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    Monday, October 11, 2021

    Ace Attorney New Official Art for the 20th Anniversary!

    Ace Attorney New Official Art for the 20th Anniversary!

    New Official Art for the 20th Anniversary!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    Mia and Maya in their Ace Attorney 15th anniversary outfits

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Happy 20 years Ace Attorney!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 10:03 PM PDT

    When you have to cross-examine Larry

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Phoenix and Maya Commission I made for @al_theirin on twt!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    A thank you to the Ace Attorney Reddit Community…

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    So before I say anything, these are just my thoughts about the whole community in general and well let's just get right into it.

    Idk what to say to be honest but I just want to say thank you guys for making my life better every single day, and also ace attorney the video game as well. Let me explain…

    Everyday in school I always feel so depressed and always just lonely in general and well every time I felt this way I always go to this sub-Reddit and well the amount of fanart, memes, discussion about the future and ect always put a smile to me whenever something happens to me in school and well idk how to put it words but you guys are just amazing, I mean the amount of civil and nice comments I received every time is just amazing and I'm forever grateful for that. And also a huge shoutout to the creator of this subreddit ( I think I'm not sure to be honest) for being just civil and nice to me. You see whenever I joined a subreddit in different games I usually just get rude comments from the creator and well honestly just bad stuff from the creator in general and well it's nice for someone to be just nice and civil for once and honestly I really appreciated those moments. (I know who the creator of this subreddit by the way I just forgot how to spell his name and also linking it as well)

    But overall before this post gets to long, I just want to say…

    Thank you, for making a life of mine easier because of your effort I will forever remember these moments in this subreddit and never will forget about you guys and the game as well, you guys literally changed a person's life forever. :)

    submitted by /u/Codythegoat123
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    The Disappearance of Ace Attorney Investigations

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    So, I've been doing so looking through at the (incredibly low-key) 20th anniversary, and something that has stuck out to me is this;

    Ace Attorney Investigations has completely vanished.

    Seriously, it's not in the main functions of the website, it's not in any promo merch, it's not in the Capcom Café collaboration, it's not anywhere. Most strikingly, the new Tezuka collaboration has a corner dedicated to AA for its 20th, and Investigations is nowhere to be seen. The games are just...not being acknowledged.

    Anyone have any theories as to this decision? Because I've checked in on the 15th anniversary, and they were happily including the two games back then...

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    I brought the Phoenix Wright trilogy!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    I brought the Phoenix Wright trilogy on the switch and just entered the second episode, I love the music and voicing the characters and definitely don't regret buying this game, I might make a post each time I finish an episode.

    submitted by /u/maemoetime
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    The fact that the 3DS icons for the main game storyline look near similar to each other makes me confused.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    My tribute to the Reaper of the Bailey

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Dual Destination (5-5 spoilers) (by @modmad)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Are you expecting anything from the 20th anniversary?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    So as we all know, Ace Attorney's 20th anniversary is coming up in only a few days, and so far, we've heard nothing whatsoever.

    EDIT: Apparently a lot of information popped up that initially flew under my radar, so (almost) everything I'm drawing from is completely false. I'm going to keep all my old thoughts here for reference (just downsize it a little), so refer to the comments for all that updated stuff.

    That being said, I originally made this post to try and spark a bit of conversation and see if there's anything you guys are expecting (especially now that there's clearly a lot of information I don't know) or even just hoping for, no matter how crazy it is, so feel free to contribute in that way now that any sliver of hope I had has been torn apart xD

    As u/RainSpectreX brought to out attention very recently, it's clear that Capcom are at least acknowledging it via a few pieces of really great art, which will most likely be released on the big day.

    Thanks to that big Capcom leak a while ago, we also know that both AA7 and a second trilogy consisting of AA4 through 6 are currently in development. However, considering how much later GAAC released compared to when it was supposed to (according to the roadmap, I think it's safe to assume that both of those projects are still a little way off.)

    So, with that being said, what (if anything are you expecting (or at the very least, hoping to see come out of the 20th anniversary?.)

