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    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    Ace Attorney The Fey siblings

    Ace Attorney The Fey siblings

    The Fey siblings

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 04:36 PM PST

    Edgeworth Watches Star Wars?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:30 AM PST

    Custom Edgeworth sticker I made in my graphic arts class��

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:26 PM PST

    Drew Athena Cykes on Ms Paint (sorry for the white background).

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:48 AM PST

    All the witnesses Edgeworth has called to the stand, and the number of times he needed to ask them for their names.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:49 PM PST

    Gumshoe (1-2) – once

    April – once

    Bellboy – no one ever asked

    White – had to ask three times

    Oldbag (1-3) – had to ask three times

    Sal – asked once, and then stared until he got a response

    Cody – asked twice, grumbled, then Mia asked

    Vasquez – once

    Angel – had to ask three times

    Gant (1) – didn't even get to ask

    Meekins – once

    Marshall – asked once, didn't get an answer, then just decided to say it himself

    Ema (1-5) – once

    Gant (2) – had to ask three times

    Lana – didn't even bother asking, just went ahead and said her name

    Gumshoe (2-4) - once

    Oldbag (2-4) - asked twice, never got an answer

    Adrian - introduced her by name, never asked

    Will - once

    de Killer - once

    Gumshoe (3-4) - once

    "Melissa" - asked once, then Mia asked

    Terry - no one asked

    Fulbright - introduced himself immediately

    Ponco - once

    Blackquill - no introduction needed

    Apollo - see above

    Ema (6-DLC) - once

    Larry - no once asked

    (Sorin and Pierce were asked by the Judge)

    submitted by /u/sumguy28
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    The one time Gumshoe sounds kinda cool saying "Objection", he's super heavily pixelated and Edgeworth immediately interrupts him after

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 04:39 AM PST

    so u/Creative_worm made a PSG inspired drawing of Athena Cykes, so i also drew Ms.Turnabout Sister in the same style

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:37 AM PST

    Edgeworth being a savage

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:55 PM PST

    Just finished 6-5... What a ride!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:36 PM PST

    Wow. Overall I felt like this was a really solid conclusion to a great entry in the franchise. I really enjoyed how much this case subverted my expectations. It was a wild trip from start to finish.

    I just wanted to recall each moment where I felt astonished by this case in detail, because the commentary I've read has focused on the general feelings towards the case and some of its characters, but I feel like the flow of this case was so interesting.

