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    Friday, December 27, 2019

    Ace Attorney I’d like to end this year off with a meme.

    Ace Attorney I’d like to end this year off with a meme.

    I’d like to end this year off with a meme.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST

    *Cries in good ol times*

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:27 AM PST

    I don't really like Franziska

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:26 AM PST

    Happy Boxing Day!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:56 AM PST

    My collection is becoming Bigger

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:16 PM PST

    ��&�� [OC]

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:09 AM PST

    Daily Ace Attorney Art Post #46: Polly (hic) you-you’re a good man, unlike that glimmering fob of a prosecutorrrr....

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    DGS English Translation 2.4.1 is Released

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:35 PM PST

    Adventure of the Runaway Room and Takumi's Growth as a Writer

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:09 PM PST

    I've always believed that the original trilogy was the peak of the Ace Attorney series but the further I play into DGS, the more I am convinced the DGS duology will inevitably dethrone the original trilogy or any other game Ace Attorney players may herald as the best in the series. Having just completed DGS1-3, I wanted to share my thoughts on the game so far and how far Shu Takumi has come as a writer since debuting Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney over 18 years ago.

    Minor Spoiler TL;DR

    Over the course of a single day trial Shu Takumi has managed to blend investigations/court segments into one, introduce a new gameplay mechanic in the form of the Closing Argument, provide Ryuunosuke with character development Phoenix had not received until the end of JfA, introduce a compelling villain who is a combination of a (competent) Redd White and Matt Engarde, and establish a mysterious prosecutor who doesn't need an exaggerated characteristic to pique the player's interest. Takumi has stated there were numerous things he would change if he could redo the original trilogy and it's evident that he kept these ideas in mind when developing the DGS duology.

    Please note that there will be major spoilers ahead so do not read past this point if you have not played past DGS1-3.

    Blending Investigations/Court Segments

    There has always been some disconnect amongst the fans when it comes to investigation segments and court segments. Many prefer one to the other but it can be agreed upon that one without the other typically lends itself to weaker cases - that is until DGS1-3 came along. DGS1-3 starts off with what seems to be a court only trial but Takumi interweaves the two segments together by having the murder take place on an omnibus, a vehicle which can directly be presented as evidence. This allows us to investigate the omnibus in the midst of hearing testimony, lending to a more real-time experience where we know what clues to look for rather than blindly scanning a crime scene. The omnibus is used masterfully by Takumi as it serves not only as a means for us to investigate while in court but also as a means for the perpetrator to fabricate evidence.

    Closing Argument

    The closing argument with the jurors is a simple but effective new gameplay mechanic. It isn't too gimmicky like say a Mood Matrix or a bracelet that allows you to see when someone twitches their finger, but it is a change of pace from simply finding the contradiction in testimonies using evidence. Here you find the contradiction amongst the jurors' words themselves and have them clash with one another. Having the spotlight on the jurors and the short cutscene with Ryuunosuke pacing around make this feel more like a genuine court cross examination than the actual cross examination segments do.

    Ryuunosuke's Character Development

    I mentioned in my previous DGS post how Ryuunosuke developed an incredible amount over the course of his first trial and this trial proved no different. The dilemma of defending one's client vs uncovering the truth was something Phoenix did not face until the end of JfA but in only Ryuunosuke's second court appearance, he is already tackling this issue head on. At the start of the trial Ryuunosuke sticks with what he has learned about the role of a defense attorney - to act in the interests of the defendant. However he's actively learning what it means to be a defense attorney as the trial progresses. It isn't long until he realizes that the person he is defending is not only an immoral person, but likely the culprit as well. He hesitates at first but when push comes to shove Ryuunosuke shows his resolve by opting to pursue the truth rather than a false verdict. It doesn't matter to Ryuunosuke that losing the trial means him and Susato will no longer be able to participate in the law exchange program - what matters is that justice is served.

    Compelling Villain

    We've only just been introduced to Cosney Megundal in this trial but it seems likely that he will be the main villain of this game. From what we've seen so far, I'd already categorize him as one of the series' top villains. His control over the judicial system by bribing the police is similar to the influence Redd White held and his ability to uphold a positive image that deceives jurors like the sweet old lady is similar to Matt Engarde's facade. However Megundal is far more competent than these two. From his exchange with van Zieks it's obvious that Megundal has been tampering with courtroom trials in London for a long time and he's gotten away with it every time. This murder trial was van Zieks's opportunity to put Megundal away for good but Megundal planned far in advance and had Gina Lestrade smokescreen the courtroom allowing him enough time to tamper with the omnibus and make it look as if two innocent people had committed the murder. His ability to form cohesive arguments and prove said innocent people's relations to the victim and paint possible motives for both of them with no help from the defense make him all the more formidable. His knowledge of the legal system allows him to downplay both the prosecutor and defense attorney's memories of the untampered omnibus as unreliable because neither side has sufficient evidence to prove otherwise. He even has the audacity to nonchalantly admit to Ryuunosuke after the trial that he bribed the investigators to ensure his innocence will be proven. In the cutscene that follows we bear witness to the omnibus being burned down with someone trapped inside it. Megundal is nefarious, cunning, manipulative, and above all capable. He has the potential to be the series' greatest villain.

