though, since all the characters who appear in this game already have pre-existing sprites, so not implementing them just reeks of cutting corners and the whole game suffers from looking "flat" and uninteresting as a result.

    Is that a warning or a challenge?

    Franziska and Klavier bluntly tell Athena she can't investigate after a poor attempt of characterisation which ironically makes everyone seem vaguely out-of-character, since the game's writer has a minimal grasp on how these characters should act. It's here where Athena first uses her "womanly wiles". The game gives you the "choice" who to pursue first, with a redundant warning that Franziska's route is kinky. I'm reluctant to use the word choice here, since if you have little enough shame to play the entire game through, you'll end up fucking everyone anyway. I chose Franziska first, since as Athena says herself, "she has that edge."

    Mr. Wright is a damn liar!

    Athena pulls Franziska off to the side (or just the same screen, sans Klavier), and starts rapidly flirting with Franziska. Apparently, her sheer nerve and gumption are enough to avoid being whipped (for the time-being.) Athena also mentions here the time Mr. Wright apparently saw Franziska cry, though I'm entirely positive that Edgeworth was the one in that scene and not Nick, but whatever. Somehow this pathetic ploy works on Franziska, and they go somewhere else more suitable for sex; Tres Bien (which still hasn't cleaned up after the incident in 3-3.) Thing's of note during this scene are that there's a surprise witness called "Willy Eedfarm", that Jean Armstrong apparently owes Athena a favour "no questions asked" (which gives me the mental image of Athena being a Tigre-esque loan shark), that Widget is capable of lying, and that there's a safe word button ("Foam"), which instantly skips any sex scene. Kind of defeats the main selling-point of the game if I'm being honest. Not being a loser myself, I will refrain from using it. I'll avoid detailing each sexual encounter in great detail, but you can probably get the gist about what Franny's was like (hint: very aggressive whip-play.) I will note, however, that I'll never be able to appreciate some of the pursuit themes the same way ever again and I was deeply uncomfortable with how Godot's drinking sound effect was used (that was the best link I could find, just imagine it being used repeatedly in rapid succession). Also, Athena it seems has had a "long crush" on Franziska, which would be very scrutable if we were strictly adhering to continuity, but I stopped caring a while back.

    You don't have to tell me...

    After "20 minutes of recovery", I went back to Klavier. Here, Athena doesn't even bother flirting and straight-up just sexually harasses him. He thankfully goes with it rather than filing a legal complaint, and he takes her to his car, which I believed was Pal Meraktis' (and also, Klavier rides a bike), but it would appear not.

    Me too, non-budget-conscious Athena. Me too...

    Poor Klavier seriously thinks that Athena's legitimately interested in him and doesn't consider that she's blatantly using him to gather information. Again, sticking to just the highlights, it seems he only knows how to finger a guitar, he's actually called Kristoph (seriously, his text boxes for this scene always refer to him as Kristoph for whatever reason), and he's extremely premature.

    A Steel-Samurai worthy finishing move.

    Moving right on, next is Apollo, who's in the precinct with Ema! Unfortunately, she leaves very soon after and only exists in this game to be a tease. God, I sound like I'm seriously getting into it now, don't I? Just for Ema, I swear.

    Does Ema ever call her \"Thena\" in SoJ?

    Anyway, Apollo and Athena retreat to the Agency to discuss the case. Except they get immediately side-tracked by Athena being horny (she must be a true nymphomaniac since she's already had 2 rounds so far), and in an entirely unprofessional manner, they get right down to business. The takeaways of note here are that Athena's a switch and has disgustingly little regard for good hygiene, Apollo likes to match his colours, and that the writer doesn't know how to spell carpet ("carbet", if you're interested). I should also point out that this is the only sex scene which doesn't reveal any useful details about the case, meaning that even a shitty smutty fangame can't escape third-case filler syndrome.

    Lastly, Athena goes to meet with Phoenix at Tres Bien. The game says she promised to meet him there for lunch, but after playing through this abomination twice, I honestly can't remember whether it ever said this earlier. Regardless, Phoenix reveals here that Oldbag (or as he calls her, "Wendy") had tickets in her "pocker" for Hawaii, establishing a motive beyond "Oldbag is annoying". Hilariously, after 3 encounters with characters who immediately realise Athena's making a move, Nick sincerely doesn't get what she's saying until after a superfluous amount of elaboration, despite Athena being blatantly obvious. He even returns home and changes into his Dual Destinies suit after being told to without understanding why. He seems to have figured it out by the time he gets back, however.

    If you were uncomfortable with Trucy calling Nick "daddy" for some reason, let's just say you may wish to skip this one. Athena is surprised by how ripped Nick is, but judging by the time he got hit by a car and survived with just a sprained ankle, that shouldn't come as news - it would appear she isn't familiar with his SoJ DLC costume. Honestly, Nick's scene is probably the funniest in the game just because he's so casual and blunt about everything. There's also apparently a bed in Tres Bien.

    That's right! Get your priorities straight Athena!

    After completing all of the sexcapades the game has to offer, Athena will finally be able to present her case, after hopefully taking an STI test first. It's probably a bad sign that whenever Athena says "my client's getting off" being completely sincere for once, I immediately thought of the impure alterative, but that's to be expected with this game. Athena summons all of her previous fuck-buddys to meet with her in the defendant's lounge (presumably Klavier is there too but was cut since he wouldn't fit in the game's 4:3 screen real-estate.)

    Seriously, why is this game in 4:3? 16:9 artwork for all the backgrounds used in game do exist.

    It's at this point that Athena confesses that she herself was the one who killed Oldbag. For all the crap I've given this game, I can at least say I didn't expect that plot twist (though they could have at least played more impactful music than 'Courtroom Lobby 2007' for the reveal.) There is certainly an argument to be made for her being out-of-character here. Sure, Athena in the actual games never went around relentlessly fucking her co-workers in semi-public locations, but she was also the same girl who let Apollo tie her up in the middle of court in 5-3, so I'm willing to let that aspect slide. Her committing murder on the other hand, is another issue. Maybe the motive would have justified it, but not in this case, as the reason Athena killed Oldbag was to plant false evidence which, apparently, would only be found by 1 person each, and she used each disparate thread of the case as an excuse to fuck each person. If that somehow made more sense to you than it did to me, then good for you. As utterly stupid as it sounds, there's at least a marginally funny line which follows. It doesn't justify the poor ending, it just makes it a little bit funnier. The game then says it hopes the player got enjoyment out of the game. My personal verdict is that I chuckled like 3 times in an hour and felt very uncomfortable for the rest of my playtime, so I'll consider that a "no".

    Points for self-awareness?

    The sole credit of the game (though I wouldn't be at all surprised whether the person no longer wants to be associated with it) is that of AtheneAllen, who states they hope Capcom doesn't issue a cease and desist, and considering the game's been out for at least 3 years, I'll count that a success on their part. To be fair, if I worked in Capcom, I wouldn't want anything to do with this either.

    My final verdict on the game then is that it's utterly terrible and exactly as anti-climactic as you'd expect. Seriously, don't play it, and especially don't write a 3,000 word review on it.

    submitted by /u/galactar7
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