    • There's the intro where you transition from the declaration of revolution on TV to the Wright Offices. The rug has already been pulled out from under my feet:
      • We'll be playing as Apollo in the final case of a Phoenix Wright game? This is such a welcome surprise.
      • How the heck are we going to get all the way from here back to Khura'in? My heart drops at the prospect that I may have to plod through a long intro to reach the high-stakes intensity of the previous cases. Then Dhurke shows up out of nowhere. We've only just started and my expectations have already exploded.
    • Dhurke's characterization, especially in these early scenes, is fantastic. He really gives off this sense of someone who has endured so much tragedy that he's learned how to roll with the punches and keep his sense of humor in tense situations. His presence doesn't undermine dramatic situations - it punctuates them. In general, I love how in SOJ the stakes feel higher than ever, imbuing dramatic situations with a sense of gravity. Dhurke is a great example of this.
    • "Are Phoenix and Athena okay?" "Why is Phoenix back in the US?" The game holds the answer to these questions away from you for a surprisingly long time, like a dangling carrot, to great effect.
    • So we're going back to Khura'in, right? Nope. Kurain village to find the orb! Whaaaat. Again, I really love this sense of distance from the beginning of the case to where it clearly must end. It really makes you feel like you have to work your way to the ending. The murder case you end up having to solve in Kurain feels so disconnected from the revolution, and you have to wonder how you'll get there.
    • Did anyone else's heart sink when they saw the AMI vase and the gold statue in the apartment? They seriously stressed me out. They're a bit of a red herring for where the case is going, but they helped keep the tension going.
    • Hanging out with Pearl was awesome! I skipped the DLC for DD, so I found this part really fun.
    • The cave situation was a nice excursion. I really grew fond of Dhurke during this whole situation, and felt touched when he rescued Apollo. I felt like I understood Apollo's attachment to him, and started hoping everything would work out well in the end. In previous games in the franchise, I found some of the darkest moments were undermined by the traditional sense of humor, e.g. jarring transitions to Phoenix sweating bullets or thinking something sarcastic. In the cave there's very little of that. The sense of drama is kept intact throughout.
    • The first time Dhurke snaps and shows his anger (towards Atishon) is top-notch. His animation conveys a sense of righteous rage that the series has largely withheld from me over the years.
    • Finally, here's Phoenix Wright. But there's a twist - something is clearly wrong. The moment it became clear we were going to face off against him, my eyes lit up. I was so surprised and excited! The music in this situation is great. In my mind this is the first climax of 6-5.
    • The civil case has lots of fun moments. Atishon(-Wimperson) and Sarge are both great, and it's full of fan-service throughout. Some of the puzzles are interesting, and you start to see hints of how everything ties back to Khura'in. Dhurke revealing his own "Objection!" shout happens at the perfect opportunity.
    • I agree with the general sentiment that the motive for Phoenix's betrayal feels like a bit of a lazy retread of 2-4, but I really enjoyed how Maya being "kidnapped" helps disguise the larger Dhurke twist.
    • I felt tense during the whole "Not Guilty" verdict. Things are going too well. The game rewards my reservations with the Inga call. The bigger picture is falling into place and we're off to Khura'in!
    • When Dhurke goes into the tomb I feel nervous. "Please don't die!" is racing through my mind. The game has me exactly where it wants me to be emotionally. Not only will Dhurke seemingly survive this encounter, but Inga, the character I thought would be the final boss, will die. Once again, my expectations are upended. The relief and surprise I feel in this moment is a carefully-laid trap.
    • Poor Rayfa. :( The three cases really puts her through the wringer, obliterating and then carefully reconstructing her entire worldview. Each of your interactions with her feels meaningful - unlike so many other characters, she doesn't shrug off or forget previous events. She grows from them. Your time with her in the 6-5 investigation cements this.
    • Switching between Phoenix and Apollo is just fun. Building up details from the past case and modern case is intriguing as always. This really is the final chapter.
    • When Dhurke revealed he was "dying", I felt depressed. Still, the fact that he's still standing here means we can turn this all around and save him! Right...?
    • Ga'ran's reveal as the prosecutor of the final trial is an unexpected and welcome development. It's the biggest sense of a "final boss battle" I've gotten since Von Karma in 1-4. The game continues to synthesize highlights from previous entries in the franchise into a cohesive and satisfying finale.
    • Rayfa's failed Divination Séance is shocking. The animation here is heart-breaking. If I had any complaint, I wish the dance beforehand wasn't the stock cutscene, but instead was a modified version that conveyed her lack of confidence.
    • Amara is a nice fake-out. I bought it, hook, line, and sinker, even though in retrospect there was so much "off".
    • The emotional trap from the start of the case is sprung. Oh god, the Dhurke reveal. What a tragedy. I felt so bummed out once it finally sank in. The use of that song before Apollo presents the decisive evidence, and then his new animation when he breaks down in grief, hurts a lot. Dhurke's death flashback was also painful to go through. I teared up. You really feel like things will never be the same after this moment.
    • But what a fun case. When I heard Maya was in this game, I was super excited for more spirit channeling shenanigans, and the solution to this case doesn't disappoint at all.
    • Amara getting friggin' shot was intense!!! I had my headphones on and jumped a bit. The game focuses all your attention on her masterfully. I thought I was about to witness a breakdown.
    • Nahyuta was alright. Not the most satisfying conclusion to the case. In truth, I had somewhat hoped that he would be revealed the true murderer of this case, forcing Apollo to confront his adopted brother who had fallen off the good path in a heart-breaking subversion of the standard Edgeworth plotline that has played out time and time again throughout the franchise. They even could have swapped out the standard "Confrontation" music for the final cross-examination with something more poignant. But I digress.
    • Having to work your way through to the final revelation about the queen's spiritual power at gunpoint was very dramatic. I loved that unlike in AJAA's final case, this victory feels like it belongs entirely to Apollo. It's just satisfying. You can't help but root for him.
    • FINALLY, Apollo deciding to stay in Khura'in, completing his character's maturation throughout the past three games. I really respected that the game decided not to pull any punches here and committed to disrupting the status quo. What a nice conclusion.