    Mysterious Prosecutor

    After hearing Barok van Zieks's initial introduction by Cosney Megundal as the Grim Reaper of the Court I was prepared for another undefeated prosecuting prodigy with some weird quirk - perhaps he was going to carry around a scythe and wear a black hood. It was a relief when that turned out not to be the case. Barok van Zieks is a breath of fresh air from the prosecutor archetype we've grown accustomed to. While he has his rude and condescending moments, it becomes apparent that he isn't hell-bent on getting a guilty verdict and is only interested in the truth. Takumi does a fantastic job of showing and not telling the kind of man van Zieks is - not once during the trial does van Zieks withhold evidence or witness testimony he may deem unnecessary. My favorite part of van Zieks's character is that he doesn't have a single flustered animation - a testament to his calm and collected nature without us having to be told directly. It seems he's never caught off guard and even gracefully accepts defeat in the end. Some might deem van Zieks to be boring and emotionless, but I would argue the opposite. Despite not having an overly exaggerated character trait, he still manages to pique the player's interest. Why did he disappear from the courts for 5 years and how exactly did he come into conflict with Megundal in the first place? Barok van Zieks shouldn't just be seen as Mr. Doom and Gloom as he offers some genuinely funny moments in the form of breaking his wine glass, tossing his wine glass into fire, and slamming his boots onto the bench followed by a "plead" for forgiveness - all while maintaining a completely straight face.


    I've said it before but I think it's worth mentioning again how breathtaking the soundtrack is. Honestly if there were a Grammy Awards for video game OSTs, DGS would sweep every category. In my previous DGS post I noted how Kazuma Asougi's theme had become my favorite character theme and after this trial the DGS Announce the Truth theme has become my favorite truth theme. The organ and violins that are featured so prominently in this track are hauntingly beautiful and create a high stakes dramatic effect none of the other Announce the Truth themes can quite match up to.


    Takumi has truly grown as a writer over the years and I look forward to whatever games he has in store for us in the future whether they be a part of the Ace Attorney franchise or not.

    submitted by /u/precurrentpostmalone
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    What did Godot want to happen in 3-5 in terms of the murder taking place?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:41 PM PST

    Wanted to avoid using spoilers in the title, so what I am specifically reffering to is the whole events of what occured on the mountain at the temple. He of course knew Morgan's plans to have Pearl channel Dahlia. So he had Misty make attempts to stop Pearl from being at the temple at 10pm, to no avail. But they could have done a lot more to either prevent Pearl from going, or even stop Pearl from reading the mail from Morgan. So this makes me think did he want the events to unfold that night, was he always planning on having Misty channel Dahlia so he can have his change to enact his revenge on Dahlia? Or did he want the opportunity to appear as a hero to Maya and Mia?

    submitted by /u/Koolaidmoonwalk
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    Phoenix Wright’s voice actor doing a Dr. Hotti impression ��������

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:19 PM PST

    This is the second digital price I've EVER done, so I know it looks bad, but here's Phoenix!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:07 PM PST

    Other magatama users?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:54 PM PST

    One thing about justice for all that I always loved was the introduction of the Magatama or Psyche Lock mechanic, which has been a staple for the series since, but here's the thing. If the Magatama can be charged with spiritual power by a spirit medium and then Phoenix, a lawyer without spirit powers has access to supernatural abilities, does that mean ANYONE who gets a charged Magatama has the same ability, or is it unique per person? Thoughts as I'm really confused by it.

    submitted by /u/MagicalNewsMan
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    The Great Ace Attorney is one of the best ace Attorney games ever.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:39 PM PST

    I'm really happy they let Shu Takumi do his own thing with this game, the writing is witty and very entertaining even out of the courtroom sections (Also props to scarlet study for the translation, they did a very good job on it). This also had one of the best cast of characters in all of the games. I really can't wait until the next game is localized.

    With that being said, if someone from scarlet study does actually read this. When can we expect the next localization to come out.

    submitted by /u/Bro-thru
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    DGS2 Case 1

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:46 PM PST

    I am stuck on the second cross examination. Anyone mind helping me aside so that I don't accidentally spoil anything?

    submitted by /u/mistressdizzy
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    looking for ace attorney v layton full cover scan

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:40 PM PST

    Got ace attorney v layton from gamestop but it didnt come with a cover. Can anyone help

    submitted by /u/comicmaster140
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    Oh my god another new AA game

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:44 AM PST

    Dual Destinies DLC case

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:07 AM PST

    Hey quick question, i am making my way through the main series and i have now arrived at Dual Destinies case 2, and i was just wondering when do i play the DLC case? Do i just play it after or should i play it in a specific order? Asking just in case, cause i want the most optimal way of playing the game possible :)

    submitted by /u/feyandcolawservices
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    In one of the early DGS2 trailers, the victim in case 2 was swapped with someone else's to hide his identity. They forgot to remove his hat though lol

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:28 AM PST

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