    At this point, I think that if we get anything on AA7, it'll just be a little teaser or official confirmation of it's existence, maybe a trailer if we get really lucky. If we're going to get any game at all (which I doubt, considering we still had GAAC earlier this year, it's probably going to be the second trilogy. When you think about it, AA4 to 6 already exist in a clearer quality, single screen format on mobile devices, so porting them over to console and PC should be relatively easy. Seeing as three games have been available for quite some time now, I'd love to see it actually release on the day without any prior build up, but if everything else I haven't said is somehow not pushing it, then that definitely is.)

    Just as a little sidenote too, now that the GAA games have been officially translated and released overseas, what are the possibilities of finally seeing the same treatment with Ace Attorney Investigations? I believe u/RainSpectreX also made a post about the Investigations games having basically vanished from any official sources, so do we think this could be because they're gearing up to refresh it or something like that? Again, it's a bit of a stretch, but if I'm right then I'll basically be a hero I think.

    Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the entire situation. Realistically speaking, I think we're gonna maybe get those couple of art pieces and nothing else, maybe a teaser several months after the anniversary has gone by, a bit like what Persona seems to be doing this year too. The release of GAAC was already more than I was expecting so I'd be content if that was all we got, but seeing as GAAC hasn't been listed as Anniversary material (much like SOJ and AAI2 were), I can't help but hope for more.

    Given that Covid has probably thrown everything off, I think it's best to keep our expectations as low as possible, but mind is wont to flit! By all means, if you've got any theories, hopes, or info I don't know about, let me know!

    submitted by /u/Fluffyrox4
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    Should I play 5-6

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 09:14 PM PDT

    Simple question. Having finished DD this chapter is feeling kinda jarring and it seems its gonna be pretty long too. Also this whole "defending an orca" plot is making me go insane

    Is the chapter good or can I skip it and go to SoJ?

    submitted by /u/GioHiTech
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    How sad would you be if Capcom straight up ignores the 20th Anniversary of Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    I recently started playing Spirit of Justice, and felt like drawing Rayfa

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    A Possibly/Hopefully Final Idea for my AA7 Idea With a New Protagonist

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    My first idea ended up being too similar to TGAAC in my opinion, with your friend becoming a prosecutor and having to defend a guilty man in the third episode. I then considered another idea, but one person pointed out that the protagonist's first three clients were basically just Maya, Powers, and Edgeworth. I was basically forced to start from square one, so I used my (limited) creativity and thought of a (hopefully) unique idea.

    You play as a would-be defense attorney who never became a lawyer because he was falsely convicted of crimes. Instead of the game showing the protagonist's growth into an "ace attorney," it's about the protagonist's attempts to prove his own innocence and actually accomplish his dream. The protagonist will still have a father who is a defense attorney; I don't see any reason to change that.

    submitted by /u/AnythingMasterGabe
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    If Phoenix ever gets his final game as the protagonist, I hope the final scene is Trucy telling him that she's looking into becoming an attorney.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    That's all I have to say.

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Presenting: The Credits Scene I was Robbed of

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    The text speed in this game is driving me up a wall

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    The game has two modes: so slow you could read it aloud faster than it scrolls on screen, and Skip which occasionally will skip entire sequences of lines without turning autoplay on

    Why does it do this? Is there any way to just make the whole line of text appear at once without the next 6 boxes also being autoplayed?

    Edit: I figured out the problem, my finger was on the Switch touchscreen which counts as a held A press

    submitted by /u/CSDragon
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    I just finised TGAA1-3 and i have to say... wow. [Spoilers]

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    I literally just finished playing it with a friend. I wasn't at all expecting everything that happened, and it's the first time in the whole series (i've played everry aa game except these two) thet a non-guilty veredict has left me so... Bad. I just feel my body weird, i don't know how to describe it, i'm totally blank right now. I was on a neutral state with this game but now i need so much to keep playing and see what happens next.

    submitted by /u/MechinYT
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    Who’s your favorite Fey?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    TGAA Last Case Trial Part 3 Help

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    When Gina testifies about the "Truth of the Omni - Bus case" , I press her on every statement, but nothing happens. Do I need to present evidence?

    submitted by /u/ThatOneEngieMain1010
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    Which AA characters would you want on your team in Squid Game? (No Squid Game spoilers, but I recommend you watch the show before looking at this list)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 08:05 AM PDT

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