    In summary, I feel like I just got off the world's greatest 13-hour roller-coaster.

    submitted by /u/akbiggs
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    [Fanart] I will go down with this ship

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:00 PM PST

    Can just in time for my sisters birthday

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:14 PM PST

    HAVE A LOOK at this NOT SO FAST speech bubble

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:17 AM PST

    spot the difference! ;)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:21 PM PST


    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:22 AM PST

    My tier list. I know I got a lot of unpopular opinions. (Sorry for bad quality but it should be easy enough to tell which is which.)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:32 PM PST

    My Hero Academia Ace Attorney crossover case ideas

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:34 PM PST

    What kind of case do you think could revolve around this concept? (I also think it would be funny to see the AA characters ask what quirks are and the MHA characters believe that the AA characters have quirks, which they pretty much do.)

    Here's my concept: Aizawa gets arrested on suspicion of murder. Why him specifically? Because he was last seen with the victim and the victim themselves had a quirk they could've used to escape death but no usage of their quirk was discovered and police suspect it's because Aizawa erased their quirk before the murder. It's now up to Apollo, with the assistance of Midoryia and Uraraka to solve the case.

    You can add on to this if you want or make your own concept!

    submitted by /u/FloofBoi64
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    When Do You Think The Next Game Will Be?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:13 PM PST

    It's been a good while since we've gotten anything new. Last new game was DGS2 in 2017 and the last thing to actually get released is the latest port of the trilogy. With the amount of time that's passed, there's usually some kind of statement or something, but we have nothing. I did do some thinking and I realized the 20th anniversary of the series is next year, so perhaps we can expect an announcement this year...?

    submitted by /u/Rehncohro
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    The ultimate case tier list, fully ordered with every game. Please roast my hot takes.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Next game?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:11 PM PST

    Hi so I'm very bad at keeping up to date with gaming news so sorry if it's been announced but does anyone know what the next game will be? Even if there's just another remake for Switch I'm hoping for SOMETHING.

    At least we have Murder by Numbers soon, I guess 🤷‍♂️

    submitted by /u/blade12344
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    [AA3] How do you pronounce “Mask��Demasque”?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:54 PM PST

    The text clearly indicates that "Mask Demasque" and "Mask🌟Demasque" are pronounced differently—as a joke, I should add—so what's in between the two other words in the 'correct' pronunciation?

    Is it Mask-Star-Demasque or something else?

    submitted by /u/al_fletcher
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    Is the meme ban still a thing in this subreddit?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:59 PM PST

    Which of these two characters is the worse ___?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:58 AM PST

    The blank is meant to be "mother/aunt."

    The question is, who is worse, Morgan Fey or Queen Ga'Ran?

    In my opinion I feel like the obvious answer is Morgan, she plotted to frame her niece of murder on one occasion, and have her killed on another occasion, with the help of little Pearl, who was too young or naive to say no or understand what was going on. Seriously, how much of an evil bitch can you be?

    But on the other hand, Ga'ran withheld the truth of her and her sister's identity from her "daughter" for her entire life, she murdered her own husband, and in Turnabout Revolution constantly insulted and discouraged Rayfa throughout the trial, including expressing her shame for Rayfa for not being able to go through with her father's Divination Seance.

    Who do you say is the worse maternal figure? I think it's Morgan, but I'd like to hear some arguments saying Ga'ran is worse.

    submitted by /u/timothysonofsam
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    (Another) Ace Attorney Cases Tier List (Mainline + Investigations)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:38 PM PST

    Hello everyone! I am aware that the tier list concept (even this specific one) has been done to death; nevertheless, I'd still like to post my list in hopes of sparking some good civil discourse. While I'm sure there is general consensus on the quality of certain cases, I'm sure there's bound to be some opinions of mine that may baffle some. I would write in further detail, but I'm not sure how this will be received, so if you have any queries for my placement of certain cases, feel free to probe.

    This intro is getting a bit long, but as a final note: the left->right order in the tiers is intentional and represents ranking within the specific tier. Thank you for taking the time to read :)


    submitted by /u/c-lings
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