• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 13, 2019

    Ace Attorney When you hear Pursuit ~ Cornered:

    Ace Attorney When you hear Pursuit ~ Cornered:

    When you hear Pursuit ~ Cornered:

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 11:14 AM PST

    klavier gavin render test

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:20 PM PST

    Nightly Suekane Himoko Art Day 1:

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:53 PM PST

    Phoenix Wright has DECISIVE evidence on the matter, Mr. Furio Tigre...

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    End of the Dai Gyakuten Saiban YouTube Channel

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:00 PM PST

    Back when Dai Gyakuten Saiban was released, I was happy to try and help make this unreleased game visible to the fans of the series. There's been lulls in activity, drama, and lots more behind the scenes. However, in the end we wanted to bring the game to you guys. Scarlet Study did a fabulous job with the first game, and I'm well assured that the second game's translation will be equally fantastic. However, it's nearing 2020. For some of you, this doesn't mean much, but for YouTube content creators this means the implementation of draconian COPPA laws being enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. I won't go into detail on what COPPA is, however what's important is that videos must now be classified as kid friendly or not kid friendly. Now normally a game about a murder mystery I could mark my videos as "not kid friendly" and just move on with my life. However, I cannot do that. Video games and let's play-like videos are being considered as kid friendly, or kid directed, content. If I were to mark my videos as not kid friendly, and those videos are reviewed by a YouTube/FTC drone who considers it to be kid friendly... Well I get hit with a $42,000 fine. There is no recourse to that. They don't just remark it for you if they consider it to be improperly categorized. The FTC will enforce the amendments to COPPA from 2013, and will hit you with that fine. It's draconian and this spells the end for YouTube. First ads stopped being put on videos that weren't family friendly. Now if you are family friendly, you must mark your videos as such which will disable your comments and monetization efforts. Now the money part doesn't concern me, because I don't make money off these videos. But every content creator, even someone who uploads videos for friends or family, must abide by these new regulations or face this fine. Lawmakers have laughed about how moderate this fine is, but in reality it will bankrupt most content creators who might mislabel their videos. $42,000 is more money than some families make in an entire year. If I mark my videos as kid friendly, all my comments get disabled. I am no longer able to interact with people or notify the viewers when an update to the video is made. As a result, and after tons of internal debate, I have decided to pull the plug on nearly five years of work. Whether or not my videos are "kid directed" are not up to me or a clear set of rules set by the FTC. Rather, the FTC has full discretion on whether or not a video is "kid directed."

    This is not like when Capcom has a mass take down of the channel a while ago. There I had the recourse to counter claim their copyright strikes. And they didn't respond to the counter, so the videos stayed up. But at this point, I don't see a reason to keep on going. YouTube is going to fail and die as a result of these changes, and I'd rather not accidentally forget or mislabel a video and get fined by the FTC because of that. There is no discretion here. There are no set of rules for people to follow in these changes. The regulations input by the FTC are so broad and they get full discretion over it. In the end, I don't like those odds. Even though there are people working with me on this project, in the end I'm the one who owns the channel and uploaded the videos. I am fully responsible for these videos. If I mess up, I get fined. The broad expansion from kid-directed to child-attractive is the major issue. Even people who might exclusively do videos on Rated R movies or Rated M games... Those videos could still attract a 12 year old. Even if a 12 year old isn't allowed to go into a Rated R film or purchase a Rated M game on their own, they attraction is still there for kids on YouTube. Honestly, this whole situation could be solved simply by telling parents to have their kids use YouTube Kids app, which moots the point of targeted ads on kids. But because parents are lazy and would rather blame the YouTuber for not monitoring their kids, we get this. So what happens? In the next month or so, I'll be removing all the videos from my YouTube to avoid any chance of being screwed over by the FTC. I just can't allow that to happen. I am making this to alert you guys as to what is going on. If you want to archive the videos and subtitles, you can do that. I am permanently stepping down because of this. It's sad because I wanted to avoid stopping the translation before we finished the games. That was the point of this channel. But I simply cannot risk it. I cannot risk losing everything for this project. I just can't. If you even check out the YouTube support thread on this, you will see that their guides pretty much say "The FTC has full control." And that's what's happening. The US federal government now has complete control over how private citizens make entertainment, even if said entertainment is not monetized in the first place. This is a problem, and despite the noise that content creators are beginning to make, it won't change anything. Because this decision is not up to YouTube, like the verification marks were. Rather the FTC has full discretion in the livelihood of professional content creators and simply just people wanting to have fun with videos as a hobby. I hate the fact that I had to write this. I hate the fact that four years of hard work have gone down the drain. I hate the fact that YouTube did this to their users. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry this happened. I've had a lot of fun and learned a lot while doing this project. But all good things come to an end. And I'm afraid this is over now. Again, DGS 2 is not dead in the waters thanks to the team over at Scarlet Study. But the days of semi-constant YouTube updates is over. Thank you all for your continued support over the years, through the thick and thin. This project wasn't possible without the support of the hardcore Ace Attorney fans. Thank you all for everything.

    submitted by /u/DGSYouTube
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    We live in a court

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:25 AM PST

    Tbh didnt know this was possible

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:42 PM PST

    Ace Attorney reference in episode 8 of the anime Meganebu

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:00 PM PST

    Seriously, screw this guy

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:15 PM PST

    Giantess Maya is Hungry

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:49 PM PST

    What are your unpopular AA opinions?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:05 PM PST

    Just curious. For me, it's:

    • 2-3 wasn't terrible
    • Edgeworth is overrated
    • The best breakdown in the series was Godot, not Kristoph
    submitted by /u/Light58
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    A quick doodle before bed!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:03 AM PST

    The Finished Product!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:06 PM PST

    Larry as a lawyer

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

    Sketchy Sketch of Pearly Pear [OC]

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:52 AM PST

    Investigations 2 Length question

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:43 AM PST

    How long should each case take to beat on average?

    submitted by /u/CooperWinkler
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    The trilogy re-release should have incorporated the revisualization mechanic from DD.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 11:13 AM PST

    Generally I'm not a fan of the latest two main games, but revisualization is such an awesome way to end a case. Mechanically it's stupidly simple, of course, but it brings a great sense of urgency and accomplishment if you don't expect it.

    As it is, 1-4 ends with weird flashes of Mia that's basically a non-interactive version of the same thing. Having a revisualization moment instead would show Phoenix coming into his own for the first time.

    It would have required a bit of a rewrite, of course, but since the entire case has the B-plot of Maya being unable to talk to Mia I think it would have brought a cool coming-of-age thing out.

    submitted by /u/LimEJET
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