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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Ace Attorney I drew a bunch of chaotic Mayas!

    Ace Attorney I drew a bunch of chaotic Mayas!

    I drew a bunch of chaotic Mayas!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    Daily Ace Attorney Art #25: A friendly competition!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:01 AM PST

    Just got the manga for Ace Attorney

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Finished with Dual Destinies finally! Here are some thoughts.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:34 PM PST

    Okay, so I'd like to start by saying that this might just be the best Ace Attorney that I've played thus far (with AAI2 pretty much right there with it).

    You may recall that I finished Apollo Justice a couple of months ago and made a HUGE post with my detailed thoughts on it. This one's going to be a bit less detailed, but please feel free to ask for my opinion on anything I didn't comment on :)

    In the first case, I felt ecstatic, like a small child, to see Phoenix Wright in action once again. I had major chills during the opening cutscene where he puts his suit back on for the first time. It is true that his character isn't entirely consistent with his portrayal in Apollo Justice, but in all honesty, it wasn't a deal-breaker for me. Though he did mostly return to being his usual green self, it's clear that he's definitely still got it, and that's enough for me. In short, I was satisfied with Phoenix in this game.

    Apollo was cool too! I wouldn't say he was my favorite part or anything, but I really enjoyed his character development throughout with his doubt towards Athena and such. It was unexpected, and something that a main protagonist like him needs in order to become a more interesting character. I also am glad that they expounded upon his backstory, introducing Clay as part of his childhood. Overall, they did a great job with him in this game.

    Athena. I had some mixed feelings on her. When the game first started and she was introduced, I cringed. She didn't seem like the kind of character I'd want to hang around very long, what with her bumbling clumsiness and overall loudness. For the first half of the game, my feelings did not change. I found her to be somewhat annoying, and I didn't find playing as her in case 3 to be quite as fun as playing as Apollo or Phoenix. But, when case 4 came around, and she began to show more signs of vulnerability and tell of her tragic past, I became interested. She began to grow on me. Here was a well-rounded character who, by the end, felt far more like an actual person rather than a silly new protagonist to play as. The fact that she became a lawyer to protect Blackquill was the kicker for me and what made me finally begin to warm up to her. I like her. Still not one of my favorites, but I do.

    Blackquill. This man is awesome. As far as prosecutors go, he's probably among the best. He's ruthless but also rational. He's intimidating but also likes to have a bit of fun in court. He's intelligent and argues well. He's a master manipulator who can wrap any witness around his finger. He's got an edgy vibe going but is also very likable, especially as you progress. I really like this guy. I knew from the start that he was probably falsely convicted, so that didn't surprise me; the fun part was discovering why he took the blame for the crime, and the massive story behind it. I was delighted that he was able to receive a happy ending, and left very pleased with his character.

    I will now discuss the massive, earth-shattering plot twist. In addition to my Apollo Justice post you may ALSO recall a post that I made around the same time wherein I lamented how someone had messaged me privately, spoiling the masterminds for the final three games in the series. Fulbright was among them. Naturally, I was suspicious of the good detective the second I laid eyes on him. But, as the game went on, I began to think "There's no way. This guy? Surely that spoiler was a red herring." The funny thing looking back on it is that it wasn't... but also was. My suspicions began to rise back up once again when Fulbright began to make it clear that he was present for the bomb evacuation. Knowing that he was there was enough to put him back on the list of suspects for me.

    So, when it came time for the trial to expose him, I had it figured it out in advance due to being spoiled. This made the twist a bit underwhelming, as you might imagine. So, I continued to play, wishing I had never been spoiled because it would have been such an awesome twist. But then, Edgeworth showed up and announced that Bobby Fulbright had been dead this whole time. My heart stopped. Then, Fulbright removed the mask to reveal Solomon Starbuck, and I flipped. Starbuck was number 2 on my suspect list after Fulbright, so I (foolishly) thought that he must be phantom after all. Then he removed THAT mask to reveal Professor Means, and it was here that I understood what was happening.

    The phantom is nobody, because he is a *spy.* He is a master of disguise. He is trained to forget himself to become other people. And it was then that I realized that the spoiler I had heard was, in fact, *not entirely correct after all.* This made my excitement for this game, drained by being spoiled, come rushing back all at once. I realized that the reason I had been told Fulbright was the mastermind was because that person *couldn't name anyone else.* The Phantom is just the Phantom. That's all we know about him, and it added a layer of mystery that I loved. In short, the twist was phenomenal and perhaps the best so far, second to AAI2's twist.

    In conclusion, the game was awesome. I loved every second of it. The anime cutscenes, the soundtrack, and the various villains and side characters were also things that I thought were strong, and it makes me excited to continue onto Spirit of Justice in the near future.

    If you made it this far, what do you think of the game? And if you'd like to hear my opinions on anything else that went unmentioned, please ask to your heart's content (as I know I left out several things). Thanks for reading and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/JorgTheCurious
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    Ace attorney x Danganronpa

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:50 AM PST

    What is Gumshoe’s salary anyway?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:00 PM PST

    I wonder..

    at this point is it $100/ case?

    submitted by /u/poolside123
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    Learnt Cornered and I even added drums!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:39 PM PST

    What do y’all hope for in the future of this series? [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:38 PM PST

    Now that Apollo's staying in Kurain along with Ema (in the end credits scene she said she had to work in Kurain), I hope we get an Apollo Justice game with mostly the characters from the the first AJ game. That way, hopefully the classic PW characters (Gumshoe, Larry, Edgeworth, etc) can hopefully come back in a future game, either a PW game or an Athena game, that feels more like a classic but better trilogy game.

    submitted by /u/BorezU
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    [Spoilers] It’s funny. Not too long ago I was thinking to myself, “Franziska and Klavier were the only main prosecutors to not have some sort of murder conviction at some point.”

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:21 PM PST

    And theeeeeeeeeen Turnabout Ablaze.

    submitted by /u/timothysonofsam
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    Did a cover of Objection! 2002 in the style of the modern AA games

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST

    My inner Phoenix Wright manifested yesterday

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:15 AM PST

    Let me explain, in the past I was waaaaay too obsessed with Ace Attorney as a whole and I loved to imitate the characters specially the objection moments, after some time I came to the conclusion that ,that was kind of dumb so I stopped it.

    But yesterday a friend wasn't feeling well (emotionally and physically) so I sent her good wishes but she started to blame herself and to insult herself. Fact about myself I usually am a supportive person that hates that people become their own worst enemies and that negatives vibes start to win the fight. So in a heart-beat without hesitation I sent her a message saying "OBJECTION!" then the world kind of stopped and AT music started playing in my mind and I basically sent her a page or two of she was an amazing person.

    I felt an overwhelming security and courage afterwards, and the day passes and I woke up to a message thanking me for not letting her negative thoughts win the fight. I was getting a not guilty verdict.

    TL;DR: A friend was feeling down and blaming herself for things out of her control so I basically wrote her some arguments AT style of why she was incredible (with and objection and everything). Everything turn all right in the end

    submitted by /u/barto9991
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    We freaking love this game. I can't believe I never played this when it first came out! Fiancee and I continue our Blind Play-through!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:55 AM PST

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